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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Let's get it straight. It's a verbal attack by a group on a specific individual and kin. That's assault. I don't care what the courts say about it being "legal".
  2. Sounds like a glitch, it might work later.
  3. Nod or jerk your head upward when looking their direction. They understand. edit: don't fall over...
  4. It's nearly impossible to spot anyone even in a small crowd there. Even worse, I thought I knew someone, and was mistaken. Oops. We need to bring you along since you won't recognize anyone. Standard practice is sport bikes in the East lot, on the South or East side of that parking lot. (The areas toward the Texas RoadHouse.) But when crowded, it's lucky to park anywhere in the East lot. Get there late, and there isn't any parking left at all. And it won't make any sense anyway, when pulling into a group of hundreds or thousands of motorcycles. Highlight of the evening, for me anyway. This old CB350 cafe racer:
  5. Yeah, sounds like you changed your gearing. Although I merged on freeway once, and that's how fast the traffic was.
  6. You need to go sit on them, and try them out. Some of these are taller than what you are used to sitting on. It's all about what feels right, not how it looks.
  7. I rolled in about 8:00 - 8:10. Saw three guys, they were leaving. Waited an hour, and didn't see no one else show up. Fail. I parked in that front row, and then realized it was all Busas, several stretched... didn't see no rat EX either, just sayin'... Was a nice ride though, even if I did slab it there and back...
  8. I always took a part time job while collecting on unemployment. That's a huge extension right there. They pay the difference, stretched out until your standard allotment runs out.
  9. Employment extensions are reasonable when there is high unemployment. It does actually work out. Especially if companies call people back in. And it's pretty much expected to happen. Sometimes it just allows time for other things to happen. Like grants to return to school, which might not be offered the first year.
  10. I'm so lazy... but here is something to actually do. And it's warm out, even... Am I hungry, I ask myself? Now or soon? Or should I just go because I'm bored. Or because it's Wednesday. Or because I'm curious to see how many bikes get out. Yeah... that's it, curiosity...
  11. There's 5 bikes in the nearest bike lot. 35F or less this morning, with the promise of wonderful 60F-70F this afternoon. We ride. These next few days are the startup. 40F-50F in the morning, with 60F-70F high later.
  12. ditto, I never noticed... it's them flat back glass in pickup caps that kills me.
  13. Doah! This is correct, the 112C exit for 204 is much easier to navigate. I will use it from now on, I forgot it was there. durrrrr
  14. Ask and ye shall receive... Maple Bacon Morning Coffee
  15. When that car pulled into all the QSL exit traffic? Is that who that was? I saw part of that. I never knew who. Really odd was the traffic cop letting her do that...
  16. Like everywhere else in Franklin County, I suppose. But I do like Italian food... And what the heck else is there to do on Monday nights...
  17. Yeahhhh, but watch it around I-70 / 256 / 204. It's just as crowded and crazy as Polaris sometimes. I see stuff happen there all the time. Maybe even more than stuff happening up at Polaris. But it's fine, I ride through there a bunch. Just watch for sudden lane changes. And sudden stops. And people turning left in front of you. Oh, hey, it's a shopping center... Now I understand...
  18. And now one for the ladies: Irene Canary high siding in Mexico. They are crazy down there, they road race in traffic. They also crash. I've seen this video last year. I suppose it's maybe even a re-post. Graphic injuries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvUxwHUfTbA
  19. Yes, I was going to mention that. Another way to get that is to have a dirty air filter. No air, too much fuel. Oh crap, I hate when that happens. Good thing you found and fixed it right away. I've seen valves and stuff ruined from riding with diluted oil.
  20. I just looked, nobody said sticky floats! Not seeing how that would put oil out the tailpipe.
  21. I don't think Justin will fit in one of those... And really, his pooping is more than we need to know...
  22. Flounder is understandably concerned about the safety and welfare of those of us that ride. We should all share those same concerns, to the best of our abilities. It is not without reason to have these concerns. I also vote for a safe and sane season of riding.
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