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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I would think that they would have backups given the potentially critical/ sensitive information those cams could collect. If they dont, then that's their fault.
  2. I have some candid shots of Jim, but those are for me.
  3. So, you wont be needing to borrow my trailer lol.
  4. I thought we agreed I'd have someone ride mine home while we test it's two-up ability on the highway?
  5. We are all enablers here my friend. Good to see everyone tonight. Tracy and I are picking up our groms this weekend.
  6. I hope you ate the pineapple I sent you, Sam.
  7. Don't knock it til you try it. It's mo-fuckin delicious. Now I almost want to make this and bring that za to show yall whats up.
  8. I should bring an Angelo's Acapulco BBQ Chicken Pizza and make you eat your words. That za is life-changing. Provolone, BBQ chicken breast, pineapple, hot peppers and bacon with a touch of cinnamon.
  9. I'm guessing this is a hypothetical situation huh Jim? Nothing to do with the monthly dinner?
  10. 24 Days! @F4iguy needs to stop being all secretive and show everyone the new ride.
  11. Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah.... Let's not get too serious now here... If I were to somehow procure some of that scrumptous liquid, it would be shared with other members that would normally not have the opportunity to taste such a delightful treat.
  12. wow, 6 consecutive laps without a flag!
  13. He's skinny. But eats like 5 horses. I can't explain it lol. I know the prices are near retail, but I rode his vfr more than he did. He's the one that bought Brian's vfr. I believe he found that riding wasn't for him. He's put less than 10 street miles on any of it, if that. I don't think he ever had the helmet on long enough to sweat in it. Mostly parking lot practice with me. He did pull the biggest vfr wheelie I've ever seen in the parking lot of my office and kept it upright. ?
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