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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. ok, the news teams leaked a death photo of Bin Laden. The problem is... it appears to be a fake. Too many people have already found the original photo, and it's been flipped left to right and partially photo-shopped. By whom, I don't know. But anymore, anyone could have done it for who knows what reason. edit: oops, just read back a few pages. tbutlera2112 already found this. I slow...
  2. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=bin+laden&aq=&sll=34.146667,73.216389&sspn=0.143204,0.220757&g=Abbottabad,+Pakistan&ie=UTF8&ll=34.169231,73.242572&spn=0.001118,0.001725&t=h&z=19 location of compound de la bin Laden He was living within the aerial defense/intercept zone of the capital. There be no Predators flying there. edit: corrected location. Bad intel.
  3. Can't we just all get along?... http://www.sz-wholesale.com/uploadFiles/upimg1%5CMotorcycle-Umbrella-_120131.jpg
  4. I'm not whining, I'm going to kill a rain cloud...
  5. Dammit, I just looked at the radar, for what's up for tomorrow. Mass quantities of rain headed this way. I'm getting tired of rain, more rain, and then rain again. I swear this is way more than normal, or just unlucky to get central Ohio hit over and over. But from the looks of it, Cleveland, Dayton, and Cincinnati have not been spared either. And I'll ride in rain if I can possible get to work somewhat dry. I don't care if I get wet going home. Just not happening the last two weeks. And it still looks like rain for a few more days. A lot of rain. rant on/
  6. I'll recommend adding a metric deep well socket set in 6point, 3/8 drive. The kits don't usually come with those. And a couple of large sockets, in 1/2 inch drive. Just the ones your bike needs. Sears, as usual, often has metric full sets on sale... checking... nope, not this week. Just the standard sets. $100, $200, and $300. edit: ha, they have the SAE set on sale this week. (no metric)
  7. Maybe he was Canadian, or from Maine or Vermont or something. Thumbs up is an obscene gesture in those parts of the world. Basically "up yours". Cars attempting anything against a high powered motorcycle is hilarious. Mentioning spraying crap on car... I had a car try to jump the far right lane at a light, in the early dark morning on a slightly wet street. No no, I nailed a quick start. I went sideways out of the light, throwing crap on his car. Oops. I held the throttle and kept the slide for a while. Till I had to shift. I looked at the tire, it had a burn mark down the left side. I'm probably lucky I didn't hit it harder, I wouldn't have liked the results.
  8. pay no attention... get a hawk or two, they will eat the snakes, the rats, and the mice. Problem solved... and some rabbits, and an occasional small dog or cat, so watch it...
  9. CCI MM is one of the most consistent in any 22cal That I've tried. Winchester always works for me also. I'll sometimes use Federal 22cal. A bit more accurate, I think. Remington 22cal doesn't feed right for me. I would never use Blazer anything.
  10. A couple of favorite bobbers from that website: DBBP BMW Bobber http://www.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/bmw_bobber.jpg Honda Gold Wing Bobber http://www.bikeexif.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/naked_honda_gold_wing.jpg
  11. Water moccasins (cottonmouth) are pretty rare in Ohio since they theoretically don't have a territory established here, and prefer a warmer climate. But occasionally found, and I'll guess found near railroad bridges, where they fall off of trains or something. Usually found no closer than the Indiana-Illinois-Kentucky border, along the Ohio river. edit: water moccasins are not a treat when encountered. They are aggressive and can deliberately attack or chase people. Timber rattlesnakes have an established territory in Northern Ohio and are a protected species there. There is also the Eastern Massauga Rattlesnake in Ohio. The third poisonous Ohio snake is the Northern Copperhead. Northern Copperhead Eastern Massauga Timber Rattlesnake
  12. Funny that, Dos Equis is the name of a very poisonous Ecuadorian pit viper. I've grabbed sleepy copperheads before, but I won't be messing with this one: http://www.birdforum.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=170819&d=1228230977
  13. I like snakes. Poor little black snake. No more mice for him. Then again, I've been bit pretty bad by black snakes.
  14. I chased one after a collision (not mine) and got a clear view of the driver's face up close. That works. Actually, we told the driver to go back. That didn't work. Showed for witness at court, but not called. Defending lawyer saw us and give it up.
  15. I doubt any of the fuses should have been changed from 15amp to 30amp. Although 15amp does sound low for a main ignition fuse? The one that keeps blowing out has either a short in that circuit, or an excessive load on it. It needs to be tracked down and fixed. Really can't say where it would be. But actual physical damage to any of the wiring or connectors would be the first thing to look for.
  16. oh hey, very cool... Regina Chain in Italy, a webpage of info on chains and problems. In English, even. http://www.reginachain.it/eng/use_and_maintenance/how_to07.shtml http://www.reginachain.it/eng/use_and_maintenance/index.shtml nothing on sprockets though.
  17. Mechanical Design Handbook, in the section on transverse vibrations of chains, it indicates that chains have resonate vibrations at critical speeds. In such cases dampening is used. I would have to guess that any motorcycle using a stock front sprocket that had dampening, would be one that the engineers thought there might be a resonate vibration that needed to be dampened. So if the new sprocket is installed without dampening, and a bad vibration is noticed that wasn't there before, it would need to be dampened. It would be at a particular road speed, not rpm. In other words, a chain has a natural bad frequency at which it vibrates too much. That has to be avoided or fixed. edit: Replicating the alignment of the stock front sprocket is a separate issue.
  18. I'm sorry, this is a 2 or 288 question. I'm not sure it has a specific answer. Short of asking the particular engineer that designed the drive train for that particular motorcycle.
  19. Up next, how to plow a field with your Harley. What could possibly go wrong. *insert image of over-sized tractor tire on rear of Harley* edit: http://www.ratbike.org/photos2/y923_harley_6_hi.jpg
  20. ReconRat


    It makes me very sad that people are still bumping JRMMiii... no wait... arghhh
  21. I'm going to guess that the particular original design had a bit of vibration or wear when the front sprocket doesn't have the rubber bushings of the stock front sprocket. I'm also going to guess that the aftermarket front sprocket will work with the free play, shimmed up with rubber washers, or shimmed up with steel washers. The chain itself has enough flex to handle small misalignment. But if the sprockets wear on the sides of the teeth, the alignment between front and rear sprockets is way off. It's also worth looking for that type of wear on the old sprockets. Good question. I don't know what I'd do without looking at the two sprockets first. Best guess and quick fix would be to slap a big rubber o-ring on one or both sides and torque it down. Both sides, I think, since the stock sprocket had rubber on both sides. edit: I'm trying to pin down what the design specs might be, but not having any luck yet. Not even the Honda common service manual.
  22. squatters... making a living...
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