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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. Thanks John, that was interesting info.
  2. It wasn't my insurance, it was always the other party. I have no idea what my own insurance would do. I seldom get comprehensive insurance. If it's an older vehicle, or a collectible, that's all they can do. I've seen it happen a couple of times. One was an early Z-28, that was bought cheap and had a ton of improvement. They did come around eventually, after looking at the car. It took a long time and a lot of arguing. And I've seen the payoff on one of mine matched the title amount exactly, which is more than what it was worth, and they let me keep it. I put a door and a fender on it, and kept driving it. The repair estimates were higher than the title purchase amount.
  3. Good question. I don't know yet. But I'm willing to try Dragon Jeans Kevlar under armor gear. Although I think the knees need more than that. The jeans or leather worn over the Kevlar should have good armor pads for knee and hip. I'm always banging my knees on something. Getting tired of that. One of these days I'm going to break that kneecap and I won't be happy.
  4. A small side issue. Insurance companies only want to pay off what you paid for it. So that would be "zero". They look it up on the title and try to pay that amount. A big hassle convincing them otherwise, on a value. Consider the small tax payment to be good insurance against future damages to the vehicle. That's funny, insurance against insurance companies screwing a person...
  5. Another one walks away. I know it hurts. You'll probably have the repairs done before completely healing up. Cold tire incidents seem to be the issue. It sounds like the front tire stopped turning, and lost traction on a bit of pavement that didn't want to cooperate. Above and beyond, almost all incidents are an issue of traction and grip on the roadway. I guess we can't always have it. We just have to manage what we can get. Everyone's done it a few times. Even me, if you count a 5mph dump on ice, when it was 38F outside. Frost warning shouldn't be ignored. Duh me.
  6. This is the only manual I could find right now. I didn't find the factory service manual. Haynes 1988 to 1996 Katana Service Manual
  7. Video taping with a sound track is a federal wire tapping crime. But I doubt it will stick, since there was no intent to do so. Otherwise every person making a home movie is going to federal prison. Not to mention that patrol cars taping events might be challenged as a result. And all those viral people taping stuff with their phones will have to go to jail. And everyone on utube... oh hell, everyone just go to jail now, we is all guilty of something...
  8. Or... type in https instead of http when you try your Firefox, and see if it works. One of the viruses was known to set a proxy server... poorly... and messed up things. Check in tools-options-advanced-network-settings- It should be "no proxy".
  9. Yeah, that was posted up last year. I believe it's analyzed as a Tubifex colony.
  10. Saw a girl on campus today wearing her life guard outfit. I got caught looking, and another girl said "stop that, you ain't drowning..."
  11. A friend of mine had Piranhas before they were outlawed. He lost part of a finger to one of them...
  12. You're doing it wrong, ask for your food in Spanish... muhahaha edit: who wants to ride to Talita's some night for some Brownsville style?
  13. Typically they change their minds and ask for them, when it's too late. We also had the drawings of the last changes made to the P-51 Mustang. It was used briefly in Vietnam, as a Forward Air Control spotter aircraft.
  14. B-25 fun factoid: The H model had a 75mm cannon in the nose for ground attack. In a power dive, the H model was known to catch up to and fly past those 75mm cannon projectiles on their way to the ground. Or so the story goes... Replaced by the J model with a maximum of 18 forward facing .50cal machine guns. Some of the conversion drawings were done at Rockwell in Columbus Ohio. When the plant closed, we found the drawings. No one wanted them. We found local aviation enthusiasts that would take them and historically preserve them.
  15. Friday would be a nice day at Urbana, to watch them all arrive. And then practice formation flying. I wonder how crowded it would be on the weekend in Dayton. Short notice, I have no idea how I missed this aero event coming up. Tempting, very tempting...
  16. http://craiglook.com/motorcycles.html?q=ktm+990&s=1
  17. ReconRat


    I'm impressed. I'm not easily impressed. More so that it is a home built, because he wanted to do it.
  18. Gather up as many photos of stuff you can. Even photos other people took when there. That should work for proof. Check back through bank transactions and records for purchases of gear, to get estimates of cost. And the places that sold it might still have records as well. It's going to take some work.
  19. Dang, to bond any further with my Mom and Dad I would have to get a WWII navy fighter, a bi-plane, or even better, a Pitts Special stunt plane... way expensive, not happening...
  20. I guess just to make the message clear. Since most laws aren't clear. As evidenced by most people not knowing or ignoring. Or simply to give legislators something to do, other than what might actually be important. But if that important other activity is increasing taxes, I guess I'll settle for more laws and regulations instead. I used to wish that two laws would be removed for each new one added, till things got back under control. But the world doesn't work that way. New ones are added till the system collapses.
  21. Oh hey, I just remembered. I don't know of any city that allows eating or drinking anything while driving. And any other activity admitted to have happened as a possible cause of an accident, would be considered failure to control, reckless, or manslaughter.
  22. Granted that other activities are similar to texting while driving. But appearances are that texting while driving is deadly to drivers and others on or near the roadway, while the other activities in general are not. Most activities take a few seconds, the problem with texting is that it can go on for too long. Initially it's giving over control of the vehicle to nothing in particular. Followed by ignoring control, and then lose of control. So far the dividing line for attention lose that might be too much is around 4 seconds. Too much can happen, too great of a distance is traveled, in four seconds. And with texting, it's going past that four seconds until something goes wrong or close to it. Like drifting out of a lane. How often do we see that? It's getting to be continuously visible on the highway. In this case, it was the last thing this deputy saw.
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