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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2014 in all areas

  1. Nobody ever let me ride their bike. EVER. Great time otherwise!
    2 points
  2. Hit devils tower now stuck behind a parade. Kinda cool
    2 points
  3. :guitar:you bubbys did some good time now take the back roads all the way home
    1 point
  4. Works for me, I went to his profile first. You could also quote his post to get his attention.
    1 point
  5. He did the fork seals for my antique Gpz and now it rides like a different bike. Nice solid feel from the front end as it glides down the road. He even got the anti-dive working on it too! Most amazing of all was the speed that he got it done with. Even took me to school on motor oil telling me a few things that I didn't know about the different grades and wet clutches. Oil is not just oil. The price was right, money well spent. Thanks Ryan!
    1 point
  6. At Wall Drug now pretty cool, Huge place.
    1 point
  7. I meant on this thread what Brian stated,sorry if my words choice come up little ignorant,and harsh.people who know me ,know I mean well,and I try help anybody at any level at track.
    1 point
  8. Well I'm glad you cleared that up Brian. Honestly I don't care if I go faster. I just want to be smoother and learn things and ring out my bike where I can't on the street. I've done over a dozen intermediate track days but have no delusions that I'm faster than i am. I have no aspirations to race. I don't even know my time because i don't own nor want to own a lap timer. But I'm ok with that. I get to hang with friends for a weekend. Bench race and tell tall stories of imaginary conquests. Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that there are not any full weekends at MO other than the one in may or April. It takes me a while to get into the groove at a track. By the time I'd be comfortable dusk would settle in. I'm sure Rusty's opinion about twilight days are not unique. I wouldn't want to hold any one up. Ideally MO would have Friday twilights with full regular days on Sat and Sun. I'd pay a premium for that schedule.
    1 point
  9. Come to our track days. It's a hoot. Rusty's comments are out of line and are not the norm with us all. We are here to help and these are track days. If Rusty thinks more and more slower guys come and have not made it fun, he is being arrogant and really has no business out there. This is a fun day and a fun time. What is really cool is that you do get to ride with faster riders and potentially learn a bit. These comments that have been made worry me and even the director. Trust me when I say that we welcome everyone. Yes, we have some rules and guidelines. But they are totally acceptable and easy to understand. The issue here is that you are correct when saying it has been painted to be more and more of an "A" group and that is not true. These have always included the Intermediate guys and that's what is so cool. Are there issues out there each track day? Yes. Is there issues in the groups during a normal track day? Yes. No matter what, there is going to be someone that feels they wasted their time because they didn't get clean laps or get race practice. For those guys? They call it WERA. CCS. ASRA. AMA. That's where you can run as fast as you want and do whatever you need to in order to get your aggression out. This is a track day and managed as such. We want to help. There is nothing more awesome to me when I can take a guy and show him some secrets or the proper line and he is amped to see his lap times drop and increase his comfort level because he is running the most efficient line around the track. That's what "COACHES/INSTRUCTORS" are out there for. The ones that say to stay home? Find someone else to help you out. It will be much more rewarding and more in line with the perception and management of the PTR events and the staff involved.
    1 point
  10. Well it sold this morning. Kinda weird seeing someone ride off on it. Pretty sure it went to a good new home.
    1 point
  11. Rusty - please refrain from discussing this situation and scaring customers. This is insane. The first level novices may break the 1:50s. BUT, I can promise they cannot do it consistently and in traffic. I as a part time race director will promise anyone on here that they will NOT be sent home unless you are erratic, inconsistent and unpredictable. Come see me or Todd Snyder if concerns or you have a coach hammering you on this. Now, if the fact is that you are any of these issues other than speed, yes. We may send you home or ask you to pull out and we will discuss refund if applicable. DO NOT USE A LAP TIME AS A MEASURING STICK. We evaluate in terms of ability and progress as a rider. An average Advanced rider is riding at 1:38-:40-ish pace. 1:47-1:50 is fine if you can be these things I describe. Remember - as an advanced rider, you should have the ability to pass safely even slower riders. Now, you enter Advanced and run 1:49s or 1:47s, we may bump you down to Intermediate in the regular days that we run. And, the comment of ruining faster riders' track days is pure snob and will not be tolerated. This is a track day. Not race practice. I have yet to have a track day ruined by a slower pack of riders. Reason being is I am capable of passing them and moving along.
    1 point
  12. I'm here. For the record it's under 75 again.
    1 point
  13. Also it's entirely possible an asshole cranked ratchet straps too much at a wrong angle and bent the clutch lever
    1 point
  14. Random pic from earlier, tunnel right before Keystone
    1 point
  15. Kickin back some brews and steak at the Loud American Roadhouse in Sturgis
    1 point
  16. Ya And my capichino machine broke. We had an epic ride today.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Not only does this tug on the heartstrings, it is another restoration in my faith in humanity:
    1 point
  19. LOL, OR made urban dictionary. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lbts%20glws
    1 point
  20. Okay first, if you read above I stated that I will include anyone who wants to make an effort to participate. Second if there can be groups for motorcycles and "trolls" I feel that there should be a group for people who have an interest in specific types of autos. I started this because finding a club for my car "fiero" is impossible in Columbus. I have had no intention in leaving people out. If anyone is offended well my apologies but I refuse to be bullied! I may be new to Columbus racing but I am in no way new to the car scene and forums. I am a nice person and will befriend anyone but do not take kindly to people strong arming me because they feel inferior! If anyone has a direct issue with me please feel free to approach me. I am more than willing to listen to your concern and find middle ground with you.
    -1 points
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