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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2014 in all areas

  1. Just posted on another forum I get on from a gap local- For those of you coming, we've had a whacky spring.. in the 10 days before memorial day we had at least 4 airlifts from Deals gap (and by the lake leading to it), and 2 deaths already this year on the gap. Then we started getting THP attention outside the norm. Now since Memorial day, the Blount Country Sheriffs Office has been out of character, with putting School Resource Officers who are off for Summer break up on the gap at odd hours and in qty, and there have been way more tickets than usual. THP hasn't been on the hill since memorial day except one car for a couple of hours. Last Friday NCHP did a roadblock on 28 in the morning, then wrote tickets on 129 and 143 for a good bit of the day (totally unheard of from the NC side). So just a heads up, be appropriately cautious and aware that enforcement might be more present than it has in the past.
    3 points
  2. You keep posting these and my reaction stays the same...what the hell is wrong with people these days. Is it the parents who are not doing a good job raising their children or is there an epidemic of mental instability run rampant?
    3 points
  3. I will gladly set up a time with ya Max and Bowdog (might add a little to the cost for gas ) I figured I could at least post this first and not get flamed for just posting to advertise since I'm actually an active member. I will gladly be a sponsor for here once I get some more details worked out (logo and that stuff) and after my next paycheck! I have 4 installs this week that I will be posting pictures in this thread of them once finished. I hope the almighty mods will allow me to have this until I can pay for the sponsorship later this month
    2 points
  4. A) become a site sponsor if you're going to advertise on the site. B) come detail & wax my suburban so I can sell it.
    2 points
  5. ALL RIGHT OR PEEPS! I am trying to get a little side business going doing something I really enjoy doing, that being installing LEDs, car audio and detailing! I've already created a FB page for this and I have a few jobs lined up and a couple completed as well. I will not be spamming the forums with this and wanted to just make a thread dedicated to my work and offer it up to anyone here that is interested (OR members get a discount) Anyways! On to the details of what I do! Colors available Red, Green, Blue and White. - NEW Pink now available!! Can order RGB strips and connectors at an additional cost (prices include LEDs and labor, rate may vary depending on how many LEDs you want installed) $45- Motorcycle $55- Golf cart $65- Car (Coupe/Sedan) $75- Truck/SUV $15- Wireless remote (for LEDs) CONTACT FOR THE FOLLOWING Trailers Campers Boats Automotive interiors Home installations Car detailing Hand wash inside and out (Detail spray, liquid wax, windows, interior cleaner, vacuum) $15- Motorcycle $25-Car $35-SUV/Truck $15 for carpet shampoo/leather conditioner Car audio install I can order all the wires (RCA, power, speaker) if needed at an additional cost $30- a pair of speakers install ($10 more for component speakers) $45- a new head unit install $75- sub install (wires, RCAs, mounting subs, mounting amp, installing fuses) $85- multiple channel amp install (wires, RCAs, mounting amp) $200- Total system install For the OR Discount it will be the following $5 off any LED install $10 for the wireless remote instead of $15 $10 off all the car audio installs $20 off the full system install. For those that didn't see the hyperlink up top for the FB page - https://www.facebook.com/Browniescustoms NOW FOR SOME PICS!! I really need to get a nicer camera I know just about everyone on here does their own work but if anything you can mention this to a friend? Thanks for looking!!
    1 point
  6. Everyone have a blast, and be careful. Even though I hate everyone...don't want to see any of you hurt.
    1 point
  7. then your ass is mine....hahaha
    1 point
  8. Nice work! You gots sweet skillz
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. It's amazing what kind of problems a simple computer reboot will solve. Management has their "favorites". Those chosen few will fail to share passwords that are needed when computers are rebooted. When the "system" goes down and a reboot is needed, it's always at 2:30 am, and no one in house has the needed passwords. The boneheads are supervisors, for not insuring changed passwords are shared with those who need them at a moment's notice. .
    1 point
  11. Monroe, OH aka Touchdown Jesus land I'm about 30min north of Cincinnati.
    1 point
  12. It is...the NM4 Vultus. Someone was watching too much Akira.
    1 point
  13. My work rules: 8 hours for them. 16 hours for me. Do not do more work on another person's machine than that person normally does. Being short of help is not my issue. I'm not responsible for scheduling and staffing. If you want me to do two people's jobs, it requires two people's paychecks. In order for me to do this extra work, what is it that you do not want me to do so that I have time to do that? There is absolutely nothing you can do or say to make your supervisor any smarter. If you bring attention to a problem, you will be the one assigned to fix it. You get two breaks and a lunch. Don't cheat yourself out of them. I do not have the authority to make decisions that screw things up. Management gets paid well to do that. If the person who called for maintenance is not present when maintenance shows up, we will come back when they come back. Once you have put the machine in position to complete the task and the operator is not present to run the machine, starting the machine for them will only insure they will never come out of the break room..
    1 point
  14. I want to hear about strippers offering free lap dances.
    1 point
  15. Wow, I brought sammiches to the epic ride...you didn't bring cake?
    1 point
  16. How about some good news. Stories about people helping others, saving kittens from trees, strippers giving free dances.
    1 point
  17. The man is always trying to keep me down.
    1 point
  18. Agree with Max on the site sponsor if you are going to advertise your business! And when you do his burb I have a few you can do as well.
    1 point
  19. This is great news. Coming from someone that was there during the FUSA years and seeing the unlimited bikes racing for a few years before it went away, this should be a great time for road racing in this country. The only issue I see is that the factories will still be doing AMA. However, I see factory riders coming around at times. But, that's not the important side of it. It will attract the young guns that will be racing 600 and 1000 level bikes and using this series as a stepping stone or seat time for keeping that edge IF - IF the purses and contingencies are there. Basically, WERA has a National series, but is missing the TV element and money aspect. Plenty of the up and coming kids have and still use WERA for that seat time and competition. However, they leave and do not return. I think this promotes return and some really cool possibilities for teams like EBR, KTM, Ducati, and speed shops and satellite teams to build true Superbikes for racing. A quick story of why the FUSA stuff was so bad ass... We were racing during the years that a speed shop in Texas had two twin brother racing CBR900RRs with TURBOS attached. They were so strong in power, they would wheelie every lap coming out of turn 10 until the flag station. Every lap. During Rider's Meeting, Jim stated that they would black flag racers doing wheelies out of 10. One of the brothers spoke up and said that Jim was welcome to try and keep the wheel down on their race bikes. Jim responded with he recognized that some of the racers were racing some very powerful bikes and asked for them to try as hard as they can. Awesomeness. That and the 500 GP bikes at Road Atlanta. Great racing. Run whatcha brung is always great to see.
    1 point
  20. He knows everything about the motorcycle industry. You're being silly with such great examples. What were you thinking? By the way, you racing WERA at Mid-O, right? You doing the Twilight on the 22nd?
    1 point
  21. I would agree that there is nothing admirable about any kind of lobbying that takes place in DC. I would love to see laws enacted to eliminate lobbying and groups who only exist to attempt to influence politicians. But I'm not going to hold my breath. In the mean time, if one side plays dirty and one side doesn't, the dirty side wins every time. Pick which side of the issue you are on, and those dirty bastards are your friends.
    1 point
  22. Looks like Dan's 675R is pulling much better than the old GS500 did Sharp bike
    1 point
  23. And they would lose the battle. The have to keep the base fired up and active. It's the American F'd up way. No difference than the other side screaming blood in the streets and wild west. They can all blow me.
    1 point
  24. I find it odd that I have to jump through hoops and pay a fee to carry concealed but I could just carry open with no checks or balances. I can't think of any other constitutional right where I have to get a license and pay a fee. Could you imagine the screaming if there was a fee and license required for an abortion.
    1 point
  25. The idea of open carry and conceal carry are unconstitutional laws anyway. It is called an individual right, not the greater good right. A person has the right to protest, a person can bear arms however the f they want to. If a private company has an issue with this they have a right to refuse to participate. If an individual has an issue with a person concealling or open carrying, that is just your opinion and holds no ground for 'law'. Having uncontitutional laws changed to be more or less unconstitutional doesn't make them constitutional. When we start figuring that the laws already created are unconstitutional, then maybe we have a place to start. The constitution is there to protect individuals, not the greater good. Don't get caught up in all this 'ahh man, you're going to piss people off and they are going to make more bad laws'. Rather if this is your opinion, then, 'all the current laws are bs, if anything let's not piss off private companies'. Still, the individuals have the right to protest (or not), you have the right to call them dumb (or not).
    1 point
  26. The bottom line is the Federal Gov. has no valid reason or need to keep my personal information about my home loan in a database. It was a private transaction between me and the bank. None of their f'ing business. Period.
    1 point
  27. Maybe it's time to chuck it all and go live in the woods. .
    1 point
  28. Don't fall for the hype. These bikes are slugs. Not at all fun to ride. May as well ride a Huffy. GLWTS. Did I mention the annoying exhaust note. Shesh!
    1 point
  29. Insurance policies generally give the insurer the right of salvage. Once they pay you, the gear is theirs. The rep may have been incorrect about the company's practice. Read your policy and contact your company or agent if you think the policy reads otherwise. If you think the rep is selling the gear without the company's knowledge, that would be something else you would want to tell them.
    1 point
  30. *holds up poster board* Attorneys are people too!
    1 point
  31. i'm sure Mr. Castelli is infinitely more careful when the matter is more serious than a forum post.
    1 point
  32. Not being a dick but if I was advertising for a business, I'd take the time to ensure my spelling, grammar and punctuation were in order. Sorry, this is a pet peeve of mine.
    1 point
  33. I was actually a member here a few years ago, but my old info seems to be history. That's OK. I have a 2006 GTO with a number of mods. It will run into the 11.8s in good weather and good track. I'm re-joining the group to find out about events and get advice. I participated in a Norwalk track rental with this group, and attended a few cruise-ins. I still have a "CR" sticker in my window.
    -1 points
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