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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I read up a little bit on this one. It's been in the news before. Apparently it's a naturally occurring virus inside the bodies of 80% of the population. This might account for how some people never catch stuff or get rid of it on their own. BUT, researchers know that it's not that simple, there is some other combination of factors that allow the virus to do this task. That they don't understand yet.
  2. YACC (Yet Another Cancer Cure) If this works, get it to market. Quit fooling around... Scientists discover virus that kills all grades of breast cancer ‘within seven days’
  3. My Droid used to fake a message like that. But it went away after one of the Droid updates. errr, the Droid wouldn't open one anyway... it might now, can't remember.
  4. shoot .... typed out a long response and hit advanced... and it all vanished... screw it
  5. brb... gotta go buy some bacon now...
  6. On a lighter note, I opened one old hard drive, and the platters were naked. Old plastic or glass type, I could see right through them. The plating was gone, turned to powder and scattered all over the interior. No clue how it continued working, unless it did that really suddenly. Unplated the platters, basically... weird. edit: I still call them platens...
  7. I think that one was a left of center also, of a group of three. Left of center seems to be a factor right now. I'm thinking inexperience is part of these. It's still listed as the number one cause in England.
  8. lol, sassiness is cute, clever and sexy.... but only if you're female. Dudes don't count. Stove tops do indeed contribute. The burning of wood in third world countries is a major factor, and nothing can be done about it any time soon. What I want to know, is what/why does NASA think the temperatures of all the planets they collect data on, is going up for an unknown reason. edit: The eco balance of the Earth is weird, no one can fully understand it all. Say for instance, all the birds die, and we find ourselves "knee deep in bugs". Ants (and termites, even worse) release a fair amount of methane, which is 25 times more potent at global warming than carbon dioxide. Almost no one has ever considered the actual biomass of ants and termites as an actual contributor to global warming. Sooo, birds die, ants win briefly, Earth is no longer habitable, everything dies.
  9. 911 tapes link - courtesy of cleveland.com http://media.cleveland.com/metro/other/zplayer.swf?mp3=http://media.cleveland.com/pdextra/audio/brooklyn-shooting-cracker-barrel.mp3
  10. Interwebz says Cracker Barrel restaurants do not prohibit CCW. Zooming in on the store front doesn't show any prohibit signs. It's possible some one there might have been CCW.
  11. Waht! I actually would have to wash my bike??
  12. It's sometimes hard to spot from the road. So here ya go... Notice the little pond on the left, and the mini golf course/driving range on the right. North side of the road. It's that building circled in red, go around to the parking lot in back. We'll be there. And watch out for occasional radar on this highway out front.
  13. From the album: Maps

  14. duh me, I should learn to read proper... editing...
  15. Clarksville Tennessee area is experiencing more than one motorcycle theft per week for the last year. I'd be careful if I stayed overnight in that area. Northwest of Nashville, and just south of Ft. Campbell. Large spike in motorcycle thefts spurs Clarksville police to form task force Clarksville forms task force to combat thefts edit: I wonder why it was news in Columbus Indiana... dunno...
  16. Yes, I had a friend get into a "dueling cars" thing. (Insert banjo music.) Both passing and hitting each other from behind. Both got stopped, both charged, both lost smashed up vehicles for a while. It takes two to fight, and generally both are in trouble.
  17. For most LEOs it's standard practice to check firearms for stolen, once you announce/admit they are there. For most, that means taking it back to the cruiser to call the s/n in and check. Then there was the friend stopped in West Virginia. He was right out of school, OSU criminology, traveling to new school in Florida. (Back before CCW stuff). He announced weapon in glove box, and the trooper didn't care. He said "you can't shoot me fast enough".
  18. In a bar? Forget about it. Don't do it. There's little self defense in a bar, it's all bar fighting. Actually, I preferred to announce "I'm leaving", and stare everyone down when I was accosted in a bar. And then quietly leave, of course. Never fight in a bar, results are mixed. NEVER "step outside" to fight, results are generally worse including death. edit: and a friend's bar story, South side of Columbus. He was a big guy, a black belt, and with a friend of the same skill level. Probably never lost a fight. Some one threw him out the front window. His friend wanted to go back in, and he said no, we're going to walk away from this one.
  19. Probably saw you up at Quacker one night. Pulled in and parked a black Honda 919 in the middle of a row of Busas. Right or wrong, the sentence is served and life should return to normal as best it can. No one on this forum can tell me that they haven't been in a situation that would have possibly finished up in the same undesirable condition. I wouldn't believe it, since Fate being what it is, distributes equally. What does count is the life before, right or wrong. It must now be pretty much a straight arrow for a good long while. That sometimes takes some effort, but it can be done. When I was young, these were just misdemeanors for public fighting, not felonies. Times change, sometimes for the better, and sometimes for the worse. And that Fate thing again... Yes, I've been knocked down with a single punch and gotten eight stitches, so I know that can be done. so sounding like your 'rents... get a job stay out of trouble stay out of bars stay sober enjoy yourself get a girlfriend and settle down and behave don't even get a speeding ticket... Oh, and learn to walk away when the walking is good... We used to say in the Army, "It don't mean nuthin' ".
  20. lol, I had one drop the throttle a tiny bit every time he got me to look away out of the aircraft... I was flying nose high and very slow, just short of a stall, and said DAMMIT and yanked the throttle back on.
  21. holy crap, nice find... worth repeating that video: Enduro Himalaya - 1 hour video
  22. Your actual question, how to get a title, is to offer his kids money to go replace the missing title (or find it) and sign it over to you. Still takes up time and cash, but it's quicker. Replacing the title isn't as hard as it used to be. Any of the BMV locations can do that on the spot, and if you were there with them, sell and sign it over at the same time. BUT, only the surviving spouse can generally do this, by filling out a form that allows it. Anyone else would probably have to wait till the estate is distributed. And there are forms for that also. Mostly I've heard abandoned property takes 3 to 5 years to transfer ownership. Transferring from heirs will still take up to a year, I'd think. A few months if lucky.
  23. It's not clear if it was even his. You'll have to find out who the actual owner is and notify by certified letter. I would even wonder if he was the true owner. If there's a loan on it, the bank has to be notified, and they will come get it. The BMV process for abandoned vehicle is meant for commercial garages and storage units. Citizens attempting to claim abandoned motor vehicles don't have an easy way to do so. I've heard of it being done, but I've mostly heard how difficult it was. Cities/counties will not remove vehicles from private property, for the most part. Some will have different rules, mostly if not showing current tags.
  24. ima turnip.... yeahhhh, that'll work
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