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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I was the guy on the white daytona that rolled up on you on detroit the other evening! I remember that you said you traded in the 1098 for the trumpet, and that pic looks like ducati/triumph of north akron, so I figured that was you.
  2. I'd be down to throw down for a garage, I dont use warmers.......................yet
  3. I'll be there, hopefully pitted near some of you degenerates...
  4. Looking for a Back Protector. I am 5'8". Let me know what ya got!
  5. I had a varidesk (my company will provide them if requested) but I found my lazy ass not standing very much at all. Possibly because I didnt have a mat so standing in one place started to hurt my feet. But I know some people that stand most of the day.
  6. Plan on racing more next year? Or just running with another ORG.
  7. What does this mean: Any 12 Events = Free renewal
  8. LOL the additional non-member cost of those 3 days is $50. The same price as if I bought a basic membership..... Unless Barber in Nov is also N2, then buying the membership this late in the season wouldnt be worth it. I see Barber on the N2 calendar, is that the same one as you guys were talking about as a season closer? Edit: Welp, got that friday off (that was fast). Now to come up with the funds for all of this
  9. My time off was approved for this, looks like I should request Friday as well. Collecting funds currently. Any donations appreciated.
  10. Had a guys weekend last year and did this. It was a blast. Best part is we didnt pay for electricity so we ran the AC as cold as it went. That proved to be a mistake in the morning when I woke up and could see my breath and the vents were dripping with condensation hahaha. Good times.
  11. Resisting the urge to put this in my signature.
  12. I'm just glad that everyone was alright. I was on my way home by the time that happened.
  13. Yes. That was the day Sam went down on his TL I believe. You still had the VFR. Jerry swept me on the hawk and I believe gasser did some sweeping of me too that day. I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers that ride. It's important to me since that was the day I "knew" what I wanted to do and that I had/have a lot of work to do. I remember you talking to me and saying that all of that comes with just more twisty miles. So thats exactly what I went out and did on my own.
  14. I'm just thinking back to my first ride in SEO. It was a near overwhelming experience.
  15. I plan on bringing a friend and I am not one to just bring someone and not be responsible for them. He is not ready for fast group pace for sure. He isnt a slouch but has never ridden roads like this before and they are a completely different ballgame than what he thinks are roads. I was thinking about possibly planting us 2 at the back of med-fast so I could sweep him. Or just joining the hate parade and just having a nice ride. Havent decided yet.
  16. I'd be disappointed if there wasnt that clause in the contract.
  17. Are y'all going Monday or Tuesday? Sent from my iPhone.
  18. damn..........................................................................................................................................................................................hmmmmmm
  19. Fairing kit wont change the overall shape of the tail, unless you retrofit like another bike's tail to the bike. Then you'd run into rear seat issues I'd imagine. You can find fairing kits everywhere online. The retrofit would take more work trying to mount it to your f4i subframe.
  20. I'm out for this. I hopefully plan to be running Barber in Nov so I'd like to save monies and PTO.
  21. Now I'm really regretting lending a friend money for textbooks.....
  22. Nice... is that every sunday? I believe I have this sunday booked.
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