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Everything posted by TimTheAzn

  1. Well that answers that question. What is that ranked in scoville units?
  2. TimTheAzn


    Welcome. The OR Day Jester posted would be a great way to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Meet some cool new cats and run a track day.
  3. That's why people hate us so much. Do you really think they connect the dots? Probably not, all they will think is damn that was a good cig, why did that guy just punch out my mirror.
  4. Started to change the pads in the front. But found a stripped Allen head on one of the bolts that hold the back of the pad in the caliper. Also found that the headlights won’t turn on. Debated selling the thing.
  5. Make them one, some dirt some pavement. Supermoto style!
  6. Who are you? If you say Gary Manning I'll have you banned.
  7. Might as well make that driveway to and from the shop, the front straight for the mini-moto track!
  8. I took an early lunch and went home to grab the bike. Found out my headlights wont turn on for some reason after having the battery out. There's a birds nest under my seat but I believe I connected all the negatives and positives.
  9. I can appreciate a good terrible MS paint "photoshop" job.
  10. Can't tell if semi-decent troll or fully mentally handicapped.
  11. Beauty of this country is, you are free to leave whenever you want.
  12. Damn! 1 in a million for sure! Right location for the butt to enter under the jacket, perfect amount of air to catch what I assume was a cotton or cotton mixed hoodie on fire.
  13. Started it this morning, was going to ride to work. Then realized I had 0 psi in both front and rear. Super pissed, I should've just called off because now I'm at work, and all I'm thinking about is scheming to run back to my house at lunch to grab it.
  14. Finally shortened the me f’n with @Tonik clip so could post it. 9476A157-1A66-4CCF-96BF-4254A4E261BB.MOV
  15. Did Harley finally upgrade their brakes?
  16. Why do you think I picked up motorcycling as a hobby?
  17. Ok ladies and gentleman. I used a random number generator to pick the winner. Congrats @CrazySkullCrusher For winning the free Trackday. Now that you have a fancy new job and fancy new pay, you can pretend like that pay bump never happened because you’ll be spending the extra on the new found track addiction! Musta built up enough good karma for hosting all those NEO garage gangbangs! I’ll PM you the details you’ll need. ED947A57-C121-4A42-A0A6-DBE40C141CF8.MOV
  18. There's a nice "little" river right about here that's a typical stop when we ride around in seo. What makes a good ride for me is: 1. Everyone brought their bike home the same way it left the garage or better. 2. A nice quick pace on some twisties. (But not so much as to interfere with the next point.) 3. No oh-shit moments. 4. My senna doesn't die.
  19. @Pauly That pic from riding to PIRC? Or riding it home?
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