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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Nope, I live not much more than a mile away and didn't see or hear anything. I can probably find out by asking around.
  2. ReconRat

    WTF head??

    deformational posterior plagiocephaly Usually not that pronounced though. ooorrrr, something inside wants out.
  3. ReconRat

    The Pace

    Bump... Another article by Nick Ienatsch: Posted May 22, 2012 by Todd Halterman on Google+ How To Ride Your Motorcycle By A Guy Who Knows the Drill
  4. 4511.27 Overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction. It's also legal for a two-wheeler (either bicycle or motorcycle) to pass another two wheeler (either motorcycle or bicycle) in a single lane. It is incorrect and not safe (and probably illegal), for the solo, or left side one of two abreast in a lane to not yield to another two-wheeler. And I doubt it's ever come up in court, so it could go either way. (Note that an audible warning must be given.) In other words, the law does not really distinguish much of a difference between bicycles and motorcycles, at some point in the past. Some of the rules haven't really changed a lot. The rules for bicycles tend to apply to motorcycles. yeah, it's a gray thing...
  5. I like snakes. Had some non-poisonous types in cages in the back yard when I was a kid. Mom wouldn't let them inside. We used to be able to order them from Louisiana Biological, and get them in the mail. The ads were in the back of the comic books. Until somebody ordered a poisonous snake here in Ohio, and it got out in a post office. That was the end of that. That company is long gone. I freaked a couple of other soldiers at Ft Bragg out, walking through a pine forest at dusk. I saw a copperhead in front of us, sort of sleeping in the path. I sneaked up on it from behind, and grabbed it. It quickly gave up and played dead. I turned it loose later on in the woods. I heard a friend's story of a Logan kid that showed up at home and showed off his "worms" he found. Baby copperheads. Quite deadly at birth. They just didn't feel like biting anyone yet. There are a lot of snakes in Florida... edit: the last one I caught in Florida, was in the shrubs around the house in Naples. Little green tree snake. Looks just like a certain tree viper that shouldn't be in Florida, but sometimes gets off container ships. Little guy was looking at me, it was so scared it pee'd. Of course, I dropped it. I was surprised how fast it could move when it wanted to get away.
  6. I stomped one by accident one night in the dark, jumping from rock to rock in a park. I got away, but I had to stop the guy behind me from following. It probably died from the injuries, it was hissing and thrashing around. It was a Habu pit viper, in Okinawa.
  7. It wasn't a little noise... it was something big... probably deer nearby where not seen
  8. I'd be curious enough to tape the new opening back shut again to see what happens.
  9. Best guess is now has more air. Now needs more fuel. It isn't noticed till high RPMs where the fuel delivery is maxing out. Now needs that Power Commander to re-map the fuel delivery. (Unless it's old school carbs, then re-jet up one.) Although the symptom is about the same for poor spark at high RPMs. Changing pipes would probably just need more fuel also.
  10. btw, don't bother patching front tires, just replace those. I've had flats while moving on both front and rear, and you do not ever want to have a front tire go flat. It's scarey, nasty, and dangerous. Rear tires, not so much, just hit the front brake really hard and aim at the side of the road and pull over.
  11. My inline-six 4wd 2002 Grand Cherokee is 2500 max front axle, 2950 max rear axle. Towing capacity is 5000 max added to that. 5000-7000 bucks will buy a nice 8 to 10 year old Grand Cherokee. Good reasonable priced towing hitches can be bought for both front and rear. Motorcycle racks can be bought for both front and rear also. Fuel mileage is maybe 21-23 on freeway and 16-17 city. Without the trailer. Fuel injectors can be swapped for Bosch units that do much better. Both power and mileage. edit: I think I'd look for a used V-8 Ford F-150 pickup to save money. Probably more dependable than a Jeep also. With a pickup, you might not need much of a trailer anyway. If at all.
  12. World's most aggressive sperm. Known to crawl across the floor and attack. Punish? Hell, make him live with the 11 wives and 30 kids, all in one big house/dormitory...
  13. ReconRat

    "Nice bike"

    Funny, I usually don't say anything in response. I just look at them and wait to hear what comes next. There's always something...
  14. Oh yes, I live for pastels. Lovely blue and pink and green. That's why my bike is flat black and dirty... I'll meet half way, maybe I'll add some purty LED lights.
  15. Used to do night rides when the bar closed on campus. A bunch of us worked there one Summer. Ride till dawn. Zachariah's Redeye Saloon. The band that played there did that too. I had a habit of riding out late at night anyway. I'd run out to a horse farm and sit along the fence by the road, under a tree and sky in the quiet for a while. Most of the time one or two of the horses would saunter over to see what was up, so I started taking sugar cubes and apples with me. Girls would ride out with me to escape the city heat, for the cool night air. Any little noise in the woods or fields would scare them and we'd have to leave. Yeah, there weren't as many deer back then. But did see them once in a while. Mostly too late at night for them to be moving around.
  16. I'll ride anything. But I think I've finally found something I just won't ride... http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/images/episode/b00vkw55_303_170.jpg http://amelangeetmoi.blogspot.com/2011/03/158-light-fantastic-new-broom-and-lots.html
  17. ReconRat

    I'm Down

    There is 3 female doctors at 170 Taylor Station Rd that list physical therapy, on my United Health Care search. 614-545-7900. I've never been there. Next closest is 3 docs (1M/2F) in New Albany at 5040 Forest Dr Ste 300. 614-890-6555. Never been there either. Not sure if OSU Dodd Hall takes people, but I'd bet that's the best in central Ohio. 480 Medical Center Drive Columbus, OH 43210 General Information: 614-293-3800 Fax: 614-293-3198 Admissions: 614-293-4630 Fax: 614-293-3198 edit: wait... Dodd Hall lists inpatient. But the website lists Gahanna YMCA as one of the locations for outpatient. There ya go. I see that your physician will have to fill out a Patient Referral Information for them to accept. May or may not be easy. Contact Us: 614-366-0722 Fax: 614-366-0706 551 YMCA Place Gahanna, OH 43230 (M-F) 7 a.m.-5 p.m
  18. I forget where, somewhere like Japan or Singapore. They use large nets across the road to catch them instead of stop sticks. It works really well. Reminds me of last chance arresting gear on carrier decks.
  19. ReconRat

    I'm Down

    I went down on ice like that once. It was 38F, there wasn't supposed to be ice. Barely moving from a stop, rear went out and very quick down. I put the knee out to try to stop it. Didn't work, rolled off. No ER, just limped around for a couple of days. Saved the bike though, only screwed two cheap parts. That knee will be tender for a while. Just take it easy. If the bike is going down at any speed, get the leg out from under the bike. And you're right, deep gravel is nasty. Hard to tell what will happen.
  20. btw' date=' Hooters Hilliard finally posted FB that bike night starts Friday May 25th. [img']http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/540343_10150831685627857_774782856_9832252_1992537563_n.jpgI'd post the pic, but FaceBook appears to be blocking that from happening... http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/540343_10150831685627857_774782856_9832252_1992537563_n.jpg
  21. Since I partook in the poll... I'll take two mediums. TY
  22. That's a thought, call the gas station, or drop by there, and ask some questions.
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