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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Only reason I am trailering to the epic ride this year is because my friend that rides a ducati doesnt want to ride that far down to a meet spot.
  2. Thats a nice little garage setup.
  3. We've ridden with super motos on some decently quick rides and it was exactly that. Corner speed not an issue, but when we are cruising 70-80 on straights I feel like you guys are up there on the RPM's... Also boo on the avatar.
  4. I'm pretty flexible. I'll be on call during the week so I'll probably be able to jet early friday, so unless you plan on leaving Friday morning, we could most likely work something out. Edit: Just registered for Saturday!
  5. Don't need a trailer spot but may need a spot to pit! No one down to caravan Friday evening?
  6. This is really turning out to be an OR track day lol. When is everything thinking of leaving to get there? Any NEO'rs that wanna caravan?
  7. I'm thinking I am going to wait til monday to register, to check the 5 day forecast.
  8. My manager just told me "go ahead and register - we will figure it out". Looks like I am a go! Since I'm already getting slapped with a late fee, I wonder if it would be worth it to wait until next week's forecast comes out. My fear is spots being taken up.
  9. Quote for the Que Tree's for the Daytona (cant find out last message thread last time I got tires.)
  10. So if I had to pick a day, would it be Saturday or Sunday? I am leaning towards Sat since I'll have sunday to recover before work. Is everyone going to be there Saturday? Anyone driving down Friday night? What's the situation about "camping" overnight? (I'd probably sleep in the back of my truck.)
  11. Nope! All keyboard warriors here
  12. Currently I am begging to have someone cover just the day and not the night, or just saturday or just sunday. Trying to work all the angles. Manager is cool with it, but I need to somehow convince someone to cover it. I've asked the more senior part of my team as well, but they are usually too good for that on call stuff.
  13. Damn. I am really missing out. Damn work. Just checked again, no one can cover my on call shift -_-
  14. I am the rider I am today because of all of you (you know who you are). Just sayin. I remember my first group ride with you guys. Jumped right into a group I had no business riding with. Yet @Al Z. Heimer and @dpgasser volunteered to sweep me. I learned a lot that day, not so much riding wise (since you guys were so far ahead) but mentally, I knew I had a long way to go. I have a long ways to go still. But my views and attitudes have changed over the years because of the people I've surrounded myself with in this riding community. I'd like to think I've come some ways since that first day of "real" riding. /sappyshit
  15. You should PM him if you were trying to go on that ride. Hows the cbr doing btw?
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