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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Ryan was holding back the entire time. But that also shows me where I should be staying in it, or when I could be braking later etc. I'm still studying the video lol.
  2. The fact you made it yourself makes it 100x better/cooler. Sent from my iPhone.
  3. Being able to set cruise control and lean my seat back on the way back home was worth it after that meal....
  4. Apparently we all suck at reading xrays lol.
  5. I've got a LOT of room for improvement. Lots of places I can pick up speed. I'm looking forward to working on/for it.
  6. It definitely wasnt a switch back. I wouldnt call it a sweeper either. It's an off-camber left hander cresting a hill. Maybe 25mph on the street? @RHillmay be able to better gauge that.
  7. Which video? (URL?) It may prove difficult to gauge since I tape over my speedo with a piece of tape during track days.
  8. Was he on a red daytona? I did a quick scan of those vids and didnt see myself, I'll have to watch closer when I get home.
  9. Thanks again for slowing it down and following/leading me. Like I said, I've never had to opportunity to watch myself ride.
  10. Edit nvm. I'm not in the cool kids club, I run Q3's.
  11. TimTheAzn


    I found it old man!
  12. TimTheAzn


    There is a facebook page?
  13. I saw a white bike and I was hoping it was me. But it isnt.
  14. anddd Nivin in to derail the search for their final player.
  15. That would explain that rear chatter right before it happened.
  16. I'm just glad you are ok man. Heal up quick. Sent from my iPhone.
  17. Is that a double?? Sent from my iPhone.
  18. Hate you both. Gotta ride a minimum an hour to find anything remotely interesting.
  19. I have friends like that also lol. 900 miles for the season? Oh really.... LOL
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