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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I'm back. More rumors/facts. Word has it that the Syrian troops on the Israeli-Syrian border are hungry and thirsty. No supplies anymore. Mostly off wandering around and looking for food and water. Israeli troops are throwing food and water over the fence for them. Israelis now insist that several other un-named Middle East air forces have their back in a potential strike against Iran. If I were guessing, I'd say Saudi Arabia is one of them. Air superiority aircraft are quietly starting to assemble in the Middle East at undisclosed airfields. Check this link on Wired dot com. Watch the video in high-def and full screen if your computer can handle it, and crank the sound up. Mostly simulated combat between F-15s, but pretty darn impressive of the sights and sounds of aerial combat. I noticed the F-15 pilots wearing unusual flight helmets. I'm wondering if those are the newer heads up display type. I'm too lazy to research that right now. edit: nahhh, looks like anti-laser shields, that's all. U.S. Amasses Stealth Jet Armada Near Iran http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/04/armada-masses-near-iran/#more-79449 edit: add new article links http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/awx_04_26_2012_p0-452466.xml http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/us-stealth-22-raptor-fighters-now-irans-back/story?id=16227614 http://battleland.blogs.time.com/2012/04/27/f-22s-waiting-in-the-wings-again/ http://vimeo.com/40935850
  2. Any fear of heights? I'd like to visit this place. Notice the cables on the walkway for hooking your climbing harness onto. Yikes. This video from Victoria Nigar, a Google developer, that some say is a fake account on Google+. Dunno, cool video anyway. Wiki story of the walkway. http://youtu.be/ZmDhRvvs5Xw no clue, but videos aren't embedding for me anymore... edit: I think it's actually a climbing video posted by some one in Germany.
  3. Thursday night is the Bike Night at Tilted Kilt at Polaris. Radio said it's starting up soon. Never been there.
  4. I sort of doubt we'll get to see it around till it's out on DVD. It's an independent documentary film shot on short notice, on the highest pass (18,300 feet) through the Himalayan mountains. They rode Enfield 500cc single cylinder bikes, led by a Buddhist monk. Bikers face their fears on a Himalayan ride in 'The Highest Pass' Movie review: An unnecessary detour in 'The Highest Pass' http://www.trbimg.com/img-4f99cf66/turbine/la-ca-0424-the-highest-pass-189.jpg-20120426/600
  5. Lead in a .38 special? No harm if you clean it well. Most of the lead will come back out when cleaning the barrel. It's just easier when shooting only copper jackets. Same deal though, most of the copper comes back out. Some lead or copper always remains behind. But it's usually filling in small imperfections or corrosion pitting, and does no harm.
  6. Good point. There are advantages to copper jacketing. Reminds me that lead in magnums was a pain. And firing a few copper jackets after firing lead would take some of it out of the barrel.
  7. I think it's from 2007. But just shows how serious people feel about it. edit: beat me by seconds....
  8. I also found this from Armalite. I didn't realize that lead lapping was sort of a standard on AR15 style barrels. But I would think some sort of final finishing on any rifling of a barrel would have to be done, during manufacturing. I'd also not want to do this to a barrel that is already chromed. Only polishing instead. geez, do I have to proofread everything? They meant before chroming, not before lapping...
  9. Yeah, the lead can improve performance. I kinda think the copper can too. But I've also seen build ups of lead and/or copper that were too much. Like I said, it's pretty difficult to remove all of it. Just go for the shiny and clean bore. It's whatever works best, I think. Lead lapping is fire lapping. But it requires the use of an abrasive coating on the bullet. I generally prefer to hand lap with just the abrasive. A very mild abrasive, like the red jeweler's rouge. (edit: basically I'm polishing, not lapping.) edit: good article on lead lapping / fire lapping. http://www.shootingtimes.com/2010/09/23/gunsmithing_st_lappingbarrel_200805/
  10. Goes right along with Red Rain. Or mixes well into... ummm, black or really dark brown... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_rain_in_Kerala
  11. Deuterium fusion reactor. It's not for producing a laser beam, it's for using a laser beam to generate energy and convert it to usable power. The US Navy was working on one of these back in the 80s, to power up battle lasers on the deck of the ship. It takes a LOT of power on demand to do that. If the ship doesn't have a nuclear reactor, it would need something like this. Or even if it does have a reactor. (I know, that would be producing a laser beam.) Don't ask me why they spelled deuterium wrong, I have no clue... Wiki definition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_power And here's a guy building one at home. Power out isn't any greater than power in, yet. http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-06/deuterium-diy-man-builds-homemade-nuclear-fusion-reactor-brooklyn Btw, tritium is hydrogen-3 and difficult to find on the Earth. It's produced as a byproduct of nuclear reactors. Only about 500 pounds of it have been made since 1955. It decays into helium-3, which the Moon is covered with on it's surface. It's a fuel source, but you have to go get it and bring it back.
  12. You can get a decent degree on line these days. It's difficult picking out one that is legitimate and well recognized though. And... you need a vacation. Take a break. I'll go along with the recommendations for some certifications. Those are a lot easier to get. And your boss should be willing to send you off for the weeks to complete that training. If not, then your company really isn't serious about that education. I am assuming no matter what training or education you would want, that they would be paying for it. That's a standard in the industry.
  13. From the album: Gifs

  14. I remember one of these was found in Florida decades ago. It was found at sea (Apparently that one could float.) The US Navy took it away within a few days, claiming it as theirs. No explanation given by the US Navy. I doubt this one with half inch thick stainless steel would float. I suspect it's some sort of inertial navigation device. Nothing more. And old school technology, at that...edit: but notice I DIDN'T say it wasn't alien....
  15. Both lead and copper remain in the barrel after firing. Along with powder residues. All should be removed during cleaning as best as possible. Although a build up of copper and lead can change the way the weapon shoots, it is the powder residue that must be removed. Some powders are more corrosive than others, and the same is true for the primers. Basically powder and primer residues look dirty. It should be removed until the barrel bore looks clean and shiny again. Oil it, heavy or light, but run a patch through to remove the oil before firing the next time. There are liquid solutions to help remove the lead and copper, but most involve plugging one end of the barrel and filling it up and letting it soak. The lead and copper are difficult to remove, and some always stays in there. Neither lead or copper will burn out the barrel, but the flame from firing will slowly erode the barrel throat (reducing accuracy and performance), and the corrosion from powders and primers will rot the barrel unless it's chromed. Chromed just takes longer to corrode. Barrel erosion is more common with high powered rifles. Anything with high velocities, I'd think.
  16. Do some background reading on "Air America" in the Vietnam conflict.
  17. ehhh, calling bullshit. There are two types of people in prison. Those that commit violent offenses and cannot be out in the general public. And those that repeatedly commit general offenses, despite being told not to. There are lots of chances to avoid prison. Those that are there didn't get the message. There are generally no minor offenses in prison. Those that are there belong there. Minor crimes, even when repeated, simply go to the county work house for a short stay. I understand the problems with the three strike felony thing, corruption, etc. And if we don't like it, we should get rid of it. Majority rules, even when laws are made by the minority. If not, we have much greater problems in our society than who gets to go to jail.
  18. Stupid rain.... it got here earlier than I thought it would. Just a sprinkle getting home though. (He said as it continues to sprinkle on into real rain...) edit: Currently a small storm center with a VIL = 2kg per square meter at 19 knots VIL is the amount of liquid water that the radar detects in a vertical column of the atmosphere for an area of precipitation. I know, you'all heard "blah blah blah blah"
  19. Yes. Early is good, it might rain later tonight.
  20. I should apply too. Plenty of ground side jobs, I'm sure.
  21. Planetary Resources We’re looking for a few good asteroid miners http://www.planetaryresources.com/careers/
  22. Time lapse of aurora, taken in Minnesota last night: It says the aurora went nuts from 1am on. http://youtu.be/JJDtlIJF6E0
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