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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Justin is rollin, making good time on that MT10.
  2. Thanks, I will live vicariously through you as I sit at my desk.
  3. Make sure you get those TRS pins ya weenie. They'll sell on ebay afterwards for almost what you paid.
  4. Damn, so your bringing a 6 pack and a sleeping bag?
  5. I've heard the northwest 200 is better for spectators but, the TT is the TT. It's also on my bucket list.
  6. @Casper this is the kind of shit you should expect to see on CR. Bunch of clowns.
  7. Surprised you didn't try to push the bandit on him.
  8. I too had to look that ugly mf up lol
  9. I was watching old highlights of those games. People throwing bows, punches, stiff arms. Minimal whining. Now most pro sports besides racing (with the exception to NASCAR) are filled with overpaid pre-madonnas that whine and complain about everything on and off the field/court.
  10. I've never had issues with stomp or techspec.
  11. Gonna clean the goo off my tank, slap some new stomp grips on. Maybe drill my triple for my steering damper. This weekend is gonna be a blast!
  12. Ben rides enough to have to clean his leathers? Who knew!
  13. Hmm, those kid's reactions are the same as mine would be.
  14. We (as in not Tonik) appreciate you.
  15. You actually think I expected a response? I'm sure their Sponsor payment auto-debts every year but it's small enough they don't notice. They occasionally remember they have a login here and then give us some dumb, generic, "I coulda read the newspaper and saw this information" ad.
  16. This is 100% accurate. Always shopping for an "n + 1"
  17. Let me help rationalize it for you..... just say the word.
  18. If some CR people got on here thats the day I would call in sick just to troll them all damn day.
  19. Please show up to one of their hocking group rides, out pace them for 4 hours with your fjr, and leave without saying a word.
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