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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Last year's cat crap thread on fogging... http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=67726 My answer last year... And I still want to try Sea Gold, it's supposedly the best there is.
  2. ok, check the Viridian chart for HK holsters. I don't know which one you got. http://www.viridiangreenlaser.com/products/fitchart/
  3. well... Viridian just started selling holsters for their lasers, made by Galco. But I don't think they got one for the HK yet. Also noticed a hard shell holster coming soon. http://www.viridiangreenlaser.com/products/iwb_holsters/
  4. Technically, yeah I think so. And Columbus used to enforce it when the hot rod shows were in town. But they got real, and haven't bothered anyone about that, that I've heard of. It was a big deal when they announced they wouldn't be enforcing it anymore. But I haven't heard anything either way for a long time. edit: use of the blue dot might only apply to vehicles more than 30 years old... Ohio House Bill 391 attempted to allow "blue dot" use for historical back in 2007-8. Apparently it didn't pass. This is what they tried to add to the Ohio Revised Code Sort of vague, almost anything could be a "custom" vehicle.
  5. Vehicle manufacturers are currently getting around the rules by using a white bulb under a red lenses inside a clear lenses. With reflectors and/or illuminated side markers added in for style.
  6. Most states have adopted or are adopting the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108, for vehicle lighting. Read it here: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/octqtr/49cfr571.108.htm or google the variety of websites for it here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=631&q=Federal+Motor+Vehicle+Safety+Standard+108&aq=f&aqi=g1g-b1&aql=&oq= or an ongoing discussion of details of the rules: http://fmvss108.tripod.com/ The big hangups are (as far as I can tell): 1. no colored bulbs allowed under clear tail light lenses. Basically, clear tail light lenses aren't allowed. Not sure about turn signals. 2. lenses and side markers must incorporate reflectors or have them mounted separate. 3. rear turn signals can be red or yellow in the back, and front turn signals can be yellow in the front. 4. side markers can be red in the back, and yellow in the front. 5. there are minimum size and brightness requirements. 6. daytime running lights can be white, white to yellow, white to selective yellow, selective yellow or yellow. It's a very long and detailed requirement. No one will ever understand it fully. edit: Ohio only requires a red light to the rear for the tail light. No requirement as to how you get that: Same thing for stop light: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4513.071
  7. Do not use steel wool on aluminum or magnesium. Big mistake.
  8. If there is a clear coat over the metal, it's going to be a pain. There has to be something that removes the stains. I'm at a loss to say what though. PM Hoblick. He knows things we don't.
  9. that part is pretty much the same with all motorcycles. The real question is, are you having shifting problems while operating the motorcycle while going down the road in a normal fashion. edit: There's an echo in here...
  10. Nope, the Earth turns to the East. You would want to go East. The Earth's rotation is about 1000 mph at the equator, and not much less here in Ohio. Add 66,000 mph for the Earth going around the Sun. And the Sun is moving about 43,000 mph toward the star Vega. And the whole galaxy is turning, so the Sun is moving about 463,000 mph in an orbit there. Let's skip the speed of the galaxy moving, since it's hard to say moving in relation to what... So yes, every time you go out for a ride, you are moving up to 573,000 mph. Here's your speeding ticket... edit: in case you're wondering, the Milky Way galaxy we live in is moving at about 860,000 mph towards who knows what, something big. Like a million times larger than our entire galaxy... Not to worry, it will take 15 billion years to get there.
  11. All true, except that part about shifting the Earth's axis by ten degrees. It was actually only about 4 inches (10 centimeters), or 6.5 inches. Depending on who to believe for measurements. The Earth's axis wobbles around a lot, so it's hard to say. Shifting the Earth's axis ten degrees that quickly, would knock us all on our butts and pretty much try to destroy everything on the surface of the Earth. And Chevy, NASA says day shortened by 1.8 microseconds. The Earth varies more than 500 times that amount during the course of a year. Mostly from tidal effects from the Moon, I suppose. But yeah, that's 1.8 microseconds we don't get back.
  12. It could actually be true. Not that it can be proved at all, not yet. Almost everyone missed it, but a couple of novel concepts have been developed in quantum physics. Short story: There are reasons to believe that the entire universe as we know it in three dimensions, is a representation (a holographic projection) of what happens in a two dimensional universe we can't see. A little hard to deal with, and any attempts to come up with a test and proof of any of it will take a long time. The most recent discovery, is the one satellite looking for gravity waves, was hit with a constant load of noise and static. When it was filtered to a signal, they found a constant identical signal (holographic) everywhere in the universe. It's tentatively thought to be fluctuations in quantum motion (ripples) from when the three dimensional universe created itself from a two dimensional universe. This has physicists a bit stunned... The other concept, is that the universe started as one dimensional, then went to two dimensional, and then to three dimensional. Gravity doesn't exist in one and two dimensions. That would allow the two major theories of particle physics to co-exist. There would actually be one theory of everything. The two concepts fit together and re-enforce each other. What does it mean? Not much. It does mean the universe is potentially a three dimensional holographic projection of a two dimensional universe. It doesn't change who we are, that we know of. It might mean everything is co-dependent on something we can't even see, a two dimensional universe. Or even linked to the original one dimensional universe. Only time will tell. And to confuse even more, eventually another dimension should develop throughout the universe. What that will be, I don't know. That makes my head hurt.
  13. Shamefully copied from an R1 message net: 98-01 Service Manual (14.60 MB) 02-03 Service Manual (17.27 MB) 04-06 Service Manual (21.20 MB) 04-06 Race Manual (1.49 MB) Manual sezs: FAULTY GEAR SHIFTING SHIFTING IS DIFFICULT Refer to “CLUTCH DRAGS”. SHIFT PEDAL DOES NOT MOVE Shift shaft Improperly adjusted shift rod Bent shift shaft. Shift drum and shift forks Foreign object in a shift drum groove Seized shift fork Bent shift fork guide bar Transmission Seized transmission gear Foreign object between transmission gears Improperly assembled transmission CLUTCH DRAGS Clutch Unevenly tensioned clutch springs Warped pressure plate Bent clutch plate Swollen friction plate Bent clutch pull rod Broken clutch boss Burnt primary driven gear bushing Match marks not aligned Engine oil Incorrect oil level Incorrect oil viscosity (high) Deteriorated oil my experience says: bumping a shift lever hard on the ground can result in bending a shift fork. And mess up the followers on the shift drum. Result is hard to shift or won't shift. Done that. Had to open the trans and repair. Hopefully it's just the shift shaft, that's easier to get to and repair. Done that too.
  14. wait... we're allowed to have first impressions?
  15. That Honda polish is the exact same thing that was in the spray can of Harley polish. I forget the original company's name that sells it rebranded as Harley and Honda. Is the Harley spray even still sold? I think Honda dropped it also. I got a new can right here, form Iron Pony. It says Original Bike Spirits Spray Cleaner & Polish. Manufactured by Amrep Inc., Marietta Georgia. Good stuff, it works well. Both Iron Pony and Amazon have it. http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/product.asp?ImageName=ORIGINAL-SPRAY-POLISH.jpg&Brand=ORIGINAL%20BIKE%20SPIRITS&Class2=Chemicals&Class3=Cleaners,%20Waxes,%20Polishes&Class1=ATV%20PRODUCTS It looks like it is also found with the name Next Dimension Bike Polish. In a can that copies the same colors on the label. And some people think it's the reincarnation of the Honda/Harley polish. But I don't understand that, since the manufacturer's website doesn't show it. I don't like that, I think it might be a bogus copy cat. edit: Ok, it's confusing, but some of the websites say it is also manufactured by Amrep in Marietta Georgia. But I'll stick with Original Bike Spirits as long as I can find it. edit moar: Honda held the patent for the original formula for the polish. It's gone. The only difference is that Honda polish had a lemon scent in it. Amrep is still the same supplier, but without the lemon scent. I'm not sure what Harley was using exactly, but it was the same thing from the same company, as far as I know. Odd factoid, which I've mentioned before. When I worked in a dawn of time Honda shop, we cleaned and polished the bikes with Lemon Pledge. There must be a sales factor with that lemon scent. Or it's a Zen thing...
  16. geez dude, that movie is ok. It isn't that bad. Did they blow any cats up?
  17. dude, it's a Harley. Park it in the garage and don't get it dirty. Be careful with some of the store bought wheel cleaners. They permanently disfigure rims with the aggressive ingredients. Choose wisely. webbikeworld article they picked BriteMax Grime Out I haven't tried it. I will if I ever find any. edit: It appears to be a professional item, and only available from the manufacturer. http://www.britemaxusa.com/ And the one gallon is currently sold out.
  18. Once you know what fits and works, there are helmets sales on line everywhere. Usually it's last years model, or even the year before. I like motorcyclegear.com, which is the old newenough.com I picked up a nice new Scorpion EX-400 in Med for 49 bucks there. As a spare passenger helmet to have around. edit: Found one on closeout. Scorpion EX-400 for 49 bucks, XL, XXL and XXXL only. All others sold out. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/closeouts/helmets/scorpion/exo_400_scar_motorcycle_helmet.html They also have a Scorpion EX-700 on closeout for 129 bucks, that's cheaper than an EX-400 at most places. http://www.motorcyclegear.com/street/closeouts/helmets/scorpion/exo_700_predator_motorcycle_helmet.html
  19. I just noticed that all models of BELL helmets on the new SHARP safety rating system are listed as the max 5 star. It's what I would expect from a helmet manufacturer that used to make all the military helmets. Buell (one listed) and Caberg helmets are also maxed out. edit: I would do $250 to have a BELL again.
  20. back in the day... Bell only. Too expensive now. I like Nolan and Scorpion. And I'm sure the Shoei is worth the extra money I won't spend. Both Nolan and Scorpion (the ones I've looked at) are polycarbonate instead of fiberglass, and can get banged up and dropped without ruining the shell. The interior foam is sometimes damaged, which does degrade performance instead. The bad news, polycarbonate is heavier than fiberglass. edit: Reviews I've read say you get a lot for your money with the Scorpions. The review liked the EX-400. New helmet safety rating system (SHARP) review at webbikeworld with helmet ratings. http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-helmets/sharp-helmet-rating-system.htm From what I can see, certain model helmets should be avoided. Helmet brand names generally aren't the deciding factor. Exceptions are: CMS, KBC, NZI, Schuberth, and Harley-Davidson helmets have nothing to offer on the list. Some of these are Euro helmets. Some helmets have multiple brand names.
  21. They make interesting high performance bobbers...
  22. It's not the drinking... it's the not sober part. Makes for bad decisions.
  23. I hear that. I've got 44 years on the road also. Mostly solo. It is what it is.
  24. Heineken is right there with the Michelob in my book. I'll drink them if it's the high end in a bar full of bad choices.
  25. I thought the drinking age in Germany was 14, but they have to go to a special underage teen club. And I've not tried Yuengling, I lean toward Euro wheat ales. I seem to remember that Rolling Rock had that type of a following on campus, in days gone by. But it had something to do with a dirt cheap price for a case of bottles in a wooden case...
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