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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. I saw that video this weekend. Watched it so many times. So many people don't belong on a motorcycle. That fat chick just stopping and falling over and that dude ass packs her. People coming to a stop in the obvious impact zone, and then getting impacted. This video is pure gold.
  2. What I would do to ride down there and then be home for lunch.
  3. Correct. http://lizzyleather.com/ This was my first time ever sending a suit in for cleaning or repair. I think I spent just under $300 getting it cleaned, the inner liner re-sorted (because I'd just shove my legs in there and some of the mesh tore and got all tangled), some holes patched and a patch sewn on. Took about 3 weeks or so. Should still have plenty of time.
  4. I applied there once, took months to get any kind of response back lol.
  5. I really want an FN or HK .45 with a can.
  6. I keep wanting to buy a fun gun but I keep spending money on motorcycle shit. I'm glad I picked that shield up off of you last year, or else I'd be completely defenseless.
  7. I'm asian its ok. Everyone knows only white people can be racists.
  8. $20 on the asian if he shows up.
  9. "Closed" the poll. July 2nd it is. Everyone start taking time off now!
  10. Last day to get a vote in. I'll close the voting tomorrow morning.
  11. Did you have that pin-striped or something?
  12. Police will stop anyone anytime for any reason if they want to. They'll make up an excuse.
  13. Really? I had a 26, and went to the 19 and preferred that over the 26. I couldn't shoot the 26 nearly as well as the 19. I did have OEM and 12 round mags, but my favorite was putting my 33 rounder in that little thing and doing a mag dump.
  14. Do ettttt. If yall are trekking down for a 3 day NC bike trip, I'm riding, not watching others ride .
  15. You have a toy hauler, bring the toy hauler. Last year's setup wasnt bad. I'm going to try and get there earlier for a better spot. Bring the mini, we'll setup our own track in the grass somewhere and see how long it takes for them to tell us to stop.
  16. Date: August 24-26 Went last year and camped and had a great time. Anyone thinking of going this year? I feel this year is going to be "bigger" than the last. I'll probably get there early as shit Friday morning to pick out my camping spot and setup my EZUp on top of the hill. (Wasn't sure they'd let me do that last year so I took mine down, only to see about 20 of them up on spectator hill on Saturday morning.)
  17. @JustinNck1 you gonna let him talk about you like that!?
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