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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Ben is all about that TX2K life now.
  2. The work I've seen in person of Ryans has been great! If I ever need a change in my life powdercoat wise, he will be the one I call.
  3. I'm just glad there are more people to shoot the shit with . We all like loud thing with motors.
  4. This story is amazing LOL. How can one be so soft but yet still ride a motorcycle (Goldwing Mods)
  5. Yea well that'll happen when you're used to one thing for 14 years and then without prior warning there's an outage then when it comes back there's a buncha bullshit I haven't seen since my time in Columbus Racing
  6. I think a thread titling standard needs to be implemented to easily distinguish the thread's I might be interested in vs. the ones I won't give a shit about until I'm old and crusty and can no longer swing a leg over a motorcycle anymore.
  7. Uh, did you really just pull some inception shit Ben? Linking the thread inside of itself?
  8. Bought another rear tire. Season hasnt even started yet.
  9. Probably a statement people should really think about. Speaking from experience many moons ago when I first started riding in our medium-fast and fast groups. If you are thinking about it you probably don't belong in the fast group. These people already know. Durk is downplaying his normal pace - dude can ride. Just be aware it can get quick BUT they will always wait for you so do not feel the need to try and play catch up. I was so bad on my first fast ride they assigned me a sweeper (Thanks Jerry and Dave I still remember this day like the back of my hand. It's the day I decided to take this sport more seriously- I think I've gotten out of hand at this point.) I still remember the days of watching Doc, Paul, Jerry, Jim, Uncle Punk, Tony, Dave, Derek, etc just disappearing into the distance . They made me better.
  10. Oh, sick! haha I wasnt about to upload each manually. Worth mentioning off the top: That first weekend at NCBike isnt open to the general public. A Monday at Pitt Race is a dealer day. A Friday before the weekend is typically a race practice day and you must already be in intermediate or advanced. No novice group will be run on Fridays before WERA weekends. Ping me if you have any questions about N2 events. If you are wondering about getting on track and have been hesitant let me know, we have special offers for first timers and have some rental gear. So far we have a bunch at Pitt Race (closest venue). Pitt Race is one of the top tracks in the country. Arguably the best on the east coast. It sells out early and often so don't wait. https://n2td.org
  11. https://www.n2td.org/calendar/
  12. lol I was on CR too back in the day. Obviously know where I gravitated to. Hope the cagers don’t fuck this up!
  13. It's a dunlop it will still take a ton of effort to put one of those on a rim by hand even when it's the right size.
  14. I wish I had a 2 stage snowblower. 🤣
  15. Thank the lord for your lowering seat on your GS 🤣
  16. My tiny hands have made me a lot of money over the years. Anything I hold with them makes whatever I'm holding look bigger.
  17. 404 Error: Slim Shady Not Found.
  18. Yea that particular weekend trip blows all-around. Horrible timing. So bad- it's basically become a tradition for the org lol. Still people desperate to get one more in for the season come, so here we are.
  19. Yea I'm torn. I want to ride but I also blew a bunch of money since Oct so need some time to recoup 🤦‍♂️
  20. Really want to be doing this again....
  21. I'll be riding 2-up with @Pauly. He just doesn't know it yet.
  22. This is fucked up on multiple layers.
  23. Makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sad we won't have Lean, but happy for Sam and Holly getting to do their own thing.
  24. Nice! Wish I could've made it down. That weekend is just a pita to get down to due to thanksgibbins.
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