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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. ^ Is this really happening? We need to bring racial balance back to the mods.
  2. I just want to be able to close all these damn for sale threads when they are finished.
  3. oh i turned around and beat him on his own bike on the way home....
  4. It was nice meeting all of you. Dave it was great to see you again man. Sorry we didn't ride more, I hope you guys enjoyed the rest of the day. That was FUN. Let me know when the next ones go down. Be safe out there tomorrow guys.
  5. I'm currently parked by the N2 tent. Waiting to set up. Let me know when you guys start rolling in. Sent from my iPhone.
  6. Tpoppa and I may have gotten a little excited on the highway somewhere between Virginia and Fontana. Joel was riding behind me because my plate fell off somewhere between Ohio and WV. Tony and I split a van and a semi, Joel didnt have enough room, and that was the last time we saw him until he came through to the cabin in Fontana. Story goes something like: Us 3 got onto the highway and apparently a state trooper wasnt far behind, started pacing us at 80 and we were still pulling away and when Joel got caught behind that semi the trooper was able to catch him. Tony and I had NO idea of the LEO until later that night.
  7. 08+ 600rr and 1000rr are my suggestions. I have an 07 675, havent ridden the newer body style but I'm pretty sure they got a little better. Don't ride the 675r unless you plan on buying it that day.
  8. gottcha, I knew you had a slip on (which lets be real, slip ons in general arent power adders). Wasnt sure if you were tuned on anything. It moves pretty good though!
  9. People that arent quitters have these.
  10. Dont you have a power adder or two on yours?
  11. Ok. Hopefully it's easy to spot you guys. What cars/trucks are you driving? If you see me roll by just yell at me.
  12. ftfy If you ever ride one you'll be hooked.
  13. All packed up and ready to roll after work. Sent from my iPhone.
  14. It has some Ducatiish similarities particularly in the width department. Both are pretty thin. But power is powerrrrr and you can't compare a 1098 to a 675 in the power department. I want moar power [emoji17] Sent from my iPhone.
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