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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. @what You are going to need a decently priced helmet for ORML. One that you don't care about crashing a few times lol!
  2. I have one like this: https://www.cyclegear.com/gear/alpinestars-nucleon-kr-1-road-back-protector?gclid=Cj0KCQjwv73VBRCdARIsAOnG8u3DJ4E8x5-DAAxYSZwRPoxUr6Z-W26zeyxJEcieDxMTT8A25WGRWI4aAhbnEALw_wcB
  3. Because Brian wants to spend his money on everything besides motorcycles.
  4. Electric carts are the way to go imo. No weird lag in throttle response, when timing getting on the gas is key. I've found electric carts are much more competitive with each other when compared to the gas ones.
  5. Seems a little strange that they are asking the bride and groom for financial help, ya'll are spending enough money imo. Anyways, hope you find what you are looking for. But keep in mind you still have the suit you have that works.
  6. I thought you bought a new a* suit?
  7. I always find that out the Monday after I get home and look at my bank account. NCBike is like $160 a day. Fuel costs: Around $100-$150 (probably high unless we are going to RA or something, obviously sharing a ride.) Food Costs: If I had to put a number on it, and since we share a lot of stuff, $50-70 depending on how many variations of Oreos you buy. Entertainment: We've found that even though midget strippers are 1/2 the size of normal ones, that doesn't mean they are willing to take 1/2 the pay.
  8. We can play follow the leader and both get shots of ourselves like this!
  9. I was just arguing with some friends last week about if pot became legalized, they said their companies cant fire them (all live and work in Ohio, an AT WILL employment state). I'm like, the hell they can't, they could fire you today because of your haircut. Dumbest argument ever.
  10. Holy fook Justin, don't take this the wrong way but damn man, I barely recognize you! Lookin good, keep up that hard work!
  11. Its fun, pretty easy to learn. No elevation changes and nothing blind. I'm hoping it gets me a little more comfortable on the beast.
  12. I hope the weather is nice, wanna get my lean on in T5 again.
  13. Not sure, do you still have your certificate of completion?
  14. I renewed mine not too long ago. My work doesn't allow firearms on it's property. I've been meaning to ask HR about the new law that passed (http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2017/03/ohio_gun_law_changes_take_effe.html) Don't really want to stir the pot though and get myself labeled lol.
  15. Nice intro thread, at least there are pictures. Also I don't know of any motorcycle that I'd pay $7k for that had approx 47,000 miles. GLWS though.
  16. Replaced the front brakeline hardware on the SV. Was able to bleed the brakes as well (took what it seemed like forever) but got em bled. Now I need to replace a relay and re-solder 4 connections, hopefully that fixes my headlight not turning on issue.
  17. I already bought that saturday. Will probably do the same for sunday this week. Worse comes to worse, I'll use the credits somewhere else.
  18. Tried trading the SV for a TTR 125 but the guy already had an SV.
  19. @what Just make sure that stripple doesnt try to do buttstuff with the cbr....
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