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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2014 in all areas

  1. My name is Josh Breece, I live in Marysville. Work at autobody in Hilliard as Detailer, getting my foot in the door of the Auto World! My friend Sean Butt pointed me towards CR to try out Auto Cross. Here is my Car '03 Honda Accord V6 6Spd http://i1266.photobucket.com/albums/jj522/Jebreece/MyCar_zpsfc73111b.jpg
    2 points
  2. http://www.reimanshd.com I hope more dealers do this.
    2 points
  3. You think Carie makes sammiches? That's cute.
    2 points
  4. Got rid of all the silver on the side of my bike.. Swingarm covers (fake frame looking pieces) and such.. Just a shitty cell pic right now, I'll get it out tomorrow and clean it up and then get better pics.. Love how it turned out.. And a stock photo for reference.
    1 point
  5. We covered 166 miles in 5 hours was a great dayB)
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Funny. I was just telling a guy on an airplane yesterday that all the cities are the same. He was appalled that I didn't think San Francisco was just this amazing city. The bars are the same, the restaurants are the same, the hotels are the same, the airports are the same, the people are the same, etc. Texas, California, New York, etc. Only the scenery and weather changes.
    1 point
  8. i think youre all being fucking trolled. except g-new. cant troll the troll king.
    1 point
  9. cut off your legs, surgically attach unicycle. you must become one with the centripetal forces to master the centripetal forces.
    1 point
  10. Work travel can be a pain. Making sure you get to the airport on time, make sure the flight did not change gates, and if there is a connecting flight, finding the next gate. My friends hear that I am flying all over to places like LA, Denver and Dallas and think I have the coolest job. When traveling for work, I am not a tourist. All the cities look the same from the airport, to the customer, hotel room and back to the airport. Only one work trip I got to be a tourist. In Salt Lake City, I finished the task at hand about 2 PM. I took a drive to Ogden Utah to go to the Browning firearm museum. That was the best work trip to date, next would be an LA trip, I got drive Holland Drive and then from Malibu to LAX on the Pacific Coast highway.
    1 point
  11. Hard to see anything but that beautiful Ducati ....
    1 point
  12. Thanks. 270 potholes. He is a really cool guy, I met him awhile back through friends. While we were all at a bar they were encouraging me to give auto cross a try.
    1 point
  13. That sounds bad, the only travel for work i have is the long walk from my car to the locker room then up stairs. Lol
    1 point
  14. What do you do that causes you to travel so much? Traveling for work used to be fun but now it's a pain. All the security restrictions and airlines shrinking the seats etc just make it no fun at all.
    1 point
  15. Or you could get this bike....comparable hp, more torque, more range, higher top speed, quicker 0-60 and probably costs less. http://www.zeromotorcycles.com/zero-s/specs.php?model=sr
    1 point
  16. Travel in general sucks.... Typing from a boarding area
    1 point
  17. The LFA is purported to be one of the absolute best cars ever made.
    1 point
  18. I have never seen a motorcycle I did not like
    1 point
  19. Um, I think Calinazaret is a girl, otherwise Julie is a funny name for a guy...
    1 point
  20. Reminder, I hate all of you. Power Rump Rangers and Pirate Fags....Don't matter.
    1 point
  21. Does it really even matter? I bought it after the deal for the Moto Guzzi Norge fell apart. Think of it as getting loaded after bad day of work
    1 point
  22. OK, fair 'nuf, let's get realzies then. (For the record, I don't presently own a sport bike - my light ADV rig already gets me close enough to speeding tickets!) ON the upside, I think most Harleys look amazing and I have huge respect for HD's sales figures and their ability to capitalize on their products and market. I've met a lot of great HD owners who are true enthusiasts and they thoroughly enjoy their motorcycles (and often own other brands as well). They're cool and respect others who ride. I really dig those kinds of people, and you are probably that type - I bet we'd get along famously. But yes, you are also right, some of my own poking at the general HD group is serious (though I wouldn't quite call it hate). It's probably not unlike a lot of others giving HD shit. My biggest beef is that I cannot fathom how so many self-purported "rebel-edged independents" can drop ridiculous cash to clique together like high school wannabes, dressing alike in overpriced corporate-approved, foreign-made clothing, and make their bikes as garish and loud as possible to say "looook at meee everybodeee, I'm rebel-fabulous!" I'm amazed with most's disregard for their own safety and I hope they don't have any children, partners or family who would miss them if they died from a simple low-side. Poker runs that include bar stops (or any riding activity that does) are just plain stupid, and I see a 100x more HDs at bars than non-HDs, so there's something in that culture that promotes unnecessarily risky behavior. "Fallen Rider" rides are even more stupid when they're in memory of someone dying from rotten rider judgement. And don't get me started on how the majority of HD riders view women - it's cavemanesque and disgusting. All of it is so incredibly non-self-aware. It wouldn't be so bad if the group was cognizant of their own hipocricy and didn't puff up at every opportunity to regurgitate the same "rice burner," "real man-'s bike" bullcrap to anyone outside of their clique, but they do. Like I said, you are probably quite different and my apologies if I or others wrongly lump you or anyone else into the stereotype - that mistake is on us.
    1 point
  23. The new accessory section in the Harley catalog will now be called "Muted Eagle"
    1 point
  24. I envision shit hole bars with extension cords laying all over the parking lots.
    1 point
  25. That's an epic inside joke that only a few of us will get. That was a fun night
    1 point
  26. plus....nobody cares about that side of the bike....heres the good looking side
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Unless you want an American cruiser with power, then you could get a victory.
    1 point
  29. Nice find. Not enough of this type of behavior in the world.
    1 point
  30. So my father was a LEO, he carried a 357mag. It was generally within reach. At about age 5 or 6 he took each of us out to teach us about guns. Lesson 1, he put rounds into full water jugs so we could see what it would do. Lesson 2, he would put the 357 in our hands and have us pull the trigger. After we pick our self up, he would say "Now you know what it can do, don't ever touch it again" and none of us did. Education works.
    1 point
  31. You can buy a used large screen phone for next to nothing, then 33 bucks for the app I mentioned previously. Don't activate the phone, just use it on wifi to get the maps downloaded and to transfer your pre plotted routes. When the phone dies you just buy another and transfer the map app. Use half of the money to buy yourself hookers and blow. The other half you send to me and I will spend it on hookers and blow. Win, Win.
    1 point
  32. Sorry. Let's see... Here's one on the dyno: http://www.jimd.com/gto/ly7d7705.jpg Somewhere in the Hocking Hills: http://www.jimd.com/gto/LY7D1451.jpg And if you wanna hear it idle, check this out:
    1 point
  33. How far, exactly, did you ride today?
    0 points
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