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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2014 in all areas

  1. Noting wrong with any festival organized by any group unless their mission is to hurt another group. I liked the post above about Gay Pride being an acceptable name but White Pride is not. Why is that? To suggest that white straight guys should not be allowed to have a festival because they have not struggled in life is a screaming example of prejudice in and of itself. I was one of four boys raised by a single mother on the poverty line. My childhood was certainly not one of privilege.
    3 points
  2. I just got the mail. Apparetly I may aleady be a winner in the PCH sweepstakes. So long suckers
    2 points
  3. Anytime you have judges that are appointed rather than voted in, you can be assured the fix is in.
    2 points
  4. Kev, the only thing I don't get is why it would come and go the way it has if it was the battery? Going away as the day progresses makes sense if it is starting low and charging up, but both times it appeared immediately following a track day that had no issues...so you would think it would be topped up and ready to roll. Jason...yep that's the feeling, it was happening accelerating out of corners as well, and was pretty unnerving. Picked out that section of video because it had the most "cuts" the quickest and it was the first one I found. It was pretty constant each lap, then just faded away. I'll do what I can while not at the track....check over the wiring, clean all the contacts, check battery condition, check the charging system and top up my spare battery. When I get to the track I'll start simple, run the bike first session to see if the problem is still there. If it cuts, come in and change the battery, then start removing accessories to see if it persists. Thanks guys, the input is really appreciated, need to get this sorted before the races in August. If anyone else has input, I'm all ears!
    1 point
  5. are you sure it's a straight white guys' festival? cause it sounds gay as fuck.
    1 point
  6. Opens the door to lots of new options with the Go Pro.
    1 point
  7. I consider proper safety gear for the track being full leathers. For the street, jacket, helmet, gloves, jeans, and flip flops. Sent from my HTC6990LVW using Tapatalk
    1 point
  8. Yesterday I had an awesome steak dinner with parents and my fiance, came home and drank a beer, went to bed and got a blowie. Best day I've had in a while.
    1 point
  9. It's not too late yet. Of course you have to ask, who would buy it? FOR SALE: Political System For Sale: Broken Political system. Lots of corruption. Lawlessness thrown in with no extra charge. Includes three branches of the greatest idea yet that has become dysfunctional. Pros: Extra misleading rhetoric included at no extra charge! Political correctness included at no extra charge! Free entitled "Political Ruling Class" no extra charge! Free Media wonks no extra charge! Cons: Does not follow the constitution. Will cost you more that you can imagine. Cannot be paid for by any succeeding generation. Never ending exponential tax increases. * Liberty not included. ** Includes "The Federal Reserve Bank" *** Void where prohibited by law. **** Your mileage may vary, batteries not included.
    1 point
  10. I went to a 2 year school for IT and graduated, then planned on going to finish my bachelors while I worked full time with my associates. I have a decent amount of student loan debt but nothing crazy. Some things came up in life and I stopped finishing my bachelors but landed a job at a fortune 500 company and worked with my associates degree. I have been here for 5 years or so and worked my way up into an engineering role and make pretty decent money for being in IT, especially with a 2 year degree. This field seems to be one where they dont really care where you went to school, or what degree you have as long as you know your shit. I still havent finished my bachelors and if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have even started the degree to eliminate most of my student loan debt.
    1 point
  11. If the US gov't were a motorcycle, I would have parted it out years ago and bought a new one.
    1 point
  12. Him in the dumpster Wife with 2x4 Him on a tree, on his way home! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. I had a pretty awesome two days... I made $150 for nothing, already mentioned. That night, I got home with my wife and there was a young racoon stuck in the dumpster He must have fallen into the gap between the two lids, and it was empty so he couldn't get out. I dropped in a two-by-four for him to use as a ladder/walkway and waited quietly for 5 minutes out of sight. Sure enough, up he went and he was on his way. That made me feel good. Yesterday, I dropped my motorcycle key while walking from the parking lot to the softball field I knew it as soon as I reached the bleachers to take off my riding pants. I hustled back to the bike since I only had a few minutes until the game started, watching the ground as I went, but didn't see it.... While walking back to the field from the bike, I DID find it, right in the grass on the edge of the cement walkway. Phew! Then I went 3-for-4 in the first game, with a triple and 2 doubles, and then I had the game-winning hit in the second game
    1 point
  14. Since you asked what I think... I think all those groups were the subject of oppression and/or discrimination to a much higher degree than white makes. It's just you. "Pride" does not need to be reserved for something you've achieved. You can "take pride" in who you are. The problem is when pride in who you are turns into the opposite of that for people who WEREN'T born the way you were. Probably because "White pride" was used to oppress others, not actually take pride in being white. I see nothing inherently wrong with a bunch of straight white guys taking pride in being white & straight. The problem is when they're using it as an excuse to be douchebags to people who are NOT white & straight.
    1 point
  15. I thought the federal courts were above the political party bickering. So now I have no confidence in any of the 3 branches of the US Gov't.
    1 point
  16. I almost went to Case Western to study ME. I made a financial decision to study engineering at tOSU. I got through with no debt by living with parents and working. I got my previous employer to pay half my MBA. Two degrees and no debt is the smartest decision I have ever made. Approximately 10 years ago, I talked to 2 law schools while I was considering a JD. At that time, it did not think it was a wise investment with my personal circumstances. This thread has reinforced my analysis at the time.
    1 point
  17. Got my XDS-45. Happy - happy.
    1 point
  18. You can't even hear the diesel.
    1 point
  19. Just 'cause you're smart enough to memorize chit from a text book doesn't mean you're 'smart' enough to be financially savvy. Whole lotta folks in the same boat these days. Whole house carpet--no payments for 1 year? Sign me up. 90 days--same as cash? Hell yeah! Buy here--pay here--no credit check? What could possibly go wrong? Re-fi my home mortgage for 110% of the market value? It's a no-brainer. Instant gratification and repay with tomorrow's dollars. Hmmm. Kind'a like the gub'mint. Free medical. Free rent. Free food stamps. Free unlimited unemployment payments. Money grows on trees. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. God help our chilluns. They are so fucked….
    1 point
  20. Straight white male fest? Isn't that Jamboree in the Hills?
    1 point
  21. Paraphrased from Carlin, but I think it's true. -Is it just me or should "pride" be reserved for something you've actually achieved, that requires some effort or skill? Proud to be white, proud to be male, proud to be brown eyed, all bullshit. Accidents of birth.
    1 point
  22. The Egyptian Festival is the weekend of August 22nd. The Indian Association celebrates the Diwali (Festival of Lights) every year. The event is open to all Columbus residents and visitors. African American Heritage Festival. 2014 marks 36 years for the Annual African American Heritage Festival! Asian Festival. ...the festival has received strong support from state, city, corporate, and communities every year since its beginning in 1995. Festival Latino is the largest Hispanic/Latino event in Ohio beginning Saturday, August 9th. Ohio Scottish Games. The festival is sponsored by the Scottish-American Cultural Society of Ohio. Pride Parade and Festival. Gays and gay sympathizers. Dublin Irish Festival. Irish & friends. Sommerfest Friday, August 22nd. Oktoberfest Ohio State Fairgrounds. September 26-28. 2014 Columbus Italian Festival October 10, 11, 12. Greek Festival. Labor Day weekend. The Ohio Swiss Festival September 24-27, 2014 Columbus Jewish Film Festival November 2-16. 2014 Ohio Chinese Festival Was in February. Straight...white...and male. Everyone else has their celebrations without criticism. It seems there just may be some bias. What do you think? .
    1 point
  23. Anybody in the USA that feels they have been unjustly treated due to their sex, skin, religion, orientation, class status,etc should travel abroad a little, or read some damn books. Your "struggle" is the life dreams are made of, for a good portion of the world. I agree with this thread being a joke.
    1 point
  24. Do I need to "check my privilege" before commenting on this topic? Despite our white skin, most of my immediate ancestors didnt exactly have life served up to them on a silver platter. But I guess their struggle can't be compared to the immense problems faced by a gay born into the wealthiest and most tolerant society in human history... This kid said it very well earlier in the year. http://theprincetontory.com/main/checking-my-privilege-character-as-the-basis-of-privilege/
    1 point
  25. "the system" IS fair. You're talking about personal biases. We can't control how people feel. I am totally willing to admit that my 'status' as a white male of upper-middle-class pedigree has afforded me advantages throughout my life, but if I were a black male with the same education, I would have had quadruple the number of job offers. Tell me that's "fair."
    1 point
  26. My father was an overweight black gay woman in a wheelchair you fucking biggot.
    1 point
  27. So are we gonna make this happen or what? Won't be straight for long...If college fraternities and the track day crew around here is any indication, you put enough straight white dudes together, eventually someone's gonna touch a penis.
    1 point
  28. Uncle just won $1mil in the NY Lottery. Dude's a Vietnam Vet, serving multiple tours so his brother could stay home with his family/kids and stay out of the war. Dude was a Chinook flight engineer, and flew all kinds of crazy missions. Never been able to talk about all of them, but some of his stories were nuts. He was doused with Agent Orange multiple times, never knowing exactly what it would do long term. Found out down the road that it was eating his skin off his body and he used to lose patches constantly. Has multiple other health issues, wears a bag to poop and pee in, has no teeth, diabetic, and had a psycho wife who took as his cash for drugs and left him with 2 kids and nothing else. If anyone deserves to win something like that, it's him. Granted he'll take the lump sum because his health is so bad, so probably net what, 600K at most? But I hope he spends it on hookers, he doesn't drink or do drugs, but dang I'm so happy for him I couldn't sleep last night and am just telling everyone. Talk about Good News.
    1 point
  29. Isn't that the juxtaposition of this discussion. It isn't acceptable to be white strait and proud. But anything else needs to be sung from the roof tops. The way I see it if you can promote your lifestyle I can promote mine. So ride a motorcycle, listen to metal, support local music and don't be a fuckwit. Also be kind to one another, don't hate anyone it is a waste of energy. This life is short and only temporary.
    1 point
  30. Perhaps it's cooled off a bit over the years. I attended the pride parade in 2006 or 2007, because I support gay rights, etc. My lasting memory of that event is two dudes in rainbow tutus making out and grinding on each other like the ship was going down while Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" blasted from the PA system on their float. It was the type of display that would have made me uncomfortable to observe regardless of the participants' sexual orientations. I have no problem accepting gay people being gay. I do take issue with public displays of over-sexualized conduct, and then trying to rationalize it by saying "that's what you should expect at a pride parade." Again, I support equality - that means holding everyone to the same standard. No one would have tolerated a heterosexual couple partaking in the same behavior.
    1 point
  31. I bet if someone started a "United white boy college fund" that would be racist.
    1 point
  32. This is great in my opinion and just goes to show that people really do get up in arms when something like this happens but we are suppose to be OK with stuff like the NAACP etc.
    1 point
  33. There's lots of struggles for straight white guys! One very obvious one being that they apparently can't even have a festival without upsetting people.
    1 point
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