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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Ha! Doesn't sound too good. But I like Haynes books anyway. Can't keep everyone happy anyway...
  2. Old old forecast: The current forecast is for 40% chance of 0.05 inches of rain, between 2pm and 5pm. Not clear yet if it will be showers or a thunderstorm. That's a very small amount of rain. I'm guessing that it will be a fast moving front. And will be gone in a hurry. That also means that the actually time it gets here will vary a bit. Old Edit: Revised @ 8:05pm Friday per NOAA - Max winds of 21mph with gusts of 30 to 40 mph are expected on Saturday as a cold front approaches the region from the West. Rain forecast has dropped to 21% chance of .02 inches of rain. Wind gusts roughly forecasted to peak at 2pm, and the small chance of rain is roughly forecasted to be sometime after 2pm. This is a cold front. Temperatures will drop from 80F to 70F between 2pm and 5pm, and drop to 40F between 5pm and 8pm. And then warm up overnight. But it will still wind up being around 40F on Sunday morning. Edit: Weather report revised yet again on Saturday morning. Winds now predicted to be from the South. Now it's 41% chance of 0.02 inches of rain around 2pm to 5pm. Winds max of 21mph gusting to 32mph around 2pm, and changed to be from the South. Temperatures max at 74F at 2pm and drop to 45F by Sunday morning.
  3. Update again: Comments on one of the news websites says this is Doug Jewell, and in Grant hospital.
  4. yeah, pretty much... Taking advantage of any rule or regulation, by abusing the privilege with radical or extreme behavior by societal standards, will usually result in more regulations and restrictions for everyone. In other words, if one of us can't behave, we will all be punished.
  5. Update: word is that she walked away from that one. Nothing broken.
  6. I took a bird hit in the side of the front wheel last year. Small bird. Bad for the bird.
  7. latest info; Updated: Friday, April 2, 2010 10:46 AM
  8. Yes, a flock of deer, not a herd. If you're on a motorcycle, and you see one... you're flocked.
  9. I think his name is spelled Andrew Thornton. Information probably isn't being release yet. Not till stable and accurate assessment of condition.
  10. Motorcyclist Critical After Crash On SB Hamilton Road Sounds like car turned from wrong lane. Both were going Southbound. edit: or the bike rear ended the car when it slowed. That's right, no helmet. edit: that's in Columbus...
  11. Ohio might not be joining the 13 states suing on Health Care. But apparently a petition drive for ballot vote, to exempt Ohio from federal health-care reforms is under way.
  12. I almost always sign up for classes when unemployed. It helps during interviews. They like that sort of stuff. It must be on the secret list of reasons to employ a person.
  13. Well, that too. I agree it is quite often the last thing done or the last place worked in and around. Way too often.
  14. Yup, in the crosswalk in front of WD. Car was North bound left lane. Heavy traffic. People had just crossed and this car tried to shoot past the crosswalk, with at least one more person crossing. Hit her legs down low while skidding to a stop, put her on the hood and windshield, and tossed her into the air for a fast 360 cartwheel, and down on the ground in front of the car. Could have been much worse. She was sitting up and conscious. That spread-eagled 360 cartwheel is burned into my mind. I was looking right at her when I heard the tires skid. I was in the line waiting to turn right out of the parking lot. I called campus for quick response before something else happened. The street was immediately full of people at risk.
  15. Haha, I wanted to go with the VOM, but that gets too intense describing the procedure to troubleshoot with. For the record, my prefered method, is to identify which circuit at the fuse box, and disconnect the battery. Check continuity from fuse box to the mid-point of the wiring harness circuit that has the problem. Divide again till the problem is found. In this case, since it's a dead short, it's continuity between the frame (ground) and the wiring harness, since there shouldn't be any with the battery disconnected. Bulbs are a problem, they may have to be removed or unplugged, since they connect through to ground. But bulbs should show some resistance, and that can be seen and disregarded. Looking for VOM voltage (resistance/continuity) feeding the frame in any portion of the harness. Again, if wires move around, the short might go away temporarily. Sometimes have to resort to pushing pulling shaking wires to find the short. It's easier when it's a short with the key off. Since this is not, more than likely the trace will have to go through the ignition switch as well. I try to eliminate the ignition switch as a possible short, right away.
  16. Careful what you wish for. Or someone will install an "emo" button.
  17. To be feared. When they close the road and collect the data. It's presumed to be a fatality. RIP
  18. I wanted to, but I didn't. Came home and fell asleep instead.
  19. It's those damn 4 year plans. That's all the farther anyone can plan forward in the future anymore. Two years ago, we were flooded with plans ending in 2012. Which was amusing, since the world tries, once again, per hysteria, to end that year.
  20. With a big bucket of fresh fuses handy. Yes, it's a dead short. Unplug everything on that fuse circuit, and plug things in one at a time till the fuse blows out. You only use one fuse finding it that way. hopefully only one short, and hopefully it's constant. Try not to move stuff around too much, til you have a good idea where it is.
  21. Well, I have seen kids on phones step right into traffic without looking at all. Even against a traffic light. No brains in the bucket there.
  22. Just send skinny Marines, and distribute them equally around the island. Fixed it.
  23. I just watched a pedestrian get hit by a car, bounce off the hood and windshield, and do a 360 degree cartwheel in the air. Yes, she was in a crosswalk. Driver was probably on a phone. I can stand out there and count drivers on phones, on any day, as they head toward the freeway. On the way home from work, it's about 9 out of ten drivers on a phone, driving through a school zone, and ignoring pedestrian cross walks...
  24. Actually, dirtbags do shit where they eat. But bigger dirtbags chase the littler dirtbags out, and they show up somewhere else...
  25. "Free speech" is historically about being able to stand on a box in the park, and speak your piece, without being arrested/thrown in jail. Which was the standard in other countries at the time. This country made it legal, and it was done that way for a long time. It doesn't mean you can go to a specific location, to be near a specific person, and throw words at them like stones, with the deliberate intent of causing harm.
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