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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Hey me living in your basement hasn't been so bad. Is that so I can come and go without disturbing your family?
  2. Cant get a bike in my living room. Is it bad that whenever I am going to shop for a house one of the requirements is that I have to be able to roll a bike in it somehow?
  3. Crap. I want one, but really have no good place to put it.
  4. What kind of savage do you think I am? I dont discriminate.
  5. Yea it did. They almost didnt let me register but after I mentioned I trailed my shit there just to run, one guy had mercy on me right in front of the guy that denied me multiple times. I gave that guy a big ole finger as I rode past him at the gate after unloading. I also found that the low 11.3's I was running is pretty much as fast as my bike will go down the strip, so I wasnt planning on going back. But I've got a cheater bike now, would be interested in running it.
  6. You think IFO is bad try running at Fatmans Invasion where there a bunch a fucking highschool kids with stock civics that take up the lanes when only about 10% of the guys in line are actually worth watching. But thats what happens when you have a low "entry fee". Everyone and their mom wants to take their boring DD's down the strip. Last year I ran the daytona at Fatmans and I was there all day and only ran twice. Both times I snuck in line lol.
  7. His limited lean angle will really come into play at that point.
  8. No, dont let them go. I need to start preping lunch soon.
  9. I took the money that could've gone to a bicycle, on my motorcycle. However now I can roll out of hot pit and get on it faster than I could the triumph. It was an easy decision.
  10. Dude, are you gonna make me wait until I load mine into the trailer next to yours to see your new baby? I believe the back straight at Road Atlanta is longer than the one at Mid-O. I believe Mid-O is around 3025ft and Road Atlanta is just shy of a mile from what I've read this morning.
  11. Hope one of us gets there to claim the spot.
  12. I want to say based on the pic Dan sent in the group chat a while back it's here: @Jester_ ?
  13. Kidnap corner...... Also, thats a helluva trip for one day, I'm glad you are coming for at least one though!
  14. looks like a hard job, but I suppose someone has to do it.
  15. My bike doesnt have a key
  16. Hey, I only have 2 pirelli's right now, the dunlops I have are a harder compound.
  17. It's not. I still have dreams about wanting to drink more of that apple pie.
  18. I did, im not going to use them to mount a damn tire though.
  19. yea a cold 200 series rear dunlop that are notoriously hard to mount in the first place lol.
  20. Guys at Sills had to put my Dunlop in front of their shop heater to get it onto the rim.
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