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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. All images of his FB that I've found so far are fake. Both left and right and "other". Still looking...
  2. from a blog: Is this true? I didn't see his FaceBook page.edit: LOL, I just did some searching, fake FaceBook pages are starting to appear. They are incredible...
  3. Because if 90%+ of the news says it's so, then it has to be true. I know so, I read that on the internet... Truth... no one listens, everyone has a preset agenda. Very few people will look for facts, and see reality. And I can understand why, it would make at least half of them unhappy. Probably doesn't matter what the shooter was, he became an Anarchist when he pulled the trigger. Political change through the use of force. Although I'm not sure he was rational enough to understand his own actions.
  4. Hard to beat Amazon. But I did see low prices on goggles at Optics Planet. That's another good place to buy stuff. Well... optics anyway...
  5. oops, ok, dirtbike non allergenic (claims hypo allergenic anyway) Scott Voltage X ATV http://www.amazon.com/Scott-Voltage-Motorcycle-Goggles-Eyewear/dp/B004C4C2GU Scott 83X Sand/Dust http://www.amazon.com/Scott-DirtBike-Motorcycle-Goggles-Eyewear/dp/B004C4C25G
  6. Bobster Touring II Goggles - Amber, Clear, or Smoke - claimed non allergenic http://www.amazon.com/Bobster-Touring-II-Goggles-Amber/dp/B001A3JGGA http://www.amazon.com/Bobster-Touring-Motorcycle-Goggles-Eyewear/dp/B0045TMGV8 http://www.amazon.com/Bobster-Touring-II-Goggles-Smoke/dp/B001A3HCCU There are also non allergenic sky diving goggles that look pretty cool.
  7. lol, right at the end... "It's the coolest vacuum cleaner I've ever seen."
  8. The LA Times found them, and researched the authenticity. That impressed me. One other media source did also, but I don't remember which one. It was late last night. Mostly it's just right wing websites that speak about it. Most of the traditional media has not clued in yet. Neither have most media connected the concept of the shooter being a radical left wing malcontent. There are three different maps, which is confusing people. Palin map, DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) map, and radical left wing website target list. Although there is a "bullseye" map from the DLC, that targets swing states, it did not list Gabrielle Giffords or Arizona on the copy I saw. I suspect both the Palin and the DLC political maps came out around the same time, recently. I just searched again, the DLC map is now disappearing from the media and internet. edit: Oops! The DLC target map is from 2004, during the campaign against Bush. The original target list, was from a blog on a radical left wing website, and did not utilize a map, just a list and a target bullseye. It was originally posted up in 2008. It was a target list of moderate Democrats, posted by an angry Democrat. It is gone, with hardly a trace anywhere to be found. I was unable to even retrieve it with the Internet Archive. Google images didn't work either. Oddly, the link for it now points at something entirely different and immaterial. If it looks like the media (including the internet) is being manipulated, then it is probably true beyond our wildest imagination. edit: Oops! I found another target list/map of Republicans that voted against whatever created the hatred, etc. It's on the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) website, dated February 2010. It has also been removed, and the link points to a whine about Health Care.
  9. Giffords rides a BMW. She is also a gun and truck owner and chairs the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus. Giffords sponsored the resolution with Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas, that recognized Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. She's one of our own.
  10. The 9 year old girl murdered, was born on 9/11. edit: Christina Taylor Greene https://twitter.com/kold_news13/status/23936138053943298
  11. First things first: Gabrielle Giffords, I hope and pray that you have a speedy recovery. http://wireupdate.com/wires/13960/jared-lee-loughner-reportedly-met-with-congresswoman-giffords-before-tragic-shooting/ Caitie's twitter account just went into overload with incoming requests for info...The Twitter Life of Caitie Parker If you search recent news articles, many of Gifford's constituents in her congressional district, were very upset with her when she was one of a small group that voted against Pelosi for minority speaker of the house, on last Wednesday, the 5th of January, 2011. Enough so to easily find various threats posted on line. Most all of those have suddenly vanished. Including the radical liberal "bullseye" target map list of moderate Democrats (which also included Giffords) posted on a very left wing website. It looks just like the Palin map.I don't like politics. It's a sickness of the weak... Or a weakness of the sick, take your pick.
  12. Besides, who wants a swimming tank anyway, when an assault landing hover craft can haul the tanks and all your stuff over water, beach, and far inland... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landing_Craft_Air_Cushion
  13. In regards to the blank check statement I made. The request for proposal doesn't have many requirements. Not even the caliber of weapons to use, type of engine, fuel, wheels vs tracks, etc. The manufacturers are without limit in creating a new weapon system. That's a rare request. From what I've seen, about 10% of the think tank stuff will go on into consideration. 10% of that might get further funding. 10% of that gets developed. 10% of that gets a serious contract later on. A lot of stuff never gets off the drawing board, or past the cartoon stage. I'll see if I can find more details. edit: Army’s Ground Combat Vehicle Stirs Confusion In Industry - January 2011 It's actually a USArmy proposal, but I'm sure the USMarines can get in on it or a variant. This is what they asked for: force protection against a classified list of threats a nine-Soldier capacity full-spectrum-operations capability .....a series of growth requirements .....some open architecture requirements on-time delivery within seven years fit on C-17, but didn't list C-130 Everything else is open. Original plan was to build 1,874 GCVs
  14. It won't work out in the USA or other decent places to live. We like to be anonymous and such. We'd find a way around it. On the other hand, it could be sold to China...
  15. I was able to watch it till Michael Moore started whining.
  16. Every certain number of years, there's a swarm of little earthquakes in that Arkansas area. They've had near 500 in the last six months. I'm going with a burst of methane gas from the ground, took the birds down. It doesn't really answer the fish kill, since it was all one species. Dunno about that one...
  17. lol, I don't post obscenities, I just read them and laugh... edit: oh great... now somebody will find something I posted that I don't remember doing...
  18. Yay! Don't throw out the EX yet. They rat out nicely...
  19. I wore Buco half helmets back in the day. You do have to be quick enough and smart enough to flip on your back when you un-stick the bike, or turn your head when you hit the ground. I'd also say a half helmet is only good for up to 40-45mph dismount. Can't control events at speeds higher than that. Open face helmets beat the half helmets easily. But there is still limits to what they can do also. Still need to remember to land somewhere other than face first. I'd say good for a little higher dismount velocity, but not much more. Full face helmet for higher speeds. Events during a high speed dismount just can't be controlled well enough by the rider. Really high speeds? Results vary... Mostly not good. Technically, I quit with the "face in the wind" when city air got rather dirty back in the early 80s. Yes, the air was a lot cleaner before that. edit: And back on the subject, Iron Pony is a great place to check out and select what helmet you'd like to have. The helmet size varies a bit from one manufacturer to another, as well as the way it will fit any particular head. So it's good to try them on first. I've mail ordered helmets at low prices, once I know what fits and feels good. But if it's a decent price or on sale in a shop, I'd go ahead and get it there. Try out Scorpion and Nolan. They are pretty decent for the prices. The protection level is quite high for the cost. And they do have a fair number of half shells at Iron Pony. Take a look in their on line catalog. Do it right and get an open face or full face helmet to go with it.
  20. Remind me to show you the one I got from the girl in Chicago. Too bad she figured out it was the wrong number before I could text back.... No, I didn't delete that one. It still makes me laugh...
  21. Heat rises. The hottest part of a fire is on the ceiling. Even on a flame, the hottest part is above the flame. It should be fine with a fire stop compound plugging it up. I wouldn't set something heavy on an electrical cord, nor even put a tight bend in it and try to max out the amps running through it. The wire would get hot. I've never seen one catch fire, but they do get hot.
  22. That particular contract wasn't going well. There will be a new contract with pretty much a blank check to design the best possible. It might be amphibious, it might not. The contract requirements so far are wide open to whatever the manufacturers can come up with. This is good. Don't forget that they already have the AAV-7A Amphibious Assault Vehicle. I also saw that the British are struggling, and might just eliminate all their existing armor forces. That is bad.
  23. The first Civic, if I remember right, that CRX hf, it got 58-60mpg on the freeway. Back in the 80s. Tiny, tiny engine... Dang thing was a 4wheel motorcycle. What gets anywhere near 60mpg now? Oh wait, a motorcycle can.
  24. Army was a bit different. Multiple pop up targets, in cover, from 25 to 600 yards. One for each round, two magazines of 20. 40 targets total. Not easy with .223, nor faulty magazines, and rifles that jam... A lot easier with .308. That's the way I remember it. I suppose that they just point and say "BANG" now...
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