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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/2014 in all areas

  1. Cleveland 600 rr Columbus 600 rr
    5 points
  2. Looks like I need to get turnone a IP sticker!! Lol.....
    2 points
  3. I'll make the same offer as I have in years past. Get an Iron Pony sticker on Killboy's highlights page and I'll reward you with a $100 Iron Pony gift card. Same goes for an Iron Pony T-shirt Must be legible and you must be able to confirm it is you. Stop in and grab a few stickers before you leave.
    2 points
  4. just as you can imagine, harley parade, over priced t shirts, and floppy flat tits
    2 points
  5. That looks like something built by Magz.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. fucking A, I shoulda had one of them fancy stickers on my zuma last year.
    1 point
  8. Oh it's located in Columbus? It's inferior to a Cleveland based 600RR
    1 point
  9. Will accept 4 whiller trades.
    1 point
  10. not a lot of direct flights to/from gaylord town, you gaylord
    1 point
  11. That's right. Four flights to Columbus, only three to Cleveland. Bam. Another win.
    1 point
  12. Honestly, having this course would not influence me one way or another if I was hiring new project managers.
    1 point
  13. For $99 bucks, it looks like good information whether you get the cert or not. - If you want to get the cert, the PMP is very good to have. The CAPM is kinda like a PM in training cert. - Stuff you gotta have for the the PMP - 4500 hours of actual PM experience that you can document and is auditable. They pull 15 percent of applications and verify the info on them from former bosses and co-workers. -35 hours of class room work that is focused on the PMP exam. - Filled out application. - Its a nasty 20ish pager - Pay your $400 bucks and get an exam date. -No matter what you do, the exam is a bear, and you would need to study your ass off. There are online practice tests and you should do plenty of them before going for the real thing. There may be a PMI chapter where you live and you should hook up with them. - Join PMI.org and get going. In the long run, it will pay off. -------------------------- - Adding from note with Tonik, yeah 99 bucks is absurdly cheap, typically you will spend $2800 -$4000 to get this done.
    1 point
  14. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/specific_search/learnsmart
    1 point
  15. They must be the Johnny Depp kind of pirates.
    1 point
  16. Is this specifically for the PMP or something else?
    1 point
  17. I'm not a PM but have managed a group of them for several years. For $99, I don't think you can go wrong. Even if it isn't the greatest training it would still get you familiar with PMP and the requirements needed to obtain that cert. It is a very time and self discipline intensive certification. If you have any questions on PMP let me know. I could put you in contact with one of the PMP's that used to work for me.
    1 point
  18. First - What is your goal: the certification and door opening for jobs, or the book learning? Second - how much self study initiative do you have? - You can do a lot of the cert prep work much cheaper on your own, if you have the initiative... the only way its ever been cheaper for me to take a course like this is when the local tech college offers a steeply discounted student rate for the actual Cert test at the end of the class... although I am not sure how much cheaper it really was, after you add the class cost in with the book cost, and then the exam cost at the end... I personally did not have a good experience with LearnSmart Systems. I had signed up for a cisco deal they were offering, it was basically a "try one course, and if you like it, get more" deal. Had to give CC information, and basically buy the whole course work, in order to "try" it, then cancel within 30 days and one course, if I didn't like it... Well... I didn't like it... I spent over 2 months trying to cancel... had to get the credit card provider involved. Finally got it cleared up. The course work itself wasn't much more than what I could get out of a Cisco book itself, and was basically some guy reading from the book anyways. I would only be able to assume that it's the same way with PMP/CAPM stuff on there... I ended up taking the self study route, came out cheaper in the end...
    1 point
  19. (just repped you Pauly, but I'm on mobile and it was accidental so not sure if it's pos or neg lol)
    1 point
  20. To me it's not just not worth the risk. That's me. If you guys are ok with it and have positive experience, kudos to you. For me, replacing a $200 part early that needs replaced frequently anyways is worth the extra safety and peace of mind.
    1 point
  21. It all depends if they used screws or nails and if they hit the 2x4 square if it a 2x4. I would not trust that.
    1 point
  22. This article was very interesting and worth the read, and I appreciate a lot of the view points. However the very end of the article oversimplifies the idea that 'paying attention' to these quacks may actually solve something. It won't, and it didn't. In many of the cases he cited, he specifically went over just exactly how much attention these pieces of shit received. Mental health evaluations, friends, girlfriends, parents that didn't want to see the truth (which I can almost understand), and the list goes on. Though I do agree with him wholly when he goes over that they already desire to kill, and find convenient reasons to do so. The sad fact of the matter is if we desire to live in a society with individual rights, such as freedom of speech, expression, or religion, we have to allow scary speech/ideas, and we can't just lock people up for crimes we're afraid they may commit. That's the rub, they actually have to go through with something horrible before we can act. Also circling back to paying someone mentally ill, possibly psychotic, more attention, having been targeted in my professional life, by someone who was highly delusional, if not full-on schizo, receiving late night calls, messages, finding this person in my office before I got in, all in response to a perceived slight, is enough to make you want to treat every person who may have similar issues like they have the fucking plague. Do not take notice of me, do not fixate on me, I never want to see or talk to you, or I might end up being first on the 'list'. It's a genuinely unsettling thing, and I carry a gun almost every day. Lastly I won't say that the solution is 'everybody needs to be armed', as much as I am in full favor of one having the ability to defend oneself, if most people carried firearms, we'd see more bombs, or gas, or whatever, because these people exist, and they will find a way to do what they will.
    1 point
  23. Wheelers is awesome. Way too cheap for his own good. No reason to discount tires and service when you are the only game for miles. I tested out my scooter receiver hitch setup on the van today. One more step complete before next weeks departure.
    1 point
  24. I just got some fresh angel gts put on! Ready to go!
    1 point
  25. DO NOT leave anything you value unattended!!!! Break down on the trail someone stays with your broken shit. It will be gone scavenged or burnt if not. Exactly what Whaler said. Whatch Mad Max movies before you go. Adopt a kid that can chuck a boomerang. Enjoy and stay safe.
    1 point
  26. I don't care if it's nuanced or not, like every president making big adjustments to their foreign policy once they know the real deal about global politics with executive clearance, I'm fucking sick of our boys and girls getting killed for questionable gain, based on "American exceptionalism" ethics that don't hold water(boarding) under examination.
    1 point
  27. just invite a bunch of us over. We will gladly test-ride your bike for a few hours, then stand around drinking beer while we listen to the bike idle in your driveway and give our best guesses as to what might be causing it
    1 point
  28. Foothills parkway, Cherohala skyway. 28 all the way to Highlands NC. And beyond if you have the time. But time it so you are in Franklin NC for lunch or dinner. Cafe Rel for Blue Crab Bisque. A bowl, not a cup. Cash only. If there is a line to get in wait. Below are my go to routes for two days of hard riding down there....but I don't stay in the same place. You can pick them apart and get the roads to hit. http://goo.gl/maps/wKjIl http://goo.gl/maps/XW75H
    1 point
  29. I am riding there 5/29 on a CBR. Our route there is about 600 miles. I'll let you know how it goes.
    1 point
  30. Not sure if this is a repost but I read that the street outlaw crews are looking for a good track to come meet fans and have a good time and race of course. I vote for trails or norwalk unless they want to run 1/8th mile only, then pace makers would be the best. We all know they have money so if you do want to run them do your research first. Even tho I like the show I want Ohioans to bust there ass.. They said it'll be June 13th so all the fast cars on cr&cr to get together and show them up. So get on facebook and keep updated on what their plans are I.e like whos coming and who will be perfect match for each race. Lmk what your guys and girls opinions are.
    -1 points
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