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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I bought one. I blew the fuse in it quickly. Weird fuse soldered in. Can't decide on repairing or replacing. I should have bought two. I can leave it lying around at work. No one will take it.
  2. Showmanship, yes. But it doesn't change the reality of a bankrupt nation. North Korea is on the brink of a dangerous collapse. They just can't feed themselves. That's the final element of total chaos. And no one wants to help them any longer. Too crazy. Giving them aid didn't help, it just made the situation worse.
  3. Geez, there aren't that many warehouses in the area. But seriously, I'd want to check who was buying large cardboard boxes first...
  4. That's the correct setup for a race bike. A street bike would have less power and more range. edit: And charge up on 110vac edit2: They start with race bikes, to prove a point. Then people will want them for the street.
  5. Deserved it yes, but it amounts to fraud and breach of contract. By both parties. Proof of a binding agreement without a signature, a witness, or at least a physical handshake (back-in-the-day), is difficult.
  6. The USA is one of the few countries that will let a beginner buy anything. Your insurance company will have a different opinion. You might want to ask about what those insurance rates will be, for various types of bikes, before you go bike hunting.
  7. skull candy ink'd... cause they are cheap and I have a habit of breaking headphones... oh,and the passive sound suppression is excellent, and the sound quality very good. I can use them on board jet aircraft. The only passive headphones I've found that do that. So yes, they work well on a motorcycle.
  8. Ok, how about they all sound like this... maybe make a little money on the side... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ2wA1yLsho
  9. Seriously, it had to happen. I've had a few electro stealths sneak up on me in parking lots. Drivers usually look annoyed, but what did they expect. I vote for all of the electros to sound like V-twins... brummm brummm brummm brummm except when they idle...
  10. I wouldn't try much more than rebooting the cable modem. Or perhaps setting a DNS server manually. I'm guessing the WOW DNS server isn't playing well with others right at the moment. A good time to get out that book you always wanted to read.
  11. that's a wideOpenWest address. So I guess start looking at two places. edit: nevermind... I noticed that address dead also. Something must be up with your provider being down. I don't think it's your computer. 1. hardware problem with network device. Does the wireless work? does the wired network connection work? are there any errors shown in hardware devices of the winXP? 2. Has virus scans been done? Was anything found? There is one proxy virus that stops all browsing, but lets https go through. Does any address work with https instead of http? 3. Try booting up with F8 start, and boot safemode with networking. Does that work to get to the internet? My guess is a virus attack. Which means downloading the antivirus programs on another computer, to a thumb drive or CD. Then installing them on the computer and scanning both in safe mode and regular, to try and fix it. Recommend: MalWareBytes SuperAntiSpyware
  12. I buy the Purolator filters in six packs, from the factory, on Amazon dot com. Unmarked and either chrome or black. Cheap. See previous threads on filters for the Amazon links.
  13. The disturbing part is that the compressor is running at those low temps. It's not a heat pump, it shouldn't be running at all. Rig one of those cheap clamp lamps with a bulb, and set it where it shines on the compressor. The extra heat should possibly fix up the problems. Or unplug it when it's below 40F out in the garage. Some fridges don't work well below 40F. The compressor oil can gel up and kill the compressor. Certain brands work ok. It's usually listed in the manual for the fridge. There should even be a temp sensor that shuts off the compressor below 40F. The standard problem: Temps between freezing and whatever the thermostat is set at. It will cool down to the outside temps, not come on, and the freezer will warm up and melt stuff. The rest of the fridge is ok, but the freezer will have the same temps as the fridge.
  14. 2 hours? what? That's nuts... edit: she's not interested in going out. She's interested in putting on her makeup.
  15. The projectiles have guidance onboard. How good it is, remains to be seen. Terminal phase guidance is not likely, it's probably all GPS guidance for now. The projectile is good for hard targets. The shock wave for everything else. The shock wave probably is measured in megatons. So it's basically a small tactical nuke without the nuke's radiation. And yes, the US Navy has a basic interest in offensive ship to ship weaponry. Secondary is ship to shore.
  16. I'm on page 3 on a phone... I think I'll go ride and look for some snow...
  17. It's a ballistic launch, with a loiter time in a low sub orbital phase. Upon reentry, it accelerates again to a velocity on target of around Mach 6. Velocity and altitude are trade offs, whatever velocity is lost getting to altitude is regained when it comes back down. And the only reason it isn't going faster, is the weapon projectile would vaporize at higher speeds and actually do less damage. A problem that's still being worked on. A direct line of sight shot, would be exactly as you say. But then the time to target would be much less. Those shots are for shorter ranges, since there isn't much of a line of sight at 100 miles.
  18. For a Mach 6 terminal velocity at sea level, it would be 85,536,000,000 fps. This is the nature of the weapon. For even a small projectile, the shock wave is enormous.
  19. The Navy has been experimenting with this one for a while. What is news, is it's getting close to where it can be put on board a ship and be used as a weapon. Another odd claim from the US Navy from back in the same time frame, was that the US Navy knew how to fly a ship using anti-matter for fuel. Cool, except that it was rather heavy, a thousand feet in diameter, and needed to be made smaller first.
  20. HAha, I pushed it from 6% to 7%. That's because I've got, well, 4 computers and a phone that will vote.
  21. Pay attention. Today history was made. I know, it didn't make much news. But the first launch of an independent rocket (The Dragon) and satellite payload from Cape Canaveral in Florida, is the start of the civilian marketplace in space. This literally puts independent American civilians ahead of the space programs of most other countries. SpaceX launched this satellite. And they are, well, that's PayPal. The payload was an Army communications satellite for robots. Go figure. The US Army's first satellite in 50 years. And as rumour has it, a wheel of cheese - Le Brouere cheese, to be precise, a French cow's milk cheese rather like Gruyere. As a tribute to Monty Python's Cheese Shop. Watch the launch here 4900+ MPH at first stage separation 20,000+ MPH at second stage separation "Do you have any cheese at all?" http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/12/09/350808/secret-spacex-payload-revealed.html Army Nanosatellite On First Flight http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Army_Nanosatellite_On_First_Flight_999.html Stay tuned for further adventures of civilians in space.
  22. Yeah, I figured that was probably true. But there were some serious design flaws in the original GM V-6. I'm not sure those were ever corrected. Basically I'll change my mind when I see a V-6 in an AC Cobra. Maybe I'll just laugh instead. And yeah, Jeeps have their problems. Lots of them.
  23. Yeah, I don't get it. When V-6s first came out against V-8s, they were pretty much junk. Nobody wanted one. I must of missed the part where they were great. Sure, I've seen the Grand National engines, but they have nothing in common with a daily driver. I'm going to say I'm glad they are gone, I'd rather have a V-4 or inline 4 in a car. A small car. Not a full size car trying to go somewhere with a V-6 when it should have had a V-8. edit: I'll take an inline six... Jeeps rule...
  24. Actually, my ancestors fought on both sides of that one... Technically, we're all from Williamsburg Virginia. One of the first ships. We've been here a long long time. edit: actually, I can say my ancestors fought on both sides of the American Revolution, and I'd very likely be correct.
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