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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Asteroid mining how-to-do: http://www.permanent.com/a-mining.htm http://chview.nova.org/station/ast-mine.htm http://miningasteroids.com/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/401227.stm http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0201328194/offshoreinformat I should point out that if some one wanted to build a big space station (as they want for space tourism), the cheap way to do that is make the parts out in the asteroid belt and send them back to Earth orbit to be assembled. Shipping them up to orbit on a rocket costs too much.
  2. Yes, but you'd have to move an extreme amount of stuff to even see a small effect. The water and air lost to space is probably a vastly larger amount by weight.
  3. Not being mean, but sorry... we've got counter-steering wadded up pretty bad here. "Push the right-hand bar to steer right; push the left-hand bar to steer left"
  4. two thoughts here... One is a feeling our roads are just covered with nails and stuff waiting for our tires. It sure seems that way to me. Two is there's always a bright side, I used to have flats while moving. I'd rather skip that part. edit: And I've probably only had a dozen or so flats/nails in a lifetime, but three in the last three years.
  5. not sure I want to grow a pair of big black round ones, even if one is slightly larger than the other...
  6. Cars too. I've bought new sets of tires for cars/trucks, and immediately hit nails in wood on the freeway. Multiple times.
  7. Not sure any of that type work is going on, but I park on the other side of campus now. And it looks like a simple brad, like small a finishing nail or something. Not even planning on fixing it for a while, just watch pressures and see. Dunno. Front tire is worn out this year also. Need a pair, I guess.
  8. I can think of one way that high octane fuel will work better in a low octane engine. If the combustion chambers have so much carbon built up that the compression is higher than it should be and is trying to pre-detonate for multiple reasons.
  9. I think it happened after watching that movie "Field of Nails".
  10. Hey, it's me... that guy that had nails in rear tires the last two years? Including one that was a brand new tire? Yeah, found another one. fml
  11. Some one will mine asteroids eventually, it's only a matter of time. Here's why. No gravity well, so fuel usage is a minimum. Everything you'll need is already there, except organics. Anything returned to a planet, is all downhill, that usable gravity well works for you. Profit. Here's an example, what if aliens visited our solar system? Would they bother going down to a planet? Not likely, everything they'd want is floating around in space and easy to get to, in the asteroid belt. Except those pesky biological items, which is the only reason to visit the surface of a planet. That second link, is so full of weird errors, it's total fantasy. But rumors of visits to Mars are wide spread.
  12. And suddenly the pistol made of compressed cocaine was invented... edit: wut? It's valuable...
  13. Drilling was appropriate, or simply disassembling. Or both, in this case. I can sometimes make a dead hard drive work again, and get the data, so it's possible. Putting the disks from one in another is rather difficult and not likely to succeed. So your dead hard drives might have been readable if I got to them. I wouldn't bother, unless you had to have something back from the drive, but I've known cases of people doing just that to corporate drives to try and snoop the files. Serious files and/or drives are encrypted of course. But there we go again, I can bust into many of those also. It is risk related, but there will always be some one some where with a lot of time and skill on their hands. (That thinks they know where to sell the data.) So basically drilling is sufficient for most drives, and quite quicker than running a software wipe. And is the only action (some form of destruction) if the drive needs repair to run. But like I said, serious drives get serious wiped first with the appropriate software. And then we shoot them so this can be moved to the firearms forum...
  14. AlJazeera is a off shore source of news. I source them, but realize that not too far in the past, they were off-the-wall on their reporting. (That's still true for Russian Pravda, and sometimes Chinese sources.) AlJazeera has gotten a lot better since then. I scout British, Russian, Chinese, Indian, other European sources for news of USA that USA won't print. Here, BBC source: BP oil spill: Louisiana ruin remains Gulf spill's effects 'may not be seen for a decade' There are other sources, but almost all are sourcing that AlJezeera news article. Including an article published in Popular Science.
  15. I don't think S'wing'er is bumping Top Secret. But you never know... I use a DoD software wipe for high security items at work. Then they get drilled or used somewhere else. Degaussing at home can't be done. Expensive powerful equipment.
  16. Big guard rail is a basic sign that things don't go well for people in that turn. 1. reducing radius turn 2. breaking downhill 3. unknown road surface Approach unknown turns on the high side of the turn, slowing until you see the correct line out through the corner. Looking THROUGH the corner, as in looking at the exit. That prevents going in too hot, which won't work with the road working against you. After you know the turn, you can go through faster. I've seen downhill reducing radius hairpin turns that put so much pucker in me the first time through, I just about stopped to look at it. But as soon as you see that line out to the exit of the turn, everything is fine. I think you're lacking that pucker factor on approach, let it work for you. Getting that feeling after entering a turn won't work out too well. You are in control of the bike, not the other way around. Motorcycles have a steep learning curve. Lots of different techniques, and knowing as many as possible is good. Instinct will take over with experience. But experience must come carefully. Never just "follow" bikes through turns, all the decisions must be yours.
  17. crap... don't do it unless you really like visits from federal agents... do this instead... Italy is far far away...
  18. If too lazy to get the drill out, hit the disks (the ones inside, lol) with sand paper, both sides. edit: the reason drilling is easy, is you don't have to open the drive, just drill it all, clean through.
  19. I'm gonna guess he can't read his own Afgani language, and had some one else read it for him that didn't read any better or even told him something far far from the truth... like.... $100 inheritance, come pick it up... hey... that's not a bad idea...
  20. Correct, drill it. Quickest way to destroy. edit: Fire sounds like way more fun.
  21. No, it was north east. With the large ladder truck, I could only think of the tall buildings at Ohio Dominican. That's due North of where the ladder turned North. Another something was going North on Stelzer/James. And the Heavy Rescue Unit was East bound on Broad, and I didn't see it turn. I kicked the Droid Scanner on for Franklin fire when I got to work. And didn't hear anything related. Dunno.
  22. What the heck just happened in North Columbus? Heavy fire units from all over town just went to the north east part of town. Nothing in the news... I saw a Heavy Rescue Unit, and the largest ladder truck I've ever seen. Didn't know they made them that big.
  23. Other than trying some contact cleaner in the ignition switch, it's pretty much component replacement to see what happens. Right now tracing circuits would probably only point back at the ignition switch anyway. At 17 years old, a new ignition switch would be kinda nice.
  24. Yeah, the ignition switch would be my first guess too. Basically a short or open somewhere. If it's not the ignition switch, you'll have to start tracing where it's gone wrong. It used to be that a bunch of weight on the key in the ignition switch would pretty much destroy an ignition switch much faster. Don't know if that is still true.
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