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Well, the date is set...Goodbye Ohio!

Steve Butters

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The day is almost here to bail outta this place....Not heading to NC like I had planned though. I talked the gf into moving to Phoenix with me. My mom/stepdad will be moving the same day, making the combined moving effort a little easier. My mom will be keeping her job and working from home, and she's nice enough to let us crash at her place until we find jobs and get on our feet (hopefully a month or so and I can be out on my own again lol).

I'm extremely nervous, but also excited at the same time. I'm a very responsible person, so the thought of picking up and moving with nothing is kind of frightening for me. My aunt lives there and says she can help us both find jobs, and shes even going to fly me and my gf out there for a job fair soon so we can get the ball rolling.

I'm going to miss riding with you guys, especially you guys i ride with at marlboro mans shack...but I feel like its time for a new chapter in my life. I will still be on OR just as frequently, yall are like family.

I cashed out all my vacation time for $ and put in my notice at both of my jobs. My last day of work will be April 26th, and we will be hitting the road on May 1st!

Wish me luck....As excited as I am, I'm freaking out too lol....I feel good about it though, and can't wait!

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Bummer man. I'm sure I speak for many here when I say we'll miss hanging out with you. Don't freak out too bad. Worst case scenario it sucks, you hate it, you move back. I know of plenty of places you could crash if you come back. Best case scenario, Phoenix rocks and you never look back. Either way, you're set man. Good luck and have fun.

PS: This better mean I have a couch to crash on in Arizona if/when I make it out there. :D

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thanks for the well wishes everybody!! i cant wait

Bummer man. I'm sure I speak for many here when I say we'll miss hanging out with you. Don't freak out too bad. Worst case scenario it sucks, you hate it, you move back. I know of plenty of places you could crash if you come back. Best case scenario, Phoenix rocks and you never look back. Either way, you're set man. Good luck and have fun.

PS: This better mean I have a couch to crash on in Arizona if/when I make it out there. :D

Phoenix definitely rocks...I used to spend a lot of time there as a kid, my aunts and my gma live out there...and my little cousins (college age) so ill have some people to party and chill with (gotta get them on bikes! lol)

its beautiful there....and you will definitely always have a place to crash there (whenever i get my own place of course lol)

Damn Ginger, I was looking forward to the good times this spring/summer. You will be missed. Good luck in Phoenix.

me too! that was one of the best things about considering NC, I would be able to ride back here once or twice a year and party with you guys...i probably wont have the finances to hit the gap with you guys this year, but maybe next year!!....steph's mom and brother will still live here, and my other gma...so ill be in town hopefully once a year at least to visit...whenever i am, we will get together

Maybe we should have a Shack trip before he leaves........

best post in this thread!

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Congrats man! I knwo you have been pushing this around for a while and you are young enough that you will be just fine!! dont be a stranger before you leave! sounds like we will need to have a going away party maybe at Wayne or something before you leave.

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Isn't Cooter down that way?

Save up as much $$$ as you can between now and the end of April...you're gonna need it.

I wish you the very best in this new chapter of your life.

Yes I am.

Bummer man. I'm sure I speak for many here when I say we'll miss hanging out with you. Don't freak out too bad. Worst case scenario it sucks, you hate it, you move back. I know of plenty of places you could crash if you come back. Best case scenario, Phoenix rocks and you never look back. Either way, you're set man. Good luck and have fun.

PS: This better mean I have a couch to crash on in Arizona if/when I make it out there. :D

You already do.

I live east of Tucson about 3 hours from Phoenix. The house I'm buying is about 2.5 hours from Phoenix and about an hour from Inde Motorsports Track. Were closing on the house the 26th of February. Ive got a lot of friends from work who love Phoenix that's where they go to party. Vegas is within driving distance and cheap during the week.

To bad you aren't going to be down here sooner you could ride with me to the MotoGP race in Texas.

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Congrats man! I knwo you have been pushing this around for a while and you are young enough that you will be just fine!! dont be a stranger before you leave! sounds like we will need to have a going away party maybe at Wayne or something before you leave.

definitely need to have a get together before i go!! maybe we can do something at the shack and you can come down....i dont have any toys for wayne lol...ill most definitely be picking up a dirt bike though once im settled down there....endless places to ride it!

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that sounds like a blast! i wont be doing anything though for awhile haha....my main priority once im there is moving outta my moms place! ill be picking up nickles off the sidewalk if i have to lol

There's a lot of people scraping up change in Phoenix. Every winter more and more transients snowbirds and metal thieves come down here. Hell I thought metal theft was bad in Ohio people out here are stealing fences. I'm talking about miles of barbed wire at a time. So if your desperate there's always self employment. Lol.

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You already do.

I live east of Tucson about 3 hours from Phoenix. The house I'm buying is about 2.5 hours from Phoenix and about an hour from Inde Motorsports Track. Were closing on the house the 26th of February. Ive got a lot of friends from work who love Phoenix that's where they go to party. Vegas is within driving distance and cheap during the week.

To bad you aren't going to be down here sooner you could ride with me to the MotoGP race in Texas.

I'll make it out there one day. :)
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definitely need to have a get together before i go!! maybe we can do something at the shack and you can come down....i dont have any toys for wayne lol...ill most definitely be picking up a dirt bike though once im settled down there....endless places to ride it!

Those guys that go to the shack are dicks! :cool:

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