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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. You make my good drive out onto the back straight look like nothing . Only way I could tell it was a good one is I didnt get passed on the drive out of the corner, was pretty much straight up and down by the time you came by!
  2. Had a good time at Nelsons yesterday!
  3. What, it doesn't pick itself up? What a pos.
  4. Restart life knowing what I know now?
  5. Its @Tpoppa Also, Welcome! Let me know when you get serious about trying the track.
  6. Yup, pump that rear brake up so its got good pressure then find something to hold it and come back the next day, see if any fluid came out. I would use brake clean to clean the caliper and master so any new fluid that may or may not appear overnight is obvious.
  7. Doing that now may push some fluid out instead of letting air in, letting you know where the leak is. Whether its the brake line itself, or bleeder screw. If the only thing you did was flush the rear brake, what fittings did you all touch? I doubt you undid the brake line itself, but I bet you touched that bleeder screw(s). Im assuming your rear master has a bleeder screw as well as the caliper itself? Edit: You flushed because you found you had no brake pressure. My suggestion is still legit to see where it may be leaking. Can be done before and after. Before in the hopes of pushing some fluid out to show the user where the leak may be. After to confirm no more leaks.
  8. Dont you have a direct line to him? For as much he rides minis with you guys....
  9. Find something to press down on the lever and leave it overnight. Is there brake pressure the next day? Or is it all the way to the "floor"? When I do this after about 1-2 pumps the lever is stiff again and good to go. Example: When I do my front brakes I zip tie my brake lever overnight with the brake on to make sure I don't have a slow leak anywhere. Zip tie it almost as far as I can pull the lever.
  10. +1 for setting it up for what you think feels best. Fuck the book. The book will get you in the ballpark most often, then fine tuning based on what you want out of the bike. But it all comes down to how you feel on it.
  11. Theres always exceptions. I was more getting at the people that only get a bike because they want to look cool and have no intention in progressing or giving back to the sport.
  12. Not bad knowing what your rolling and how you roll.
  13. Well lets start by asking: What is it doing that you like? (Ex: I like the way it turns in.) What is it doing that you don't like? What are you doing when it does the thing you don't like? (Ex: I don't like mid corner stability when holding maintenance throttle.) Some things I may be able to comment on based on some of the simple things I've learned, but it may be over my head.
  14. Woah now, I get how it can be useful on a trail. But I dont want people that cant properly manipulate a clutch riding on the street. LOL. Put them on a damn trike. Essentially. It's really weird knowing a bike has a standard clutch and then just coming to a complete stop without pulling the clutch in, it just sits there running. Pretty wild.
  15. TimTheAzn

    Google Fi

    Spoiler alert, they already have your info.
  16. These things are magical. Rode a KTM with one of these installed.
  17. Time of year doesn't help. No one wants to drop any kind of money for it to sit for the next 5 months.
  18. No, I know what those taste like. What is this post?
  19. Could be if in good mechanical condition. There are still races with those older bikes going on!
  20. TimTheAzn

    Ride 9/21

    I didn't bring it up . Just responded accordingly.
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