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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2014 in all areas

  1. If this gravedigger goes back any further, he's going to witness the Big Bang. The best part of this thread? Yota had a MySpace account.
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Personal bike service hierarchy: 1. Me, unless I can't 2. Hoblick, unless he can't 3. Cry a little, drink a little, and reconsider #1 4. Call the shop
    2 points
  4. midgethookersandspaghetti.com is not the same as ohioriders.net
    2 points
  5. I might be, please send pics.
    2 points
  6. I was thinking about this yesterday, as I passed a highly modded ninja 500 in the legacy village parking lot.... Have you ever thought about making business cards with the website info on them, and then passing them out at rides/meets, or mailing some to each paying member? Then we can leave them on strange bikes that we see, and it would raise awareness. Business cards are pretty cheap, although mailing them out to paying members to leave on strange bikes is a PITA (Could always include a sticker or two and 10 website advertisement/business cards and call it a "membership packet.")
    2 points
  7. Ask the school how it will be used.
    2 points
  8. That's pretty much what I figured....but this bike is old, fast and loud and I'm not that bright so contact with the local constabulary is likely...but I guess I can just put on a show wherever I park it. 'I'm on my way from a show at subway and I'm heading to a show at the ice cream place down the road. I organize these shows myself. They tend to be pretty short notice.'
    2 points
  9. Damn it, I showed it to my kids as a reason to always wear gloves!!! My poor girls....
    2 points
  10. My name is Brandon. I live in Columbus, OH and heard about this place from a local on G8board. I drive a 2008 G8 GT with a handful of your standard bolt-ons. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l263/fukaol13/IMAG0183_zpsd7090261.jpg
    1 point
  11. Just got the list of what my kids need for school supplies and on this list is a $20 itune gift card. What? Really? Anyone else seen this before? And i know it going to be ask and yes it's a public school not private and my kids dont own any i-gadgets. Persinally i think this is not somthing that should be on a school list that the parents should have to buy.
    1 point
  12. Or unless you've got broken ribs or stab wound to the stomach, then laughter is no good at all
    1 point
  13. Sometimes the best healing is laughter.
    1 point
  14. Well, you know. Things need to be stirred once in a while. .
    1 point
  15. punch it in the face for shedding inconsiderately. what a jerk.
    1 point
  16. +1 for the furminator. It looks like we kill a small family of rabbits every time we use it on out lab.
    1 point
  17. My heart cath on Tuesday showed no blockages so I should be fine to ride at Mid-O on Tuesday and Wednesday.
    1 point
  18. ok here is the run down. I bought my 14 Arctic Cat wildcat trail about 5 weeks ago or so. a week later we went to wayne to ride with some people on the forum. We ended up hitting a stump on the trail with the right front that did a lot of damage, then that shot us head on into a tree. Called riders insurance up to start my claim. they don't have an adjuster in ohio, so i told them the closest shop was marysville honda. just so happens they are a preferred estimated which would help move the process quicker. took it down as soon as i could and gave them my claim number. 2 weeks later it was finally done. Let me just say the copy of the estimate they gave me looked pretty badly done, hand written part numbers and dollar amounts, some without a description. they sent that off with 3.. yes 3 photos to riders insurance, they told me to go ahead and just take my vehicle home, because it will probably be totaled, and even if its fixable they are like 3-4 weeks out. 3 days later i have an email from marysville saying that insurance wants more pictures, and if i could just go ahead and take some and send them to them. i called marysville honda immediately and told them, i don't know what pictures they want me to take, so ill load it up and bring it back down. got it down there, and they didn't even want me to take it off the trailer. just snapped a few close up pics of stuff and sent me on the way stating "i don't know what they want pictures of". so a few hours later i get a call from the insurance auditor who is in charge of looking over the estimate and photos and deeming if what is wrote up on the estimate is correct and how to go from there. he's telling me they only sent a total of like 6-8 photos, and only close ups. he needed a lot more and full shots of it so he can see all the damage. he asked me if i could take photos and send them. well at this point i was over bringing it back to marysville to take pictures, because they probably wouldn't have sent as many, or what they needed yet again, prolonging the process. so i spent a good hour or so going over the machine, and taking detailed photos of everything that i could and what he wanted. on top of that i found quite a few huge things damaged that marysville honda didn't right up the estimate, sun as the steering rack was damaged, body deforms on the left side, radiator pushed back into frame bolts, front drive shaft looked crooked because of the twist in the frame, so it or the front differential could be damaged, the steering shaft looked tweaked. so after i got all my pictures i sent riders the email with the description of things i found that was not on the estimate. the ended up totaling the vehicle out. CoParts will be here friday to pick the machine up. so after some thought of if i was gonna get another wildcat, i accessed some other options, and decided that i wanted a Can Am Maverick 1000X XC, its 60" wide, 1000cc Vtwin 101hp.. might not be able to ride at wayne, but i think ill have a little more fun with this one, and the build quality is better on this machine in my opinion. Went down and talked to Sandi at ASK, and she gave me an insane price on a 14 Maverick XXC. doesn't have the one i want in stock, so she had to order. should be here in a week or less. Sandi has taken care of me every time i have been in there. ill be a repeat customer for sure. Marysville Honda needs to get there shit in check. I understand they don't sell arctic cat, but they are a preferred estimator, and i wanted to give them business. and if it was fixable i was originally gonna have them do the job. thats a nice chunk of change swapping a frame and stuff, but yet again i got let down. Riders Insurance handled the claim great, and if it wasn't for marysville slowing the process down, it wouldn't have taken anytime at all for this to be dealt with and over. so if you were ever wondering how they handle claims, i give them a huge thumbs up. everyone i talked to during the process was great, very nice and understanding. more than one phone call from them i got asked if me and the wife were ok from the accident.
    1 point
  19. My dad bought it for his sleds back in 1996. He passed away and I used it for my bikes to haul to the gap a few times then once a year it get to haul brush to the dump. Now that i put up a fence I just burn the brush now because the city can't see open flames.
    1 point
  20. No sailboat but I've got a stand-up jetski. You could ride spider.
    1 point
  21. Right in my neck of the woods. That means Hoblick and I have dibs. Shawn and Adam are out. It's all about location, location, location.
    1 point
  22. We stopped handing out to random bikes to lower the douchebag level
    1 point
  23. Just promoted today. Master Sergeant (E-7)/Active Duty Air Force.
    1 point
  24. Awww, shucks... You too, man. Good dude and definitely a great asset to this community. The comments I stated about stealing and ripping off wasn't directed at you. It is a common misconception that is very common. You ask people and they will respond that they feel the dealerships are "stealerships". It's common and unfortunate. It is just simply a cultural issue bottom line... You best be coming to the Indy track day after MotoGP. If coming to MotoGP, I'm buying you a drink.
    1 point
  25. btw I heart brian, he can sometimes come across like an asshole, and have a few skewed perceptions, but god love him. he does know his shit, and he is a hell of a nice guy in person.
    1 point
  26. He said socially awkward, not academically challenged ;-) Anywho - let's avoid the home schooling flame bait, shall we? Or spawn it off into another thread because to me, it's well-worn misconceptions on both sides.
    1 point
  27. I saw her Picts on FB. I would hire her for my personal assistant.
    1 point
  28. The way you're qualitatively framing this, I completely agree and probably so does everyone else here. But to Butters' point, you have to consider the actual dollars. There is no level of customer service that is worth a $1000 premium on a sub-$15k vehicle, is my opinion.
    1 point
  29. Guessing the school has X number of Ipads to loan out, or each kid gets one for certain things through the school year. Personally, I hate it. I hate what the world is becoming regarding technology and wish it would slow down a ton, but it won't. With that said, unfortunately, it's needed to keep the kids ahead of the curve with technology, so it is what it is. I would however want to know what it's for. If it's for "music" or whatever, F that. No way my youngin will be using ITunes and crap like that when I don't even spend coin on that. Luckily the wife is with me on all of this.
    1 point
  30. Cell phone can be registered to a PO Box so reverse look up of the number may not get you the location where the bike is parked. Plate number cannot be registered to PO box so that is likely where the bike is at night. Add a hacker or crooked cop to the mix and ....
    1 point
  31. front is timeless and classy
    1 point
  32. First Generation (2001-2005) FZ1 is a fantastic motorcycle. Yamaha hit the mark with comfort and performance. Its perfectly happy touring, dragging knee, taking to the strip, or just commuting. It does everything well and is as smooth as any I4 out there. Thought I wanted a Ninja 1000, but after living with both for the first half of the riding season, I enjoyed getting on the fizzer more than the Ninja 1000. Don't get me wrong the Ninja is a great motorcycle, it just did not hit the mark as well as the FZ1.
    1 point
  33. Learned to ride on a Yamaha YZ80 as a kid. Got the moped at 14 Bought a Yamaha 750 street bike out of college. Looking for something with power, handling and friendly ergos I bought the FZ1 in 2005 brand new from Lancaster Sport Cycles. I love the bike. Sport bike fun with all day comfort. 39K miles on the bike and never had an issue.
    1 point
  34. Definitely.... The cheeks are phenomenal. Like the best scallops you've ever eaten.
    1 point
  35. Salmon seem to like spoon lures, although maybe they are intended more for trolling (?), I don't see why they wouldn't work with casting. I would call a local bait shop near the lake and ask them whats hot right now as it seems to change a lot. Those guys are like the nosy neighbors, they get all of the info about who is catching what, where, and with what bait.
    1 point
  36. Brian, I will generally agree. However in this case, Ryan is pretty unbiased and gives good reviews and bad reviews fairly equally on OR. He's a stand up guy and often posts that he's given dealer ABC multiple chances and changed his mind, good or bad. My point is Ryan is a solid reviewer with a good reputation. I put a lot more weight into his reviews than I do many other people or the random yelp review.
    1 point
  37. Freshwater. Walleye is up there too. Catch a bucket of bluegill, cut them up and pan fry them. You will thank me. They're almost sweet tasting.... Like butter.
    1 point
  38. I have a gen 1 and a gen 2. I pay less than $650 per year full coverage for both of them. Getting older has it's privileges.
    1 point
  39. One of my friends should buy this.
    1 point
  40. Carb The vent hole on the crack pipe these blast Hero's are smokin from
    1 point
  41. I just got the mail. Apparetly I may aleady be a winner in the PCH sweepstakes. So long suckers
    1 point
  42. Got scuba certified at Gilboa Quarry. Now, who wants to breathe underwater with me?
    1 point
  43. Buddy, after Clutch and I get back from Mid Ohio Saturday, :colorzYellow: , then after his license finale at Nelson Ledges Wednesday. We still have him registered for three races at Nelson on the 8th. If my stories cant help bust the 200 mark, as I'm going to do at Bonneville, I'll buy you a beer. Pops
    1 point
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