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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. If you attended races with consistency that wouldnt last long.
  2. I went to push mine around after Brandon had his way with her and I was like, great wtf is wrong with it now!? Quickly realized what happened.
  3. I mean.... your on a 1000, but its a honda..... You should take the gsxr out for a few laps, see how it compares. Edit: just dont wreck it, she has a shiny new body on her now.
  4. Welcome! Cool bike, needs a fender eliminator kit though!
  5. Yea but did you win your mock race? I'm legit sad for Ron, Bill, Craig, and Brandon. No chance now unless Ron, Craig and Brandon upgrade, and Bill gets 10 years younger.
  6. Intermediate with a chance of some Advanced riders getting the OK to come tow me around. I was aboard the struggle bus all last year switching to a newer literbike. 3 seconds off the pace I was running on the daytona at Mid-Ohio. Ron towed me to a 1:53 last year. Control rider said we were running consistent 1:50's when I got bumped to I the year before. I'll gain a good portion of that back when I sack up and hold it WFO through the kink.
  7. I could move my bars with one finger pretty easily. I'm excited to make that change because I feel it will help me loosen up on the bars a bit. I gotta get good at the liter fundamentals, Brake, point, shoot
  8. I put down a LOT of my early riding on my friend's 2006 f4i. I learned a bunch on that bike. It was a nice ride! As fast as a 05 600rr I found out. Well, at least my when my buddy was riding the 600rr.
  9. Not going to worry about it this year as much as it is in the back of my mind. Finding a good body position on this bike is my first priority this year as I spent lots of time last year wondering what my lean angle was, and not knowing that effected a bunch of other things. Got wore out a bunch just trying to hang onto the thing while leaned over, I wasn't light on the bars which effected my steering inputs mid-corner. I'm also going to bump my steering dampener way up. The way I had it sent, I may as well not have had one, when I go the bike back from letting Brandon ride it, I think he bumped it up a bunch and I'm thinking it may help smooth out those intentional and unintentional mid-corner bar inputs. Like this, lower body wise. I know I'm crossed up up top, I'm working on it as you can see in the first pic.
  10. 04 1000rr I'd probably think it doesn't have any balls now but back then whew!
  11. Nope that thing is long gone. Good riddance too, lots of close calls and dumb riding on that thing. #whoelsehadaliterasafirstbike?
  12. Yes finally! Another liter, and now I can see when you start braking and when you start trailing off the brake and getting on the gas with that new fancy R1 dash. I'll be as fast as Dan in no time! I was kidding. I'm a turtle.
  13. I totally read that as bear humping techniques.
  14. What, that means a little extra cash in the pocket for carts? Just don't stay up and get too blasted.
  15. Just another reason why I need a TRS, so if I ever car-pool on long trips with you or @RonStopable or whoever, we can just lock-er in and go. Edit: This view takes me back to warmer times when we rode motorcycles and used our expensive coolers. Thanks for the kick in the nuts this morning DAN!
  16. Maybe I'll start an on-going "Hey, I'm going to be at this track with this organization this weekend" thread.... that way people can go in there and just say hey, this weekend I'll be up at PIRC, feel free to pit next to us type deal.
  17. Thanks very much for this insight. I know no one that's undertaken a project like that. I've got many friends in the industry, construction, electric, plumbing, etc that have already agreed to help me out for a drastically reduced cost. Resell value is killin this idea for me, especially when dropping that kind of coin. Maybe I should look around the market to see if sheeple are selling their polebarn style residence. *strokes non-existent beard*
  18. I have a Baxley, makes strapping easy. BUT my life could be easier. I want to save that 5-7 min it takes to strap the bike down each time. Multiply that by however many track days, then multiply that number by 4 (strap to go to track, unstrap, then strap to go home and unstrap at home.) At least that's how I'm rationalizing it. Which brings up another point, I'm a professional rationalist. If you need help rationalizing that purchase your wife and/or significant other initially said no to, I'm your man!
  19. Like all IT guys, he is still here, he's just lurking in the shadows until it's time to come out and prove you wrong about something.
  20. I still have 2 no-name rear stands, a no-name front stand, and a vortex head stand for the track bike. But with all the use the track bike's rear stand gets, I decided to upgrade when a good deal came along. One did so I snatched it up. Up next are 2 TRS systems.
  21. Pit Bull all the way. Quality is fantastic and puts my other stands to shame.
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