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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I've been waiting to make my decision on this trip until after this weekend.
  2. I would prefer the sweet sound of Derek's voice.
  3. Dude ive been all over the internet... and you still find shit that surprises me. Do I even want to know the search terms you used to find this?
  4. I was planning on sleeping in the back of the explorer, but if I am able to sleep on something more flat that may be better... Do you know what time they close the gates?
  5. I thought we've already established that affirmative action isnt recognized on this board.
  6. We'll be too high for that bullshit.
  7. Pics or GTFO. (Where'd that emoji go btw?)
  8. I honestly dont want anything to do with the traditional asian community LOL. It's not about the size of the ship, its the motion of the ocean.
  9. I didnt really experience racism up here. It's just more of the whole, lack of diversity. People just didnt grow up with it as they did down there so its not as "normal". Biggest thing I've noticed is women arent as inclined to date asian men as they were down south.
  10. I have absolutely no idea how I was a kid and lived down there (rode bikes everywhere, ran around, played sports.) I'd die in the summer if I had to go back. All the humidity from the Gulf, but none of the breeze. I did love living down there, loved the people, the diversity. I've been told I wouldnt recognize it now. (It's been a little over a decade since I've been back.)
  11. Where'd you live in Tejas? I lived outside of H-town in Sugarland for 10 years.
  12. I raced a buddy back in the day on the 06 f4i and he was on an 05 600rr. I beat him 3 times in a row. He was lighter, but wasnt as experienced of a rider. I bet that extra weight of the 1000rr makes it feel more planted in the corners. I had the opposite feeling to transition to when I went from the 1000rr to the 600rr.
  13. I did the majority of my learning on an 2006 f4i. I really liked that bike. Minus the banana seat.
  14. 1000rr --> 600rr --> 675 What I've done in terms of bikes lol.
  15. This. Also ride as many things as your friends/ dealers will let you. It'll give you a better idea of what you like and dont like. Liters are fun. But can get you in over your head way quicker than a 600. 6's are more "fun" imo because I like going through the gears. On my old liter, I'd be in one gear, crank the throttle, and I'd be in the back of the car in front of me. I like to use the following rule for owning motorcycles (even though I am not following it right now, but a lot of members here do). N + 1 where N is the number of motorcycles you currently have.
  16. Pumped. Started prepping the bike last night. Getting a tire spooned on today hopefully. Damn painters tape just isnt gonna cut it (not sticking to my headlights) looking for other options after work today. Also, I hope I can still pass tech without pulling my headlight fuse, I learned yesterday my bike wont start if that fuse is pulled. It's a pita to get to the point where I can unplug my headlights too. Anyone know if thats a deal breaker so long as you cant see light coming out of my brake light/head light? (I know I'll have some goop left over from the tape/heat left over).
  17. R6's (the current gen) sit higher in my exp. I'm typically a one foot down at a stop light kind of guy myself, so a bike would have to be super tall for me not to want to ride it. That bike with 30k+ miles and it being a 2001, you may get $2500 (imo) if its immaculate and has all that maintenance done. Maybe less if the valves haven't been checked. Unfortunately it's just an older bike. You'd be correct to sell it during spring time though. My daytona has 31k and I'm about to track it this weekend. So long as a machine has been properly maintained it shouldn't spontaneously combust if that is what is playing into your decision to start looking for something else. 1000's are a completely different beasts, especially the s1000rr's. Not to scare you away from a liter, but just warning you. You can get in deep really quick on a liter bike. Lowering changes the chassis/ steering geometry. I've never lowered any of my bikes, I've ridden lowered bikes, in my experience the lower the speed, the more you feel the bike has been fucked with. Still not my preference as you have less ground clearance as well.
  18. I'll be the asian gentleman with the black explorer and white daytona. Anyone have an extra space to pit with?
  19. Anyone else getting there friday afternoon/evening? Do they provide lunch or should I prepare to bring some food?
  20. Anyone know what time gates open on friday afternoon?
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