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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Agreeing with getting a professional paint job. If you do it yourself, the first try is never quite the way you want it, if it even survives the attempt. It uses up all your time, and is best done over the Winter when not riding. If you do want to try it, I will even recommend two sets of parts, so you can still ride while working and learning on the others. Or even junk yard parts to practice on.
  2. searching for wallpaper on the internet is still one of the worst things you could ever do to a computer.
  3. .5 liter is plenty. Unless you can go through maybe 3 gallons of fuel in under 22 minutes. Then it wouldn't flow fast enough. Overflowing a carb is a function of the float and float needle. If they are working right, only the necessary amount of fuel will be accepted. It's basically a float driven shut off valve. (Float bowl must not leak at it's seal.) If there was a fuel pump with higher pressure, the carb could overflow anyway. It might overwhelm the pressure from the float, on the float needle. But most carb bikes are gravity fed fuel, and the pressure is very low. (.433 psi per foot of drop)
  4. Years ago, I had a neighbor do his car with a 2 inch roller, using house paint. It actually looked very nice.... I've bug bombed many a bike. But not lately. I fail, because I love painting bikes. Basic advice, keep it clean. Use a wax remover or cleaner, hopefully one that removes silicones. Tack rag surfaces before painting. Elevate parts up off the floor to avoid dust and dirt (36 inches off the floor is good, I like to hang them high.) Let parts dry really really good before sanding or continuing painting. Enamels like 320grit and acrylic lacquers like 400 grit. Urethanes, I got no clue. Wet sanding, of course. Almost all of it. Put a little dish soap in the water. I've even used 600grit to finish up. Rubbing compound after that. Sometimes polishing compound too. It can be done by hand rather than machine, it just takes a LOT longer. If power buffing, be very gentle on the corners and edges, or you burn right through the paint. Basic painting is two sticky light coats, and then one heavy coat that ALMOST runs, but doesn't. That coat of paint is smooth, the first two are rough looking. Let that dry and sand or continue with more paint. A paint prep solvent will clean up surfaces before painting. (The wax remover maybe.) Then rub down with clean rags and tack rag. Don't paint on days with high humidity. Don't paint on days that are too hot or too cold. Black is actually a difficult paint, and likes to fog up or crack. sometimes months or years later. (See above heat and humidity.) Candy colors and trick paints are touchy to get right. Often coming out too dark from too much paint. Look for a top coat or clear coat that is fuel proof or fuel resistant. When all else fails, read and follow the paint can instructions. I'll be trying to match the candy red on mine, making a couple of extra parts match. I hope. edit: actually, a true urethane enamel will shrink over time to be smooth. It doesn't need sanding if done right. But I've never tried urethane enamel. Almost everything I've done was old school acrylic lacquer.
  5. Looking at this a different way... *calculating*... a basic sport bike can put around 6000 lateral G force on the links of the chain and the clip and/or safety wire. I am now not surprised that both clips and/or safety wire can vanish. Rivet master links for high speed use, tyvm... edit: that's for the rear sprocket, the front sprocket is about the same, 3 times less diameter but 3 times the revolutions. edit: calculations based on 180/55-17 @ 150mph w/ 43T/530 rear sprocket. Yeah, that's my bike.
  6. The nerve damage will repair itself. It grows back about a millimeter a year. I had a nasty scar that the nerve connections grew back, but it took a decade or more. So the numbness, if any, will slowly go away. The fun part is scratching your head and feeling it in your back. Sometimes the connections get scrambled. They straighten out over time also.
  7. and now for something totally rerun and unrelated sort of
  8. It's worse if you wait too long. I spent a while on mostly liquids since I couldn't eat. I had all four out while in the Army. Two at a time with local, so stayed awake. Free is good, but one dentist was very experienced, and the other didn't have a clue.
  9. Yup, business reports say everything going up, get ready for the shock. It's the cost of the fuel and shipping. Raising prices has been avoided till now. Now it's too late. Food and clothing prices is going to hurt everyone.
  10. An Iranian girl at work wanted to go for a ride. Is this what she had in mind? I'll have to practice first, I'll need a volunteer tank hugger.
  11. Some gas pumps at boat docks have no ethanol at all. But it costs quite a bit more. As far as I know, all the standard fuel stations have exactly the same fuel. There are a few differences in additives per brand. edit: I looked it up a couple of years ago. There were maybe 3 pumps at boat docks in the central Ohio area with no ethanol.
  12. ReconRat

    Senate Bill 5

    Just quoting this for posterity. I saw it in a sci-fi book I'm reading... "You can't have the poor voting themselves more welfare money. That's economic suicide." edit: reading back a page or two... You know what? Working for a state school isn't much fun either. We don't get any raises at all, ever. And what we do get we have to qualify for to get, and it's actually a portion of the cost of living increase. Any other place I've worked at, you'd get a cost of living increase, and then separately a increase in wages if you were doing a good job. State jobs suck. Basically we all lose money every year, earning less and less per inflation... The only way out is to quit.
  13. Yeah, I saw that one but didn't watch it. Too late now. I hate you. Now I'll never answer those ads in the back of FaceBook again...
  14. Show us yours. Which would be some boy toy on your bike, I suppose...
  15. Show me yours, but I'm not showing you mine? Wut? Besides, they are here somewhere, just have to find them. My bike is an ugly little rat anyway...
  16. Yes, I liked it there. Most of the bands were good or better. Food also.
  17. BWR was one of the best. But it wasn't BWR that made it work, it was us. So if we ever grow up and show up, it will work out, no matter where we go.
  18. Dang, this guy is good. This is all on computer, looks like Photoshop art. edit: These are HD, go full screen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssOJQXdwmrI&feature=player_detailpage
  19. Ok, you got me to spend an hour searching time lapse art. edit: These are HD, go full screen. I like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoxypapNwoU&feature=related
  20. I think I'll go with Flounder's answer. I really shouldn't tell. But... One of the greatest things a buddy did, and was never discovered. I'm not naming the contact explosive, but the math teacher used to teach at West Point, and he knew exactly what happened. It goes on wet, and is very touchy when dry. It was put on the homework papers on the corner of the desk. Nothing happened during the entire class, oops. But the next class that came in, heheh. Teacher used to get mad at the class about performance, and this he did. And slammed his book down on his desk. WHUMP, up goes all the homework, shredded in a cloud all over the room. He never figured out exactly who did that... I'm the one who launched air-to-air rockets off his motorcycle (with little warhead). I couldn't help it, I had just seen James Bond's Thunderball... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_7gYNb3GSh4M/RjeAurLwYNI/AAAAAAAAA0I/_TJOS4adzoQ/s320/04a0057a.jpg
  21. Comparing overall worst to current status doesn't say much. Try comparing the first two years of each instead. Obama then shows to be similar to both Reagan and Nixon. A rapid drop in the first two years, after a barely average start. Reagan finished up 8 years favorably, and Nixon impeached at five with almost the lowest. Nixon was 2nd overall worst rating, beaten only by Truman.
  22. Hell, we did that here in Ohio. Built whole neighborhoods of houses that were never sold or occupied. They got bulldozed under...
  23. Excellent. I'm impressed. I know how hard it is to get this.
  24. How about a nice DOS in the box? Still has the original shrink wrap.... Actually, the biggest shocker of all. We didn't have a mouse way back when. All commands were typed on the keyboard. Joysticks were way more important. In before there were applications or games available for sale... That was way early. My first job at Rockwell was part of a group designing and building up mini computers embedded in a block of plastic, to control video, telemetry, flight parameters, targeting, etc. Yes, it got hot. But it only had to work long enough to hit it's target. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/GBU-15_xxl.jpg/300px-GBU-15_xxl.jpg Edit: Actually, that's a late model. The original looked like this: http://www.designation-systems.net/dusrm/gbu-15v1.jpg
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