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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2014 in all areas

  1. what kind of lunatic keeps guns in their home? How do they sleep at night knowing the possibility that gun might shoot them?
    4 points
  2. way to almost quote our asshat of a president word for word and not give him credit. troller's are gonna troll taken from an article on yahoo.com “I've got two and a half years left. My biggest frustration so far is the fact that this society has not been willing to take some basic steps to keep guns out of the hands of people who can do just unbelievable damage,” the president said. “We're the only developed country on Earth where this happens. And it happens now once a week. And it's a one-day story. There's no place else like this.” http://news.yahoo.com/obama-on-mass-shootings---we-should-be-ashamed-221406240.html
    4 points
  3. http://www.nbc4i.com/story/25741087/prosecutor-seattle-campus-shooter-went-off-meds http://blogs.seattletimes.com/today/2014/06/police-source-spu-suspect-has-fascination-with-mass-shootings/ Imagine that. He was on Prozac and quit taking it. I do believe that's a 90%+ track record for school shooters and mind altering medication. But yeah, better go after those guns.... http://www.cchrint.org/2012/07/20/the-aurora-colorado-tragedy-another-senseless-shooting-another-psychotropic-drug/
    3 points
  4. Could that be because people are hiding or refusing the register in big enough numbers to skew the numbers? Honest question.
    3 points
  5. Dude.....you are on crack, and what Liberal smut is feeding you that misinformation? I can assure you that is not the truth at all, and the number of guns being bought/traded/given privately is higher than ever. And I assume the highest guns sales ever cannot surely debunk the hilarious theory you just gave? Put the blame where it ultimately lies..... Shitty parenting is the biggest issue in this country, and it creates the cause and effect of most of the major issues we have here.
    3 points
  6. Mags can't even think for himself. He just regurgitates whatever the media tells him to. Here's some fact checking: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rampage_killers:_School_massacres Five of the top fifteen deadliest school massacres have happened in the US. That's far too many, but not nearly the only developed place on Earth where this happens. Germany, Canada, Finland, China, Israel, France, Poland, Australia, etc. all also make the list. It's also interesting to note that the worst school massacre in history was in 1927. The sixth worst was in 1966. Wonder why the media doesn't mention this.
    3 points
  7. Looks almost as good as the original.
    2 points
  8. Yes. We make our own monsters. From unnecessary and poorly executed medications and ramped up media hype. And ignorance. Then deny it, and blame it on something else other than ourselves.
    2 points
  9. you should expect....a great time...to become addicted.... goes like this: arrive at the track sign wavier at the gate find parking space prep bike if necessary register/sign in and get sticker for the bike and probably a shirt tech bike (a track guy/girl looks over bike and approves it to go on the track) relax and bs with people if you have arrived early enough drink water! walk down to the riders meeting...pay attention go to the novice school...pay attention....nerves start to kick in because there is a lot of new info thrown at you...flags, corner worker stations, pit in/out go out for the first session....feel like a fish out of water...take it easy! come back in (it will either be straight back to school or a 20 minute break then school) DRINK MORE WATER get back on the track....start to realize you don't have to worry about cars and road related hazards....get more comfortable back to school, bring a bottle of water nerves die down as you go back out on the track...start to pick up pace a little...start to enjoy yourself. lunch then back to school..."when are we going back out on track?!?! this class needs to hurry up!!!" and repeat for the rest of the day...
    2 points
  10. All packed and loaded I know Iam forgetting something but no worry I will remember when we are halfway there
    2 points
  11. The most hilarious thing about his stance is that he wants people to stay out of his business and everyone elses, yet take away the ONE linchpin that holds the Constitution together? INFRINGING on the 2nd Amendment takes away any threat of consequence for bending, breaking, or eliminating the rest of the laws by the government that we hold so dear. Regardless of you willingness to have firearms or use them, I would hope you can at least understand that. In all honesty, the school shootings are tragic yes, but the number of people that are murdered every year in Chicago is more of an atrocity...yet firearms are all but banned in that city along with sale of ammo. IIRC you do not abstain, OR at least oppose, from breaking the law with illegal drugs because "what someone does in their own home is their business" and "doesn't hurt anyone". I think the victims and families of victims of the drug cartels disagree. Seeing their severed heads in the front yard and their lifeless bodies hanging from bridges I'm sure is acceptable for your high, or your lack opposition to others getting high. NOT TO MENTION the majority of violence surrounding gang warfare can be linked or a direct result drugs and the distribution of them. The type of government and freedom that we have comes with a price and limitations. I hope to God future generations keep a pessimistic view of the government, the minute the people give someone the road to ultimate power, someone will take it and exploit it. *no i am not the best writer*
    2 points
  12. For sporty bikes...new paint, new parts, or custom = wrecked and trying to hide damage
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. that's the motivation?? because there are men there with the same sort of things happening It really is a bit of fun. Its a little hard on your wrist, but still a good time.
    2 points
  15. Starting a new thread for the trip, we leave in 20 hours. We will post pics, vids and reports of our progress and shenanigans in this thread. First, here is a link to my GPS tracker, so you can follow along. Keep in mind it only works if I remember to turn it on and I have cell coverage. I suspect we will drop cell often once we get out there. If you click on the route you will see speed, time, direction. I ran it a little this morning on the way to work so you get the idea. link removed And second, Friday evening some time we will be in Sturgis, we will be at one of the Sturgis webcams and intend to moon all of OR from Sturgis. We will post an ETA at the webcam sometime late Friday afternoon or early evening. Link for the webcam: http://rapidcityjournal.com/sturgisrallydaily/webcams/sturgis-street/
    1 point
  16. Thanks boys. Although I'm not sure Max should be talking about my unit. Casper, could you see me on a 675 ARRRRRRR? I would never fit!
    1 point
  17. He has fallen for another girl and her name is Connie
    1 point
  18. Don't look up Hillbilly hotdog in the urban dictionary.
    1 point
  19. Minor detail. You TOTALLY missed it. It was free for 20 minutes. Phew. Thanks, smccrory.
    1 point
  20. I'll throw in my vote for the GS500, I've always considered a 500cc twin a go anywhere do anything bike. Started out 30 years ago at age 52 on a CB400T and traded it in on a CB750K six months and 6k miles later like most newbies do instead of learning how to really ride it. A couple more bikes later I traded a tired CB650SC in on a new 97 GS500E and when it was totaled in 03 with 80k on the clock I picked up the 02 GS500 I'm riding now that just turned 100k miles late last year. I've had more fun on those GSs than anyone ought to have on 2 wheels doing 400-500 mile Interstate days traveling yearly to the mountains to play riding with all kinds of bikes and riders up until about 10 years ago when I began winding down but am still enjoying shorter rides on my 02 GS.
    1 point
  21. Come ride with us at Wayne, we will show you how to get around the couple entrances that has rocks blocking them.
    1 point
  22. Maybe you were, but I was talking about rubber chickens. They're pretty wicked when flailed rapidly. Oh, hey Brian, I totally forgot to intimidate, scare, bully or wound anyone that weekend I had a rubber chicken on me. How did I not fulfill my purpose according to Duane? I feel... ashamed. MSNBC is talking about it, but killing people in schools is already fairly illegal.
    1 point
  23. We're skewing from the original question... Guns don't cause shootings. They do allow unstable individuals to inflict greater harm with less effort. Their potential for misuse is extremely high. That is what scares people. The inability to "fix" crazy or criminal leads some people to have knee-jerk reaction toward banning what (they believe) can more easily be removed from society: the tool rather than the person wielding it. But the second amendment isn't going anywhere. I am sure that the future holds legislation that will require registration of firearms, more extensive background checks, longer waiting periods, and possibly even a limit on the number of firearms an individual may own. I also expect to see private sales of firearms more heavily regulated. Essentially, firearms will be tracked the same way vehicles are with a title and registration. As a responsible gun owner and a Libertarian, I am conflicted on these legislative steps. On the one hand, I am not worried about losing my right to own firearms. I don't think legislation will step into the absurd realm of hindering my rights to own as many firearms as I desire. But my desire is for a handful of firearms that suit the relatively small number of applications I use and keep them to fulfill. I'm thinking selfishly rather than objectively on that limitation of freedom. I don't like the trend, but I do understand the desire to accomplish the intended goal. Shootings will never stop. publicizing them in the media only encourages others to follow suit. It may even teach them how to plan more effectively... But if we un-invented the gun, there would quickly be a substitute. Americans have a knack for pretending we're a developed country while we secretly rely on caveman instincts and a deep-rooted desire for revenge.
    1 point
  24. Most of mine are safe queens. The others are in very safe places. That's all anyone needs to know. Oh, and we're talking about airsoft, right?
    1 point
  25. This, plus there are some really good instant-access safes on the market (and a few terrible ones - avoid those). I have one that's bolted down, which requires a multi-digit finger sequence to open, after which the flap opens and exposes a readied defense device. If you don't know my home, you'll not find it. If you do, you'll still need the combination or time with a sledge hammer/bolt cutters. It's an easy solution, and a good one - I can still get to my defense device, so can my trained family members, but nobody else.
    1 point
  26. That is why you train everyone in the household that is of an appropriate age, and you can for sure have a firearm out of a child's reach and still have it readily accessible. It all boils down to personal responsibility, and the overwhelmingly majority of Americans have shown that they are indeed very responsible gun owners. My son has been shooting and has known all things firearms since he was 6 years old, he is now leaving for the Army next Tuesday and already knows how to shoot "very well" and is about as safety conscious as they come. When you take the curiosity away from a child or even an adult about guns, and you train them and educate them about firearms and what they are capable of, that is what is the game changer.
    1 point
  27. Some short clips i took of the small group i rode with, like i said above nothing fancy. sorry for the shaking noise my go pro made thought i fixed this issue guess not lol. http://youtu.be/Bi0oyelvxE4
    1 point
  28. Is it listed somewhere? I wouldn't pay that much for a gs500 but I'd certainly look at the ad and admire it
    1 point
  29. Bondo...it's all in the mix. You don't have to get crazy and weigh it out unless you're ocd, but measure the components carefully and mix thoroughly. Helps to knock down the high areas on the scrape with some 80 grit. Spread it into the scrape with a putty knife or whatever. Let cure completely, then sand, prime, shadow, sand...rinse, repeat.... then when you can't tell where the repair was with it primered, sand and primer and primer again and then paint.
    1 point
  30. i will never paint a bike unless it needs it, because the first thing wonder when i look at one that was painted is "why was it painted, what was wrong with it", it often make me not want to buy it
    1 point
  31. Eh...my uncle has a paint booth in his basement. Colors can be changed.
    1 point
  32. I can't help but wonder if it's the drugs, not the mental health issue. I had an issue with Zyban. Zyban is a low dosage of Wellbutrin that's supposed to help you quit smoking. Ten or more years ago I tried it. Within a couple weeks I was a violent prick who wanted to destroy everything. Threw my dresser down the stairs of my apartment type stuff. Called the doc who told me to immediately quit taking it. I was freaking out. It had completely changed my personality, my temper, my thoughts, etc. Two days or so after stopping it, I was back to normal. Doc told me it was a common side affect. Common. Side affect. The next time you see an antidepressant commercial on TV, listen carefully. There will be a part in there where they say the drug is THOUGHT to help by blah blah blah. It's THOUGHT to help. Think about that for a minute. They don't even know how or why these drugs "work" and violence is a common side affect, but they're force-feeding them to teenagers and adults alike. It's insane.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for making me feel welcome, everyone! Maybe I'll see some of you at Cup O' Joe on Saturday mornings!
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I got a folder for each of us. Forms, phone numbers and printed maps for each day.
    1 point
  36. Bwahahaha. You couldn't at least let it go another couple of posts. DAMN! I'm trying to recruit, not drive away possible volunteers.
    1 point
  37. Disagree. You already know how to ride, it's not your first bike, it's not too much bike.. Take it easy and learn the bike and have fun
    1 point
  38. I love small bikes but hate the ninja 250. Great starter bike not for a second or third bike. I would get that FZ6 or an SV if you like twins (I do).
    1 point
  39. its safer to ride the dragon after 10pm with fog & a wet road with storm debris & light rain
    1 point
  40. The wife was reading over my shoulder and saw the post about sheep skin seat cover and asked me what we needed condoms for
    1 point
  41. Only if you promise to video tape it and send it into Tosh.0.
    1 point
  42. Wait, no they should not be mandatory. Then all the cagers would get used to them and they would be effective. Carry on gang without them.
    1 point
  43. Yup.....hate the damn things and they should be outlawed.
    1 point
  44. the best 9 second clip. use sound to get the best laugh: http://youtu.be/uCABUaVO3d0
    1 point
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