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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. TimTheAzn


    Ouch! I dodged a bird, a piece of an r6, and gave a ground hog a dirty look of "you better not cross the track" in the carousel of Nelsons this past weekend.
  2. There is still stupid stuff I do/don't do while I ride. None of us are perfect. We're all just chasing perfection.
  3. @jbot Just store it in my garage if you need room.
  4. A good scorecard for that is having that left (in this pic) arm lay across the top of the tank. Once you feel that left arm straighten out a bit and lay on top of the tank it'll help the upper body position.
  5. Lil pic from Nelsons this past weekend.
  6. About ready to go change my oil, shuffle some wheels and tires around.
  7. Had a great time. Also awesome to spend some time with @dpgasser on and off track. Good to see you my friend.
  8. Looks like it's elite pricing for everyone at Nelsons this weekend. $165/day. That's about as cheap as it get's. Beautiful weather out. Hit me up for details.
  9. Yea but then you gotta wait, hope there's a part in the US..... I'm smell'n what your stepping in tho.
  10. ouch haha. If I had nice new bikes like yall do I would be doing the same stuff in terms of protection. Maybe get someone to ppf your headlights to help prevent a possible rock chip or something?
  11. Because I bet that headlight is like $1k lol
  12. Bump. This is an excellent opportunity to experience a TD with a low student to instructor ratio.
  13. We rent leathers. $50/day. $75/day for suit/boots/gloves Depending on who's asking I might get the fee waived just to get you there. Or I'll pay it myself.
  14. We were down there earlier this year for a staff-only event. I wanted to hit you up but wasnt open to the public. Will let you know if we venture back down there again.
  15. Well if you want to put in the effort, we'll try and make it worth your while.
  16. N2 Trackdays will be holding 4 track days over 2 weekends this year at Nelsons. It just so happens that the people running the day are also Ohio Rider members, Dan ( @Jester_ ), Ron ( @RonStopable ) and myself will be there. Stop on out and say hi or better yet jump on https://www.n2td.org/ and create an account and join us. This would be a perfect weekend as we are projecting lower numbers so that means less on-track traffic and more attention from the N2 staff that will be there. Even if you don't ride the track regularly, it can help build the skills that will keep you safer street riding. If you have never been on track before we offer a try the track program where you can get on track for 2 sessions for free with the option to pay a discounted rate for the rest of the first day ($165). Normal price for Nelsons $195/day. With basic membership $180/day. With elite membership $165/day. We really could turn this into an OR track day if enough of you sign up. Paging people like @durk I've given up hope trying to get @Pauly @Tpoppa @Uncle Punk and the like to come out. It does look like @dpgasser will be there < excited to see you again bud! Dan and I around Nelsons: Don't be fooled, Dan is much faster than me. If you ever see him behind me, it's because he "wants" to be there .
  17. Couple photos from last weekend at PIRC.
  18. TimTheAzn


    Yea major manufactures just wouldnt come and put up a booth at IMS. The last year I went I was incredibly disappointed. I was invited to the AIM expo during the days it was only open for dealers but I just didnt have the time.
  19. TimTheAzn


    lmao IMS show in Ohio was in the dead of winter. Still I'd see 1-2 bikes out front. Didnt see any public test rides at IMS ever.
  20. What is that? Another vulcan? No way that replaced the wing right?
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