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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2014 in all areas

  1. No worries Paul. I hope it's nothing to serious. Riding home wasn't bad at all. Just exhausted and happy to be home.
    6 points
  2. So, called up ol' Paul (Attackpainter) to see if he had time to paint an old man's 1199. He said he could get me in and I also had a buddy's ZX10R to have some paint done also. We dropped off Jason's ZX10R stuff first and considering Paul is the go to guy for Kawi Green and painting race plastics, it made sense. The results were awesome and spot on. I do not have any real pics of the bike finished, but we did a WSBK theme on his bike also and thanks to the same decal guy I use and Paul's seriously bad ass painting skills, it came out stellar. Who cares about the other guy. This is about MY bike! So, I drop off brand new Armor Plastics that had some paint lines masked off from the decal guy. Who is the decal guy I speak of? See below for contact info, but it is Scott at SR Sign Design. He is responsible for the layout and vision. Paul took the plastics and Scott's line work and made magic happen. I had my last year's set to use until I got the new stuff done. I was getting Ducati red and gloss black in key spots on the bike for the decals to work. Paul NAILED it! Timeline was perfect and to me before I needed them. I actually had to delay pick up due to my crazy schedule. But, i also dropped off some wheels and Paul got the plastics done first and I picked them up. I cannot wait to see the wheels and again... They are completed and done well within my hopes, but I am having issue getting together with Paul to pick up so, all on me. But, considering the results of the plastics, I cannot wait until I see the wheels. Price was crazy awesome. Call for a quote as he I am sure charges depending on what needs to be done, but the price he charged me was well worth it and honestly, cheaper than he should charge for the quality of work. My biggest concern was the color. He had stated that he's done a few Panigales and has the red right on target. But, as many may know, Ducati red is somewhat tough to hit. I had two tanks that were OEM red and was hoping fingers crossed that it matched. I didn't doubt Paul, but I was just wondering how well it came out. The pics below show the results. I couldn't be happier. No runs, no cracking after use, glossy as all get out and beautiful and DEEP colors. i am beyond thrilled and with the decals, the bike is literally one of the best ones I have had yet. I pride myself on making the bikes look as professional as possible and try hard to stay on budget. Scott and Paul worked some damn solid magic and th results speak for themselves. It honestly looks amazing in person as much as it does in pics and maybe even better. I tried a little low light photography this round and think it looks pretty good. I will be getting some action shots soon from Kyle Hunter, but these will do... And the bike... Thanks goes out to Paul from 614 Paintworx. AttackPainter on the forum and well worth contacting to get your bike painted. 614-394-2195 Also, Scott from SR Sign Designs. He does high profile racing graphics and is soooo reasonable that you can have a stellar result with little cash and he is one of th best customer service oriented guys i have worked with. Several choices out there and I have tried to use a few, but never got calls back, never got returned emails, etc. Scott is on it and has better quality results and uses high end materials. Best guy out there! Scott at 570-332-8227. www.srsigndesign.com There's a lot of people I need to thank, but in the interest of this thread, these guys made me look good. One of them is a forum sponsor and worth his weight in gold as to the service he provides. Get with Paul for your paint work. He's a good dude!!
    3 points
  3. No matter how good you are, how good your bike is or how good conditions are things like this will happen. My first few times dropping the bike didn't affect me much, but last year when I broke my shoulder definitely got me. What most people will probably say is just keep going. The truth is once you know what it's like to go down you'll never un-know it, but if you do your best to just carry right on I think the trauma will be lessened. I had to wear a sling 24/7 for two months after I broke my shoulder, but the instant I could lift my hand to the throttle I was out again. I'm glad I did because I recovered just fine and if I hadn't just gotten right back in the saddle I may never have ridden again.
    3 points
  4. We celebrated Bubby's birthday on Cherohala.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. I have been down on the track a few times, on my old f4i, crf250r supermoto. Dislocated a shoulder each time. And countless times on the mini track with the xr100, and nsr50. Get back up and keep going. Proper gear is a must. Never went downinthe street thank god. But either way dont let it freak you. Things happen. Gear up and ride on
    2 points
  7. It's natural to be hesitant. Best advice is learn or figure out what went wrong. How old are the tires. Was the tire pressure checked. IMO, getting back an sooner rather than later is best. My first crash was due to gravel on the road. To this day I'm unusually cautious around gravel. But I got back on and started to educate myself on gravel. I'll never be 100% confident but I'm ok with that. Another time I crashed a new bike when I took a left turn to fast and hit several ruts on the road that messed with my suspension which was still stock. Now I take ringer in setting up my bikes suspension. My point is, learn what caused it, whether it is is mechanical, environmental, out mental. Attack the issue. And then move on. Don't just get back on the horse. Assess, resolve, attack. The longer you wait to attack the problem the more doubt settles in.
    2 points
  8. Um yea, same here. We waved going by and you waved back so thought you were just all bullshitting. I had my medic bag in the truck and would've gladly helped and started the largest IV you've ever seen
    1 point
  9. No problem. hope all is well. Keep me posted man! Hopefully he gets all fixed up and back on the road soon!
    1 point
  10. Been riding over 40 years on July 2 2010 at 7:37 a young girl on a cell phone ran a stop sign from behind a tractor trailer 10 feet in front of me I T-bone her at 45mph I remember everything all I thought was dam this is going to hurt. The bike hit her right front wheel well I came off the bike over the right handle bar I had on a leather coat but the mirror cut thru the coat and ripped thru my stomach and broke off inside me my right hip hit her fender and drove the hip ball thru the socket I somersaulted over the car and landed on my left hip scattering it The girl panicked and stepped on the gas I got my hands up on her front bumper and she pushed me about 10 feet across the parking lot the only thing that stopped her from running me over was my bike it wedged under her car and lifted the wheels off the ground. After everything stopped moving I tried to get up but that was not happening Some people came over and asked if I was alright and I asked for my cell phone it had come out of the holder and was gone they asked why do you want the phone I replied to call 911 I told everyone not to touch me and played dead until the cops got there the first cop on the scene was my oldest son He thought I was in shock but I told him I was ok and what good would my panicking do or help I figured stay as still as possible until to paramedics’ got there To make a long story short my youngest son was getting married in 8 days and I made it to his wedding. Not the Drs orders but with lots of good drugs I made it. Now I’m back to 100% and loving every minute of riding don’t let fear stop you from doing something you love the first place I rode my new bike was thru the intersection where it happened
    1 point
  11. In the garage I put the bike in neutral, most other places I leave it in gear. It depends on the situation. Sometimes I start the bike while off the bike and gearing up, sometimes while I'm on it, putting on my gloves. It depends on the situation. I've fueled while sitting on the bike, but most of the time I do it off the bike because I need to "fold" the tank bag out of the way. Again, it depends on the situation. Sometimes I take my helmet off while having sex, sometimes I leave it on. It depends on the situation...
    1 point
  12. Here was me and josh(jstump) trying to get the mini grill going...good thing mike(Habi) was close by to supervise and MJ to take pictures. Foul language warning! adult beverages was to blame http://youtu.be/m7N-NP9TAAU
    1 point
  13. We left at little after 10 and got back to Columbus at 6, was haulin mail through Ky, that was with 2 gas stops and one of those we grabbed chow.
    1 point
  14. Had a great time!! Great second year for me cant wait till next year, Thanks for setting this up Ben!
    1 point
  15. Hell yeah! Chompin snacks, napping and our asses don't hurt. I'm never slabbing that far without a touring bike.
    1 point
  16. You mean on the trailer again? LOL
    1 point
  17. You're getting it! I'm a cut and dry person and like to have an answer for everything so I'm sure that's why I come off more than a little sharp
    1 point
  18. It would be difficult, I have very low tolerance for bullshit and drama when I work "been there and dealt with that". I do have a partner and he is also one of my best buds, we have never butted heads in over 14 years of working with each other. I believe when there is a mutual respect and you genuinely care for and truly like somebody, you will try that much harder to make things work as smoothly and drama free as possible. Last thing I would ever want to do or have happen, is put extra work or more of a burden on him because of something I did or did not do. If more people had respect for each other and took more pride in what they did, that would sure make things so much easier in the workplace. Of course I have a manager and a general manager, but they are hands off and I deal with them minimally. Fortunately for me they are just fantastic bosses and people, so nice to have those above you that have your back and genuinely care for your well being and success. I do work with others, but I pretty much get to pick and choose when I am around them. My Wife recently left the ER department after almost 19 years, she lasted much longer than most. She is now in the Radiology department and could not be happier, small department, everything is scheduled, she works a set schedule and off all holidays and weekend, and most importantly little to no drama. We have paid our dues, worked our butts off to be in the position we are now.....we are very fortunate. My goal is to be retired from working 40 hours a week by the age of 57, not sure I can make that goal but it is a good goal to try and make happen. I try to take nothing for granted, life can change in an instant.
    1 point
  19. Bells are the bomb. I have the Star - Day of the Dead. Graphics are so detailed and out of this world. It's several years old and is the nicest one I've had. I've never had problems with the padding or the magnet. And that's with me pulling out the lining and washing several times. Super stable at speeds. I use for track and commuting and twistes. Also comes with a nice helmet bag. I picked up a photo chromatic shield and it is worth every penny. Never have to carry two shield again. I'm a Bell fan for life.
    1 point
  20. What a fun, tiring weekend! 500 miles of awesome twisties. Somebody with photoshop skills needs to get on the pic of the free bacon van.
    1 point
  21. PERFECT choice for him, but he does not seem convinced yet.
    1 point
  22. VFR with helibars sits me damn near straight up if I adjust them accordingly Also is Jack going to be the new Ohio Bob or whatever that dudes name was searching for the perfect bike that didn't exist? Lol
    1 point
  23. I was actually a member here a few years ago, but my old info seems to be history. That's OK. I have a 2006 GTO with a number of mods. It will run into the 11.8s in good weather and good track. I'm re-joining the group to find out about events and get advice. I participated in a Norwalk track rental with this group, and attended a few cruise-ins. I still have a "CR" sticker in my window.
    1 point
  24. 555 is almost completely clear on the southern end. A few corners have a little bit of gravel. I have rode it three times this week.
    1 point
  25. Welcome Chris, I actually work in the Parkersburg area. We have some very nice roads in our area.
    1 point
  26. Did you get stuck behind a red truck on the dragon this afternoon ? I'm 75% sure I followed you for a few . Pure bliss. 850 miles of pure mountain fun on my favorite little blue sv...
    1 point
  27. All this riding is going to cause your taint to Callous. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Then, there was phone service. and a giant spider and a small fire
    1 point
  29. Hey! It's good to see some folks joining up from the southern parts of the area. Welcome.
    1 point
  30. Welcome to the forum. I'm a little south of you in the Charleston area. Sissonville more specifically.
    1 point
  31. That's like saying if you paying attention while riding you won't wreck. Mistakes happen, mitigate the impact by planning ahead.
    1 point
  32. Got pulled over, didn't get a ticket because I ask the cop "what state am I in?" because I honestly didn't know. made him laugh. Just handed my drivers license and told me to slow it down. I was in NC but not that far from GA.
    1 point
  33. 223 miles of twisties. Thanks BamBam for introducing me to Warwoman. I love that road. Georgia was nice as always. I swear they have the best sweet tea in Georgia. And another shout out for Wheeler's. They're going to replace MJ's sprocket for $30. Can't beat that with a stick.
    1 point
  34. A cop gave Ben and Joel the finger today.
    1 point
  35. Redwing, more specifically, made in the US with US materials. You can only buy those at a RedWing boot store. Anything better is going to be twice as expensive. I've been wearing the 2404 for over two years, and they still look new.
    1 point
  36. My motto is: a lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.
    1 point
  37. It is a shame that the article didn't end with..."the chase ended with meadows crashing and he was pronounced dead at the scene." Would save all of us some $ to prosecute/convict/jail him. & would be one less to give bikers a bad rap.
    -1 points
  38. Fire? Need fire gots exelerent?
    -1 points
  39. Any interest in my talon I have for sale on here I can throw more cash down to make it to your asking price message me and let me know
    -1 points
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