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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2014 in all areas

  1. It is....no doubt. I understand frustration if you perceive you've been targeted unjustly over time, but rioting like this is just ignorant and counter productive. It's an excuse to act stupid.
    3 points
  2. He's married and his nuts are in a jar, he's forgotten all about rubbers.
    2 points
  3. My wife gets angry when I watch Ancient Aliens too. Apparently, its much easier for her to believe that some supernatural being created everything that is yet its an insult to her intelligence to think that maybe life on Earth is the result of extraterrestrial intervention. Personally, Im not saying that I believe any of what they say on AA but some of the points they make are certainly interesting.
    2 points
  4. Last few weeks have been spent back in Mitsubishi land. Had to tune a pile of cars before the DSM shootout, last but not least a fresh tune for El Mirage http://i1003.photobucket.com/albums/af154/coltboostin/IMG_20140812_213805_815.jpg Just a mild 2.0L AWD swap in a $50 Mitsu Mirage. Ended up with 620whp out of a 10 year old GT35r in a small .63 turbine on a conservative cam 2 tune. He wanted a "all day long" tune, so I kept it safe None of the cars I tuned blew up, so I guess I did OK. El Mirage went 9.6@149 Matt Step did a killer job with this one. This car is dirty cheap for its performance ability and really gives me the itch to find yet another Colt and come to the AWD dark side. And before people say it's a one trick pony, old girl won the MAX EFFORT event-an autocross and drag race with a weighted points average. This car is set up to turn and stop as well as it goes. Its damn near the best budget build I could ever think of. We hope to do some time attack/hot laps with her next season.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. And if I keep riding, eventually I'll become a bike snob and say things like 'sit bones' instead of ass? I sure hope so.
    1 point
  7. 15 miles yesterday and today.. both were power rides... 15mph or faster... Your ass will adjust to the saddle quickly if you stick with it, but there always seems to be just a little pain there to remind you where you came from... Bad - give it a good 4 days before you judge the system...I can way 3-5 pounds either way in a matter of 24 hours...liquid(water) weight alone makes a huge difference each day on the scale.
    1 point
  8. He could have stab wounds and his blood on Michael Brown's hands and they would still call for "justice" for the innocent boy who strong arm robbed a convenient store hours before. Nothing but a murder charge conviction of the officer, regardless of the facts, will appease the masses. It will get worse before it gets better. If I was a LEO anywhere in the US, I'd take long vacation.
    1 point
  9. You were knocked out not moving for a lap.
    1 point
  10. Thats a long way to go to register a stolen bike . :gabe:
    1 point
  11. I broke down and washed the Norge. With three washes under its belt this year, this motorcycle has been washed more in four months than my ST1100 was washed in four years. Remember, time spent washing is time that could be spent riding. Be a rider, not a poser.
    1 point
  12. Wrong, riot, loot, and don't do anything smart.
    1 point
  13. If the residents are unhappy with the people voted in, then vote in different people, right?
    1 point
  14. you want to see totally out of control? Put me on a 450!
    1 point
  15. I need a three car garage. This cramped crap is getting annoying.
    1 point
  16. our king quad is fully auto with the hand stick on the left. I didn't even know they made a shifter for the kq
    1 point
  17. I am fine on distances... but the climbing still kills me right now... I am more focused on fitness, loosing weight, etc. Just recently started training hills and head winds... 8200' of climb is quite a bit much for me right now... Here is an older picture of the spesh... nothing fancy...but it does what I need it to do... only difference from that picture to now is a larger tail bag, and clipless pedals.
    1 point
  18. You need a Snickers and a hug?
    1 point
  19. I'm testy cause I'm hungry and it's now annoying. You're like the kid with one line in 2nd grade that won't shut the hell up with it. It's old
    1 point
  20. 2 years in the making, I am down to 185 from 240. target weight is 160-170. Bought a cheap walmart road bike at the beginning of the 2013 season, and rode it till it fell apart. Upgraded a few times, riding a nice specialized entry level road bike now. Just rode a 15.2 mph average for just over an hour last night... Training for 2 events next year - a century ride (100 miles) and I want to participate in GOBA (50 mile days for a week, touring a selection of Ohio) No specific diet, just portion control, smart eating, and increased activity 6 out 7 days.
    1 point
  21. You'll find no argument here.
    1 point
  22. I'm bad, my sister is MAD. I go from BAD to asshole
    1 point
  23. My friend talked myself in to trying nutrisystem. Yesterday was Day 1 and I'm soooo hungry
    1 point
  24. Kind of like bibles and stuff.
    1 point
  25. From one grumpy old man to another. You should come, I'm not aware of any rules other than not riding like an ass, keep your skin covered, and don't smart off to the mods.
    1 point
  26. Svedka is the fucking devil dressed in a magical clear potion that will have effects similar to ghb and you will wind up swimming in lake Erie when it is 20 degrees F outside then waking up in eastlake when your night started in Westlake with only the clothes on your back, a court summons for PI and a cab driver who is going to shoot you for not paying. And not to mention the worst headache of your life
    1 point
  27. My wife's cousins, Bobby and Roger Reuse are racecar drivers from Alabama. This year, they were able to line up a partnership to race the three Nascar Nationwide series road course races. I have worked in their pit crew for about 20 races with their regular Scca and late model races. This past weekend, I was in the pit crew for the Nationwide race at Mid-ohio. Very cool experience,from the driver meeting, to prepping the second car and being a spotter for the whole race. Our first car went out on about lap 7 with a trAnsmission problem. The second car finished the race, but was 3 laps down, finishing in 24 place. Just needed about 40k for a new motor, we were down on power. Next year they plan to have 2 New cars and run a limited schedule, as money allows.
    1 point
  28. Tim - its not as bad as it seams. It works out pretty good and at the stops people do move around.
    1 point
  29. It's only invisible until you shine a xenon light through a 5+ carat diamond and say a prayer to Bernie Eccelstone.
    1 point
  30. Depending on the deal, I'll include her with the house.
    1 point
  31. 2014 Rodney King... I wish LEO's would just wear chest-mounted GoPro cameras at all times, and be done with it.
    1 point
  32. Prolly not a good idea to text a gf kegel instructions
    1 point
  33. To split it into 2 rides, you get to do every mountain pass in both directions, so that it really doubles the different rides you do on this amazing terrain. Spruce/North Fork/Smoke Hole/Lost River ride: http://goo.gl/maps/d5l2k or the long URL: https:// maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Seneca+Rocks+Discovery+Center,+Roy+Gap+Road,+Seneca+Rocks,+WV&daddr=US-220+N+to:County+Rte+28%2F11%2FSmoke+Hole+Rd+to:Lost+River+State+Park+Rd,+Moorefield,+WV+to:Howards+Lick+Rd+to:County+Rte+2%2F3%2FSmoke+Hole+Rd+to:Spruce+Knob+Trail&hl=en&ll=38.790486,-79.149628&spn=0.854177,1.234589&sll=38.903057,-79.204559&sspn=0.213207,0.308647&geocode=FUSOUAIdptdE-yGcwF4_KYA3SSmRPX-xxCq1iTGcwF4_KYA3SQ%3BFfPYTQIdCYFF-w%3BFbadUQId_4dG-w%3BFYAQUwIdM5pL-ykvqPGVKxe1iTED-hLoxKfpNg%3BFVaDUQIdd9VL-w%3BFYQUUQId1D1G-w%3BFT2DTgIdxWxC-w&oq=Seneca+Rocks+disc&t=p&mra=dme&mrsp=5&sz=12&z=10 ShenandoahMtn-US33/Reddish Knob/Moyer's Gap/ShenandoahMtn-US250 ride: http://goo.gl/maps/U1Cc3 or just in case, the long URL: https:// maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Seneca+Rocks+Discovery+Center,+Roy+Gap+Road,+Seneca+Rocks,+WV&daddr=US-33+E+to:Hinton+Market,+Rawley+Pike,+Hinton,+VA+to:Briery+Branch+Rd,+Dayton,+VA+to:Reddish+Knob+Spur,+Dayton,+VA+to:Doe+Hill+Rd+to:Moyers+Gap+Road+to:US-250+W+to:US-250+E+to:Sugar+Grove+Rd+to:Reddish+Knob+Rd+to:Hinton+Market,+Rawley+Pike,+Hinton,+VA+to:Brandywine,+WV+to:US-33+W&hl=en&sll=38.552461,-79.232025&sspn=0.857022,1.234589&geocode=FUSOUAIdptdE-yGcwF4_KYA3SSmRPX-xxCq1iTGcwF4_KYA3SQ%3BFYZjTQIdutRG-w%3BFfDgSwIdDKRJ-yFyiiclpHOfAinDjKm3rsG0iTFyiiclpHOfAg%3BFdidSgIdXGVI-ynV0fE5wri0iTHHqtr33Teutw%3BFY_pSgIdTd5G-ykvc3Ous7e0iTFKwijKrF_tSw%3BFYOwSwIdwgFF-w%3BFWmqSwId65pF-w%3BFe63SAIdZ2xD-w%3BFV_7RwIdptFF-w%3BFaqiSwIdXMhF-w%3BFRQwSwIdSC5H-w%3BFfDgSwIdDKRJ-yFyiiclpHOfAinDjKm3rsG0iTFyiiclpHOfAg%3BFUheTQIdJ9JG-yntXZ0urc-0iTFh_WYEs8sAjg%3BFbJyUAIdLrhE-w&oq=Brandyw&t=p&mra=mi&mrsp=13&sz=10&z=10 and for good measure, the very high elevation and very scenic (but less technical) Hawk's Nest/WV60/WV39 route: http://goo.gl/maps/kuuEg long URL: https:// maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Hawks+Nest+Rd&daddr=Gauley+Bridge,+WV+to:WV-16+N%2FWV-39+E+to:WV-20+N+to:WV-55+E+to:Seneca+Trail+to:Maury+River+Rd+to:VA-39+E&hl=en&ll=38.084851,-80.183716&spn=1.725115,2.469177&sll=37.824701,-79.436302&sspn=0.108204,0.154324&geocode=FWSfRQIdkz0q-w%3BFXhnRgIdshAp-ynbLNbNZMhOiDGYV31EkmXGDg%3BFcVURwIdvRQp-w%3BFU5VRwId-Ggy-w%3BFUNBRgIdjog4-w%3BFUhERwIdTNE5-w%3BFcXVQwId4JpC-w%3BFWnVQAId1UBE-w&oq=Gauley+Bridge,+WV&t=p&mra=mi&mrsp=7&sz=13&z=9
    1 point
  34. I've been absent from this forum for more than a year for a variety of reasons, but I couldn't let this pass without comment... What part of this article do you not find serious? Being white, you experience positive profiling from law enforcement, i.e. you're white, you aren't dressed "like a gangster", thus you won't get much scrutiny. My girlfriend lives in Chicago. She's black (actually, a beautiful shade of brown). She has an advanced degree from a private school , earns well into the 6 figures, and is always dressed well. She gets followed in stores to this day. Believe it or not, but it's true. Not every store, obviously, but it does happen. She told me last night that she's so thankful she has a daughter instead of a son, and that her daughter has two girls, not boys. She knows what <could> happen to black men...she experiences racism as a black woman. If you don't believe that "white privilege" exisits, if you don't believe that law enforcement treats black people differently than white people, then you're kidding yourself.
    1 point
  35. Rule 1 of marriage: If you don't like the way they cook, do the cooking yourself. If not, shut up! In our house, the bitch does all the cooking. After I cook, I usually help with the cleaning.
    1 point
  36. Black people are disproportionately incarcerated, but if you believe for a second it's because they commit more crime, you're pretty gullible.
    1 point
  37. I expect police to go out of their way to draw attention to the cigars and they already are. I wonder how may other information packets have been prepared and distributed for other robberies or shoplifting investigations. Eye witness accounts all point to a young black male being shot when running away, then being executed when he attempted to surrender. That is the issue. Not cigars, not a robbery. It shouldn't matter if he was a priest, a robber, an honor student, etc. Police are sworn to protect all citzens, not just the ones they happen feel are savory individuals. That same police department shooting tear gas at reporters to prevent filming doesn't exactly build their credibility that their actions were justified.
    1 point
  38. Ahhhh hahaha haha You honestly believe black people break the law more often than white people? Ha ha OMG that is funny. Next you're going to tell me that the reason that the population of ivy league schools are primarily white is because white people are smarter.
    1 point
  39. I'm going to sit back a cheer my wife on for now.She started working out with a personal trainer, very expensive but if it works for her I'll pay it. Maybe eventually she will rub off on me..lol
    1 point
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