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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. maybe I worded it wrong... say you have a revolver with a external hammer you can leave set on an empty chamber so that if you had pulled the hammer back you can lower it without worrying about it firing.... with hammerless there is no external hammer pull back or drop...every pull of the trigger on a revolver rotates the cylinder and fires the gun so in order to keep from firing it needs set so the first rotation ends at empty chamber.... or just keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire
  2. the problem with one chamber empty is in order for it to have any safety benefit on a hammerless revolver you need to set it so when you pull the trigger the first time it hits an empty chamber and if you ever needed to use that gun you would have pull twice and that could make a huge difference in the outcome and your life
  3. IMHO if you don't trust yourself to carry a loaded gun then you have no business owning a gun at all
  4. Are you sure it has no suspension? It may have torsion bar suspension you would not see any springs
  5. Mallrats was a hilarious movie
  6. "I wash my hands before I touch my dick"
  7. maybe he was going to give someone the stink palm
  8. I've heard the coffee thing before too. They do make a febreze for autos
  9. Ok fine I will take one for the team and drive down and take some pics
  10. I received an email today from harbor freight with coupon for 25% off today only
  11. Why do people not understand that no matter how strict the laws and how much training is required the bad guys don't give a shit they will get guns and they will carry regardless what big brother or Scruit says they can or cannot do.
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