i dont think rich people are jealous or apathetic. in fact, i'm quite certain that non-rich, thoroughly lower class income people who simply can't stand to have their hard earned, but easily spent/pissed away tax dollars wasted on countless stories of wasted government spending (no matter what sector, social, medical, military, etc) are not jealous. Mainly, i disagreed with the snobbery and dismissal of the problems with government spending and certain ideals (from a person who claims to hold libertarian views, no less) in the comment "oh, god, just think about it for more than half a minute, they so stoopid and they just jelly". why is it that the way a big portion of the money you (and I and everyone else) earned as a cumulative result of years of hard work, and good upbringing (which, in turn, is more years of investment and hard work by your parents, and possibly/probably their parents before them) is spent not your concern? when you "just worry about myself", as you so ardently proclaim, does that not include "it should be spent wisely"? do you go around blowing huge wads of money on silly ass ugly copper bikes? bad example. how about lunch... i thought i recalled you saying you ate nothing but peanut butter sandwiches for lunch mostly cause it was cheap and semi-good for protein (that could've been someone else... but the point is, you seem to be conscious of your own spending and generally, don't waste). you are a "progressive" in so many ways... why can't social progressives think progressively when it comes to making progress on the way tax dollars are spent? soooo, i guess you do "get it" then. umm... good job.