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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2013 in all areas

  1. Yep, its deep doo doo over there, and we haven't learned to just plain avoid stepping in it.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
  3. Asians are encouraged. Bring your sister.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. Did you make my f'd up Big Mac?
    2 points
  6. Because it draws attention away from the NSA domestic spying program, and our shitty economy.
    2 points
  7. +1 That bike is freakin adorable.
    2 points
  8. I'm going to do one thing and one thing only, Kill fuckin Nazi's!
    2 points
  9. I did my first track day this weekend.Let me start first with great praise to STT. Those folks were awesome. The classroom end of things was very informative.I had no idea what I was doing, or what I was getting into. All I knew was that I'd signed up to ride on a race track(which was more badass than I ever expected).They walked you through everything. They answered questions no matter how stupid it may have sounded. They were great. The riding coachs were incredible. I learned more from these guys in a day, than I have in 5 years on the street. When we went out for our first session, I put myself in the slowest novice group I could. I wanted to learn everything I could, and I also didn't want to get myself in over my head. This was a good move, and a bad move all in one. My group consisted of hellmutt on his zx1400, snot on her 300 ninja, an older gentlemen on an fz6, and myself on my fz1. Mr. FZ6 is where the issues began. We hit the track at a mere crawl. Showing us the race line, different body positioning, and the plan to step up the pace as we went. The first two laps, were mellow maybe 40 mph tops. The coach decided to pick up the pace a notch on the third lap, and mr. Fz6 blew corner 7. Took it out in the grass almost dumped it. Coach dropped the pace down slower than our first lap after this. We went back to the classroom, and we discussed fz6's happenings. Discussed target fixation, looking through the turn, holding your line, all the typical stuff. I thought we had mr. fz6 straight. Session 2- Stepped up pace a notch, fz6 blew 7 again. pace dropped down back slower than the first lap of the first session. Had the same discussions with him on what to do, to fix his issue. Session 3-He blew the corner AGAIN! I'm far from pro, and far from a good rider. My videos will show you that in a few minutes. Now here is where I had an issue. We had run the first three sessions at 25-40 mph pretty much. Afternoon is pretty much free game. No passing in the corners. No closer than 6 foot. Raise hell. be safe. Sensory overload set in. I got out on the track trying to run a decent pace, but was totally unable too, Alot of it was due to mentally holding myself back, but the rest of it was due to running such a slow pace all morning and not gradually stepping it up. I felt like I missed out on that end of things in the learning process. I learned a ton as I said, and had a blast. I was slow, couldn't maintain a good line, I just got very frustrated with fz6 guy, I had a few issues with the same corner as well. At the end of the day ( go pro died so I didn't get my last session) I was very happy with myself. I wasn't fast, I had terrible lines, I didn't do any knee dragging or any good passing( everyone passed me) But I learned a ton, had the best time I've ever had on a motorcycle in my entire life, and I can't wait to go back again, and improve upon what I learned. Heres the videos. Criticize away, give me some food for thought, things to try, or whatever else you wanna throw in! I can't wait to hit the track again.
    1 point
  10. Sunday September 1st. 7pm til late. Summer is winding down and it's that time of year again. Time to send it out with drunken debauchery. Come celebrate the 7th anniversary of Angel landing this fine catch. This party will also include my 25th HS reunion, so if you're into drunk MILFs, this is the place to be. If you know where it is, bring your chair, drink of choice and optional covered dish. If you don't, send me a PM. Fire, sloppy joes, brats and dogs provided. This is a laid back, easygoing gathering of good bubbys, so leave your elbows at home. No kids.
    1 point
  11. Can we get them spread aprt some how. I do that shit all the time
    1 point
  12. This kinda thing makes that XL pipeline look pretty good right about now. On the other hand, who could have possibly guessed there would be troubles in the middle east. It's not like they have been fighting for the last few thousand years. Good job Mr. President, well played.
    1 point
  13. Here is a possible camping option.... and it's FREE! http://freecampsites.net/#!%2834.988003703040825,%20-85.21569439531254%29 I ran across the free campsite/roadside camping stuff just a few days before I left. It would definitely be possible and I definitely thought about it, but I wanted to try and keep the first motorcycle camping trip pretty easy and basic. On another note, you meet all sorts of interesting people when you travel by yourself. People seem more inclined to talk when you are alone, rather than with a friend or group of people. I was definitely riding solo, but nearly every stop I made, there was some kind of character there...
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Couldnt tell if they were pups or just tiny due to summer heat. Guessing thats momma there in the middle. For a hot summer she's pretty thick so they are definitely eating well. I have allot of yotes down by me. So many actually that in 2.5 years of living there, I havent seen 1 groundhog in any field or along side any road. The coyotes have cleaned them out. Very few rabbits, no turkeys, etc. Its just a matter of days if a deer gets hit along the road before the yotes will have it stripped clean or drug off. Last year alone I had pics of them on 3 seperate deer kills where they dragged it 100+ yards through a snow packed field. Pretty interesting when you see the the drag marks going across a field. Then you realize they are 30-40 lbs each but in a pack (3-4 dogs) they are dragging 200+lbs of deer. They are truly predators.
    1 point
  16. Been a few years but I've seen this truck at MS events and thing was ALWAYS clean and looking good. Well taken care of and great truck for sure. GLWS
    1 point
  17. Understood and I love looking at the pics as well. The point on yotes is they over populate quickly and have quite a home range. They also destroy the other natural wildlife. Get a pack or 2 of yotes in your area and watch the rabbits, fawns, turkey, grouse, pheasant, etc start to disappear quickly. They will also attack full grown deer. With you having 3 of them in that 1 pic, you definitely have them packing up. They need to be kept in check just like the other animal populations thus the reason for hunting them and also the reason there is no closed season. They repopulate quickly and are pretty destructive which is why the ODNR has open season on them.
    1 point
  18. I want to vote but am pretty unwilling to let Gander Mtn in my facebook bizness. :-/ maybe I'll make a second account and vote. lol
    1 point
  19. wow a pissy facebook post. YOU SURE SHOWED THEM!!!!1 they call me all the time too, but i never cry about it. maybe you're just cranky bc they woke up you from your nappy nap? poor baby :'(
    1 point
  20. I don't donate blood and get zero calls. I'm not damned at all
    1 point
  21. 274 republican primary voters in Louisiana... Fantastic sampling...
    1 point
  22. I doubt this would work, but would contacting Honda and offering to purchase directly from the manufacturer (not a dealer) be worth the effort? Realistically, dealerships don't own vehicles anyway... They're just held on the lot with a revolving line of credit from whichever bank underwrites their inventory. That is likely why you can't technically "Pre-buy." The bank won't extend credit on a vehicle the dealer doesn't possess yet. (Sorry... Secured transactions have all sorts of regulations that most people never consider. It's an exteremly boring area of law that I can't seem to purge from my memory.)
    1 point
  23. I was enjoying this very entertaining thread....that is, until the previous page and now I want to unseen what I've just seen. My eyes hurt. But, alas, Brian posts a winner and some badly needed eye salve.
    1 point
  24. way too many yotes in ohio.. excellent photos, just excellent
    1 point
  25. Since you're not on the FB, I only invited your GF, homo. She said she is coming. No +1.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Burn the Fucker down. There will he plenty of used groms on the market in a year when the neato factor wears off and people realize they bought a clown bike.
    1 point
  28. They are not allowed to liver a bike in the crate without violating the dealer agreement. They legally have to do a PDI check and to do that, they need to remove from the crate. The dealer did exactly what they should have. You guys who are collectors are silly. They should have PDId the bike and then placed back in the crate, but you'd have been pissed due to miles. All these threads with dealer issues. I'm starting to think customers are going full retard!
    1 point
  29. I don't do it for me. I do it to help someone else.
    1 point
  30. Well, I suppose you are right. I went back and did some reading. Can I at least get you to admit that your motorcycle is ugly? .
    1 point
  31. Wait, be careful what you wish for.....this is the same "informed and educated" public who says it's okay to abort a baby in the fourth trimester....just sayin'.
    1 point
  32. Yes...way too close. Next time I'm swapping a motor, I'll take time to reflect on your spaghetti wiring
    1 point
  33. do your position in this is that extremists are not considered bad? seriously, magdor?
    1 point
  34. are you being intentionally obtuse? seriously, this is why i question whether you're going all rain man minus the math tricks sometimes. i'll try to word this so even tard can understard ready? here we go: it bad when founding fathers are considered bad. it matter not if dictionary says "extremist" bad nor good. duuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr durrr hodor hodor hodor hodorhodorhodor hodorhodorhodorhodorhodorhodor hodorhodor do you get now?
    1 point
  35. No problem these guys on here have opened my eyes I'll be back up to do business with y'all soon
    1 point
  36. I'm somewhat glad I'm no longer in the military at my age and place in life with respect to valuing liberty and smaller federal footprint in our Republic. For anyone with even half of a brain and wants to call themselves an American, to even think that our founding fathers and the colonists were extremists reveals a totally fucked up worldview that is simply beyond the pale and comprehension of normal people with a functioning mental capacity. I'm in with the conservatives, Christians, and anyone else who values the rule of law, the Constitution, and living as free men owing nothing to anyone and more importantly, the Fed's.
    1 point
  37. You think the government still follows the will of the people. That's adorable!
    1 point
  38. Ok I'm back. I had to go look at the picture again, she's so hot I can't wait to see the other guy Ol' Lady.
    1 point
  39. Next, dick pics. Or maybe gf/wife pics. "You got 36C on yours? Funny, when I got MY Audi, it came with 36D's. check 'em." This thread is gaaaaaaaaaaaaay. That is, unless you queers post nudes of your wife/gf to prove you're not and the veracity of claims made on the length of your Audi branded e-dongs. BTW, bro-tip: smart money goes for the VW, so as not to set yourself apart from your employees.
    1 point
  40. I know all of you have these shots when you are getting your camera ready! A few shots rolling down OH-247 Out of my way van! Corner of OH-247 and CR-2
    1 point
  41. Buying a 2013 bike from a dealership, I wouldn't check every little fucking detail before buying it either... It's reasonable to assume that the thing shouldn't have any problems because it's fucking brand new for the most part... He said it rode fine on the way home, so even test riding it before hand he wouldn't have noticed anything... Didn't know all you guys take micrometers and tire pressure gauges with you when you buy new bikes Yall are being fucking assholes for no reason... Not sure if you're stuck in group rape mode, or if you're just being cocks to be on brians side so he might think you're cool... Idk what the problem is, but the op is being reasonable and dealing well with you chodes putting all kinds of words in his mouth Oh, and ftr, CrazySkullCrusher is a fucking gay forum name too. Just saying.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Well... Since you have "pedigree", I guess I need to shut the fuck up. Wow... 30 bikes in 13 years? Do I get to say how many I've ridden in just the last 5? Do I? Huh, huh? Please? With your extensive experience, thinking 43 pounds is only 3 pounds over is kinda funny. Maybe someone with more pedigree than myself can tell you why... Have fun blowing your stack up at the dealer. I am sure that we will get another thread as to why they are assholes for not helping you out... If it were me, I'd clutch that fucker at 14k and launch it through the front display window and shout at the top of my lungs "PEDIGREEEEEEEEEEE BITCHES"!!! At least the security cam will be shown on YouTube and you can show all your bros how bad ass you are.
    1 point
  44. Isn't it great having Halloween every Wednesday?
    1 point
  45. Full Control: Booklet for Better Motorcycling A free download from the Federation of European Motorcyclists' Associations. "Motorcycle riders must not only deal with a demanding vehicle without protective bodywork. We are so vulnerable that we also must take responsibility for errors and mistakes by other road users. One condition for safe riding is to master a precise riding technique which is addressed in the first part of 'Full Control' – a booklet for motorcyclists written by motorcyclists. The second part assesses the road, traffic, motorcycles, equipment and accessories." Covers tips and techniques for both beginner and experienced riders.
    1 point
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