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Everything posted by ReconRat

  1. I'd say yours is a muscle bike. Maybe naked touring muscle bike. lol, last year a Hardley rider said my 919 was a sport bike. Naked, yes. Standard, yes. Middle weight muscle, yes. Sport, no. Then again, I had some other Harley riders say "WTF is that?" Traditional Cafe Racer is clip ons, LONG tank, solo seat w/cowling, bullet fairing optional. Up swept pipes preferred. Needs to be able to do 100mph minimum.
  2. Yeah, pitb. I moved a hard drive from a dead computer to an exact same model, at work, to repair. WGA popped up and said wait, checking MS servers... I guess it gave in when it saw our IP address and machine model type and approved my doing whatever I wanted. I think they have lightened up a bit, and ignore school IP addresses now. They make mistakes. MS decided my work copy of Vista was pirate, and said so. Popped up on the screen. That particular type of install required a minimum number of computers running it, and we didn't have enough yet. An update fixed it. Then there's the UUID key... argh...
  3. The first link is just the XP3 update, which requires an existing XP SP2 install to be on the computer already. The second link is for either free 30-day "trial" installs, or copies of the manufacturer's install. That might have worked, but all the links are dead. Maybe there are good links in the 10+ pages of comments left there, but me too lazy to search and read them all. Legal if the Nazi Ware rules are followed. That would work, if you get the right one. And it is legal if used legally. No problem. Also works. I see the same thing at school. Seems like MicroSoft recently started dumping opsys and apps on the schools. Technically need to take a comp sci course to be legal to use. (Not sure about the current rules.) But indeed, the installs are everywhere. edit: The particular type of install still has to match the range of product keys allowed. All apps and opsys downloads need to be considered infected. If it isn't downloaded from it's original legitimate source. (Like from MicroSoft themselves.) Because some are re-packaged with viruses. Student copies from schools would not be, they are good.
  4. If it's a major manufacturer and product key, the standard Win XP OEM install will probably reject the product key and say you have to use that major manufacturer's Win XP to install using that product key. Same opsys, but rulez! There are ways around anything, but can be a pain in the butt. It's to keep people from stealing Microsoft's stuff. (imho: And goof things up so bad that people just break down and buy another one, when they already have or had a legal copy.) And now thanks to MicroSoft using it's Genuine Advantage (nazi ware), there is a risk that product keys and stuff won't match up and the op sys and MS apps will shut down and stop working. Thanks MicroSoft, for being so anal about your products and who can sell them and how. And who can and can't use them and how. edit: ergo, this means I'd still make that call to DELL and get them to send the op sys install. It only takes a couple of days to arrive. It's either free or low cost, and well worth having around.
  5. Make sure it's booting the CD/DVD by hitting F12 at startup and selecting the CD/DVD drive to boot up. It shouldn't block an install till you start the restore and it realizes it's not a matching computer. Make sure both the hard drive and the CD/DVD drive are visible in BIOS as installed. Fix it if it isn't. The DELL restore disks tend to be model or model range specific. So one set might not work on some other model. DELL support is supposed to support this, by sending a new set of restore disks. But there's often a shipping fee to cover costs. When we replace hard drives on DELLs under warranty at work, they often ask if we need the set of restore disks (free). The only restore disk sets I have are GX620 and 755, and some laptops. I think... And I think I've only got one copy of the GX620 restore still around, but copies work. edit: the restore disks don't always come with a new computer. You have to call and ask for them, so they can make yet another tiny bit of money. The missing applications and drivers will also be supplied in the set of disks.
  6. +1 Agree with that. How about an Armalite/Charter Arms/Henry AR7 22cal instead? Those are cool. Although some people don't like them. The little backpack rifle that broke down and stored inside the buttstock. My choice for backpack rifle = Winchester 94 Trapper (short barrel) in scabbard on the side...
  7. no BS, it's a potential problem. And true, it should not happen. I've fired old combat rifles like that, just to show that it's possible. I did have to hunt for one that would fire consistently. Kids in the Army would show off by smacking the butt on the ground to release the bolt. Bad idea on an old worn out M16. One of the sargents screwed up and put a hole into a C-130 wing fuel tank that way. It wasn't just bouncing the firing pin, it was releasing the bolt AND bouncing the firing pin. Shoot, old Kalashnikovs don't even have a firing pin spring. And yes, an old worn out combat rifle is a problem waiting to happen. No, a modern rifle shouldn't do that unless it's been messed with, or it's a junk design. But still, hammer any firearm on it's butt, the equivalent of a 15 to 20 foot drop, and there's a small chance it will fire. Granted that newer firearm safeties that forcefully arrest the movement of the firing pin will avoid this. Also had a friend fire a old Mauser semi-auto by releasing the slide. Old and worn out and not right. Oops. I had another friend adjust the pull on his 1911. It checked out fine when I tapped it with a plastic/rubber mallet. But when loaded with two rounds, it auto fired the second round straight up. Oops... try again. And he had been wondering why I wasn't letting him load the entire magazine. I once had a new Star Firestar fire a second round on it's own. No idea if it would do that again. Nor why it did that.
  8. Being obsessive, I looked up the current flow charts and noticed, that the Southern Antarctic currents circle the earth at low latitudes without interruption. A big circle of cold water. This does not exist in the Northern hemisphere with the ice and Greenland in the way. The ice will be gone soon, but not Greenland. So a Northern Arctic cold current will develop, and try to circle the globe. What it does when it hits Greenland, I don't know. Other than it will try to get around it, either above or below or both. The warm currents will be drawn toward it, so I'm guessing it will flow around the Southern end of Greenland. This could pull a warm mix over the top of Siberia and Canada toward the East. Siberia and Canada would get warmer. Everything else would get even warmer than that. That's what lower Africa and South America have (and Australia). Warm. btw: with the ice vanishing in Greenland, it is a geologist's dream. Same in Canada. They're setting up exploration and mining operations as fast as they can. But there are not enough people in Greenland with mining, processing or manufacturing experience. They have to bring them in from other countries. Sort of a modern day gold rush.
  9. omg look out, drive by flashback... "Chopping Broccoli" - Dave Carvey "Chopping Broccoli" - the animated
  10. ...googling gulf stream disruption... there was another one about 8000 years ago, and Europe got a bit chilly for about a hundred years. It would make it colder here too, but not by much, and mostly up in New England area. There isn't much that can stop that much water. Mostly other water, go figure. And a multitude of theories abound about the gulf stream and/or ocean conveyor stream. Same as theories of global warming and Arctic melting. One interesting theory is that the warm water has shifted up into the Arctic, causing what we see now. Melting the Arctic and snowing in Britain. Especially the warming of Greenland, which used to be green way back when anyway. edit: btw, now is the right time to buy stock in British companies that make snow shovels...
  11. Correct. Did you know that the gulf stream is part of a single continuous loop of current that goes around the world through all the oceans? A very large lake in Canada burst loose about 12,800 years ago, and disrupted that loop of current. A nasty ice age for Europe was the result.
  12. Good Luck to ya Dave. It's not that bad. There are more retired people driving slow in Ohio. Seriously, the statistics show more retired people in Ohio than Florida. Except for perhaps in Winter, when snow birds go South. And I rarely ever see a mosquito in Florida. Although I pretty much stay out of the swamps. Mosquitoes are everywhere in Ohio. It's not that bad, except maybe for Dade County. That's one of the four counties in the US that is high percentage Cuban/Mexican/Latino. Spanish was everywhere when Cuba invaded. So it was crazy for a while with everyone speaking Spanish all the time. But most all of them learned English. So it wasn't too bad. Two-thirds of all American Latino families eventually speak English at home.
  13. btw, if you smack the butt of any rifle on the ground, it will often fire. Either from bouncing the firing pin, and/or slamming the bolt into battery. Especially old M16s or AK47s. Just another useless factoid... And the traditional shotgun story... a friend crossed a fence with a loaded semi-auto shotgun, snagged the trigger, fired the shotgun, it shot out from under his arm, and up into the air. Where it turned and fell on it's butt and fired again. edit: Flounder is right, I should not have said "often fire". Fear mongering on my part. An old or junky rifle "might" fire.
  14. geez no, there isn't a grip when it's folded, and the trigger is backwards... lol Not even sure it could be fired that way. Nor would I want to. I'm sure it obviously disables the trigger group when folded. But as usual, a loaded magazine is the same as a loaded firearm. You can still get in trouble if you really wanted to. edit: actually, it looks like the type of rifle that when loaded and folded, it would accidentally fire if knocked around or dropped on it's back end.
  15. ack, seen one of those, but don't know if it's the same infection. Open the browser, and add an "S" to the address that won't open. So it says https instead of http. If it works, get to another computer, and download Malwarebytes. Get that copied onto the bad computer, and install it. It should be currently updated already. Scan and fix and see if it works after that. Note: The MajorGeeks download is an OK website. That's where the download is now located.
  16. You are correct. Although some of those same magazines are sold in the PX/BX, they can be shredded if found in the mail. Rulez is rulez... Generally the showing of genitals is disallowed (in magazines mailed into the country). In more severe countries like Saudi Arabia, even a bikini or swim suit picture might be too much.
  17. At work (school), with up to approx 32,000 people all trying to use it at the same time:
  18. Insight Basic - Columbus East side - Win XP
  19. Gunman walked in with a shotgun under a jacket. Monday morning. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7HiFbJyrzk LA Times - Gunman, security officer killed in Las Vegas courthouse shooting The camera guy says "Not a good day for jury duty". Yup. errr... That's Las Vegas Courthouse... I'm going back to sleep...
  20. don't ignore the Tasco scopes, some of them are better than people think. One in particular is just about the best varmit scope you can buy, and it won't cost a fortune. And for a .22, I think a Tasco is fine. I do like the Nikon scopes. I like Simmons also. I've seen some quality control errors with the BSA scopes. Sometimes they don't focus or zoom smooth. Check http://www.opticsplanet.net/. I've not been able to find anyone that beats their prices. Optics Planet - Rifle Scopes - Best Riflescope Sellers & Top Staff Picks (Scroll down to the bottom of the page where the value items are.) Optics Planet - Day-Time Rifle Scopes - Best Sellers & Top Staff Picks edit: Try to avoid the Mil Dot crap. It's a sales gimmick, and only of use on a Mil-Spec rifle, for combat. imho
  21. Euro standards in general are set up more like EPA certs here in the US. Manufacturers must prove it first. Weird, because the ISO9000 is the opposite. By ISO9000 standards, any manufacturer that deliberately makes a helmet that is below standards of DOT, should be banned from manufacturing helmets. DOT is abused in that respect. Anyone can make a helmet and put a DOT sticker on it pending approval. So basically if you want a 20 dollar helmet for your 20 dollar head, go for it. Choose a helmet with some expectations of value. There's nothing wrong with the DOT standard in general. And in it's own way, can be considered superior to the SNELL. Same for the SNELL. It can be considered superior to the DOT. Neither certification is perfect.
  22. Ducati Matte Black is another option. http://www.colorrite.com/product/ducati-matte-black-2095.cfm
  23. Too much either way. Freeway bores people to death (I come close to sleeping while riding), and two-lane roads use up too much time. An Iron Butt has to be done on freeways, anything more than about 18 hours on the road in a 24 hour day isn't going to happen for me. I did work up an 18 hour route, but it's almost all freeway and dead flat straight roads. Ride all night to get going... We just need to invent the Sportbike Iron Half Butt - 500 miles. The most I've ever done is 20 to 28 hours non-stop from Columbus to Miami or Naples or Orlando. And back. In a cheby van. Did that several times and don't want to any more.
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