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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Good luck getting through to the WikiLeaks website. They are under a DDOS attack today. Denial of service attack. So basically, everything we read in the Tom Clancy novels is true?
  2. Some national numbers from the last few years, pointed to a really large increase in accidents from bikes with very large engine displacement. Something like over 1200cc or 1300cc. That sort of narrows it down a little bit. Literally, if those large displacement bikes are factored out, the statistical numbers in general have probably been declining for the smaller displacement bikes. Those that are 1000cc or less.
  3. One of the problems with these statistics, are that they aren't adjusted for the number of registered riders in any given area. This basically means that an area with a lot of registered riders will have higher numbers in all categories. Previous looks at numbers from various sources, showed that 80% of all motorcycle accidents are split almost evenly between having a car turn or move in front of you, and simply running off the road all on your own. So that's 40% rider fault right there, not counting anything else. So it's one part defensive avoidance, and one part road skill = learned to survive. edit: I think OSHP sets fault on motorcycles for road speed. If it's over the limit, the bike tends to get blamed.
  4. yeahhh, we've done this before, haven't we? http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=56454
  5. 1972 Norton Combat Commando vintage cafe racer for sale over in Newark (eBay).
  6. That's great. My friends and I used to buy Nortons and restore them. The quality of the one in the video is amazing.
  7. Since I was on the ODOT website looking for traffic light vs motorcycle information, I thought I'd throw this out there. Newly released 2009 Motorcycle Crash Information. (11/1/2010) All stats are down for the year, mostly rolling back to the 2005 levels. Be sure to check out the pdf maps on your county, as well as the counties you like to ride in. edit: oh, and if anyone cares, OR has 2.35% of all registered riders in Ohio (2009).
  8. I was going to put some of the neodymium hard drive magnets on the bottom of my engine. But I didn't bother, I use the "kickstand down on the wire" trick. It seems to work most places. I might add the magnets later. The traffic engineers say that the wire box is most sensitive in the corners. So often pulling up in the corner of the wire box is enough to trigger it. Obviously I pull up in the left corner, so I can drop the kick stand on the wire if I have to. The traffic engineers in Ohio, also want to know which traffic signals won't respond to the motorcycles and scooters. You can call or email them the information. ODOT improving Traffic Signal Safety for Motorcycles and Scooters email info to bike.report@dot.state.oh.us or call the ODOT special phone number - (614) 387-0722
  9. Saw this and had to rub it in. British survey to find the top 100 current road bikes. My 919s are 8th out of 100. The Brits really like that bike. Beat only by what you see. Two of which aren't available in the US. Not surprising that the Brits also like the Triumphs. Also noticed the insurance for a 919 is high over there. But it's an interesting list of what is popular and available in the Euro market place, as compared to here. And that should change in the future. One of the primary reasons we did not get bikes that are designed and sold in Europe, was that the emission controls were different between here and there. That is all changing, and the newer designs meet both requirements. I would expect to see some of those bikes here in the USA, that the Canadians and Europeans can get, that we can't. Only limited by the manufacturer's idiotic decisions about whether a particular model will sell here or not. Top ten of 100: http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/Top-100-Bikes/top-bikes-1-10/?id=121351
  10. Those CB350s make one hell of a cafe racer. I've seen a few around, and they always stop me dead in my tracks to stare.
  11. Good God, I'm eating a 3000+ calorie breakfast, and that video made me hungry... edit: And I'm still skinny....
  12. Have you seen this one yet? It seems like it's the direction you're headed. http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2010/07/16/cr-450-clubman-cafe-from-phil-little/
  13. Shoot, my parents moved to Florida and left me their snow blower. It didn't snow for four years. I got rid of it, and yup, it snowed.
  14. geez... Я русской кухни = I am the Russian kitchen per Babelfish... maybe Я имею русского кузена Я имею друзей которые говорят превосходного русского. Большая занятность для их для того чтобы прочитать эту резьбу.
  15. Take Moose lessons? Fate is what it is. It comes at us without much warning. But when it arrives, it's best to pay attention and take care.
  16. I'll try the marshmellows (sic). I don't have the problem with falling out so much, but at 6 bucks it's worth checking out. Marshmallow
  17. Fixed it... much cheaper solution... Fixed it again... basic black... Ram-Mount type umbrella holder
  18. I've been rocking a NetGear WGR614v6 router for ... dunno, dawn of time I guess. A personal preference since it had a DMZ built in (One open connection with no protection, 3 protected). But the Linksys is fine, Cisco is a good influence on that. Note: Quite a few of the home routers will burn up much faster if the WiFi is on all the time. Too much heat, I guess. I leave mine off unless I want to use it for something.
  19. yeah, didn't see this till now. I've done a few before. Calling around and finding a cheap glass of the right type is the hard part. The rest is just a jig saw puzzle trying to get it in.
  20. My credit union changed out a good percent of all their debit cards, a few years back. A new card showed up in the mail with no explanation. Not everyone, but a lot of people had gotten a new one. And they enforced it by turning off the old card quickly. But they at least waited till we had gotten the new one.
  21. Dalek computer case R2D2 computer case Bender computer case Hulk computer case Imperial Fighter computer case/desk yes... that's a life size anime computer case...or so the owner says...
  22. Nope, insurance companies hate this extra workload. The requirement comes from the State of Ohio, which contracted an outside contractor to send out these notices (with threat of horrible retribution). It started with a change to Ohio Code, and it's basically looking for extra revenue for the state. The outside contractor of course, is also making money, and is very eager to send out as many challenges as possible.
  23. Gators are lazy and unpredictable. A gator with the simple minded thought process of "oh, hey, I'm hungry, I forgot"... SNAP kid or cat gone. Gators can move blazing fast for a few feet. I would recommend a good 30 feet away. Anything less and a gator might catch you when you try to run.
  24. Nope, I'd split them too, probably multiple times. It's like throwing mice in front of a cat, or squirrels in front of a dog. Can't resist, has to be done. edit: not recommended for anyone. Certain behaviors on the roadway are like magnets. Somehow they quickly manage to get together.
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