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stereotypes opinionated, mc clubs.


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My "issue" with MC clubs is all the bullshit high-school politics and manufactured drama that seems to come up with them. I'm not going to name names, but I know that by virtue of having the MC patch on your vest (or the rockers, I can't remember and honestly don't care), there's significant amounts of ring-kissing that needs to be done, and having to placate more-established groups to make sure they don't kick your ass.

I don't claim to know all the social constructs of all the MC clubs out there, but the ones that I do know of I can't imagine why anyone would want to willingly subject themselves to that kind of environment.

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Stereotypes are there for a reason. Because they are 99% of the time true. Just because you're a 1%er. Doesn't mean the other 99% don't suck.
If you need a club to motivate you to ride then go join a club. If you need leather jacket and patches to feel special then get them. It's when you feel the club and patches give you more rights than someone else that you go wrong.

There it is.

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Practice what ya preach, Bud. Not all HD riders are shitbags and not all sport bike riders hang out Quaker Steak.

Get over yourself.

Came here to say, well, pretty much exactly this.
I have nothing against clubs it's the squids that come on here and 2 posts in they are wanting to start a club or the idiots I see posting on craigslist wanting to start a club. I have a problem with authority and really dislike rules so no way I'd ever consider joining a club.
And this. Riding to me is a freedom from everything else. No structure. No timeline. Just doing whatever I feel like for however long I feel like. It's the temporary escape from work, responsibility, etc. I don't need someone to tell me when to ride, where to ride, what to ride, who to ride with, etc.
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What's all this about clubs? I'm in one. Or so I think. It was ten years ago, and the password to the tree house was boobies.

I hope your club is prepared for war with such a disrespectful act of stealing my clubs password!!!

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A lot of people here seem to have some very strong opinions on motorcycle clubs, and harley riders. And like most stereotypes, your wrong. For many years i was a member of a 3 patch motorcycle club that was harley only members. The only reason i joined this club was because they were not afraid to ride their motorcycles. Over a 5 year period i rode 2 different bikes 80.000 miles. All with a motorcycle club. All on harleys. Drinking and riding was greatly discouraged. We went anywhere at anytime. rain, dry, hot or cold. MOST people who own motorcycles dont ride them. It has nothing to do with model, make, or club. Around 10 years ago when i bought my first bike, a sportster, i quickly learned that NO ONE rides their bike. Most people ride to the bar, or a poker run , or a bike night. 1000 or 2000 miles a year is quite common. I learned that all my friends who i thought were bikers, were not bikers. They would not ride farther than 50 miles. they would not ride at night. they would not ride at the slightest hint of rain, or wind, or excessive heat. A trip all the way to the smokies? No way. I simply started going on my own. Then i met this club. So everything you guys say about mc clubs is wrong. My experience tells me the exact opposite. Go down to the local quaker steak and see all the sport bikes with some girl on the back in shorts and flip flops. Revving up and down the parking lot. This club had regular rallys and events, but these events took me to the adirondacks, canada,michigan and the u.p.. over big mac, etc. Our club rides took me to brp. smokies.cherohala skyway, kentucky derby, new river gorge, wv. virginia, etc. etc. etc. While you guys were trailering your bikes to deals gap, we took a 6 day ride through the midland trail and the new river gorge, summerville lake, the parkway, and the snake (hwy 421). This club had presidents, road captains, and all the things you guys love to make fun of. But i am positive my small chapter rode more than all you guys put together... I am no longer in that club, i was without a bike for 2 years, and iv moved, i was really hoping to meet some new people for new experiences.

That's some pretty bold shee-ite right there. I see a few assumptions that are whack.

It seems you haven't been around (what you would call) real riders except for that club. There's a lot more "riders" than what you think out there.

How many miles do you have to ride a year, so you can call yourself a biker? Please let me know so that I have a goal to shoot for this year.

Edited by Ron505
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In fact, some people here belong to a mc club, or 2 or 3

I don't usually do this but. Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about. It greatly discredits any chance of possible valuable content you might offer.

The O.P. makes some valid points and some totally stupid ones. We all ride in different ways on different bikes and take away from the experience what we need. Not one of us is any better than the next guy because of our choices. I can define my own set of criteria to exclude the vast majority of people here that don't conform to how I would do things. That would make me an elitist douche nobody wants to become an elitist douche do they?

Edited by Uncle Punk
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I know a number of people in a couple of different local mc's. They put on some decent charity events, and that's cool.

But there's way too much bullshit that goes on when it's time to ride. For instance, one rider can't pass somebody else on the ride because of rank or whatever... fuck that. Seriously? I own the fucking bike and I'll ride it where the hell ever I want. And if I want to pass somebody you can bet your ass I will.

Keep the costume. I wear what I want because it protects me, not to prove I'm somebody.

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In all seriousness...as long as you don't interfere with my riding, I really don't care how you ride. Different people are attracted to motorcycles for different reasons. That's OK.

I'll bash HD riders or squids for comedy value, but deep down I genuinely don't give a rats ass.

What's the point of this thread again?

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