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Everything posted by madcat6183

  1. Hope it worked out okay for you man, hate to see someone get canned before they even start.
  2. Its winter, we gotta have something nice to read Jinu. Just go love Gatsby more.
  3. Just posted this on another site too LOL
  4. LOL yea sorry I was in a hurry, trust me, not "pull".
  5. Your pops run the line? I want to put a ventless gas heater into my garage(my friend has one his wife wont let him install). I have a gas line ran into my living room for a fireplace, but no fireplace, and would like to just run that line into the garage and get the heater hooked up. Think he'd like to do that for some cash?
  6. Man if it was closer I'd be talking to my employer tomorrow about this. We are looking at one closer to us and our jobs now, with about 5.5 acres and pull barn. GLWS!
  7. Got some power tools, some hand tools, finally getting some good quality stuff. Some clothes, and lots of Home Depot gift cards since I'm always there doing something around the house. 3 30rd mags for the AR, and I bought myself 2 22LR mags for the AR as well. Pretty good Christmas!
  8. Haha, I totally didn't realize it got this bad out around the holidays. Call me naive, I just never go out shopping anytime around the holidays but after seeing the news last night, F that.
  9. Not to beat a dead horse etc but Im really bored, Im gonna check Lancaster out tomorrow.
  10. Wow, that does blow. That was one thing I really liked about Mid O too. Could wake up and just decide to call off and roll up. I understand why but 25 is a lot of dough lol.
  11. Good topic as I toy with this all the time. I gave up street riding because there just really wasn't a challenge to it, not the adrenilin rush I was looking for. It's fun, and great to tour and be outside, but the track just has more to offer for the adrenilin junkie in me. I did my fair share of rides in Hocking, and back roads, but would just get too frusturated with people just cruising so I couldn't push the envelope constantly enough to enjoy it. I DO plan to get a cruiser though after I get married because the fiance wants to ride on the back of a HD, so makes the choice easy. Her dad had one when she was little and she loved it, so I figure if it makes her happy, gets me another bike, heck yes. Also the street anymore is too dangerous for me. I commute about 100 miles a day and I can barely stand to drive a cage with the soccer moms and people around here that can't drive, let alone be on 2 wheels.
  12. madcat6183


    Bro, TRUST ME ON THIS, hit Copper FRi/Sat/Sun for the FREE CAT ride. I always hit first tracks on the Taco/Nacho and glades with patrol. Summit County is the place to go for sure, been going for over 1/2 my life, missed 1 year so far, and missing this year to save for wedding/honeymoon. Also been to UT, NH,VT, MD(Wisp is closer and cheaper than WV), NY, WV, and OH of course. Also goal this year is NH to ski with Bode Miller and stay at his place. His cousin who is my cousin runs a snow cat so I really want to get up there later this winter. So I got bored at work, this is Bode with his cousin Chance in the green who married my cousin. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoYDcnvNOTxIA3hiJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dbode%2Bmiller%26fr%3Dyfp-t-376%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D27&w=454&h=340&imgurl=s11.allstarpics.net%2Fimages%2Forig%2F3%2Ft%2F3t3vkanb6fdbdfn.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.allstarpics.net%2Fpic-gallery%2Fbode-miller-pics.htm&size=22.5+KB&name=Bode+Miller+Pics+-+Bode+Miller+Photo+Gallery+-+2011+-+Magazine+...&p=bode+miller&oid=74b1dd558546d8b946b13356714656a9&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-376&tt=Bode%2BMiller%2BPics%2B-%2BBode%2BMiller%2BPhoto%2BGallery%2B-%2B2011%2B-%2BMagazine%2B...&b=0∋=21&no=27&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=11r8cb8nk&sigb=135pvkf8l&sigi=11ne6k958&.crumb=nR0kolPsNvM
  13. Close doesn't count, you can't shoot "close". Stop being a DB and get it done, geez.
  14. U ever get urs working or just selling parts and giving up on life in general?
  15. Chevy, Awesome, thanks for taking the time!
  16. More good posts, he is getting his CCW, like I said I was just using him for an example for more info.
  17. Great info, just for the record, my dad has never even had his gun out of the house, I was just using him as an example. This is why I posed for a direct comparison, I read alot of the older posts etc, and most were covering where one can carry, where they can't etc. Im aware of no carry zones, even with CCW permit etc, but was wondering what constituted concealed. Great answers, and thanks for everyones comments.
  18. So I've never really thought about the open carry laws in Ohio, because I've had my CCW for 6 years now, but was curious what peoples thoughts on the CCW vs. Open Carry are and just some details. I know that Ohio does have open carry, but I've never really read up on what that truly means, for instance in a car, driving, riding, etc. My fiance's dad has argued with me that he prefers to open carry vs. CCW due to what happens if someone with a CCW is caught in a no carry zone etc. and the charges that would be filed. He is pretty pro-gun, had his own shooting range, reloading, etc at his house, and is pretty pro-NRA as well. I don't know if his argument is valid or not, and never really looked into anything like that. Anyways, I was wondering what exactly the open carry statues are for a car, store, walking around in public etc. Basically just becasue I've never worried about it, but my dad hasn't gotten his CCW yet, and quite frankly Mansfield is getting worse and worse. They live in the country but travel through town to go various places. I know many of you are very knowledgable about this kind of stuff so I would prefer facts vs. opinions if possible. Thanks.
  19. Read this the other night, really sad. RIP little girl.
  20. If you can get it to Lexington and 71, Mid Ohio Auto are family friends, and totally legit. I know the owner and crew for his sons late model dirt team.
  21. It's all over Mansfield, so actually that would be your closest bet if you are above Jeffersonville. Krogers on Lex Ave actually has it, so does all the liquor stores in Ontario. I know the drive through on Cook Rd has it as well, called something like the Wine Cellar, or something. If you need more info PM me. OR I will happily sell you a 6er just PM me.
  22. The questions arises, does the contract say you will give 1,000 earnest money DEPENDANT on the inspection? It should, if it doesn't then your realitor is shady and I would walk away from him right now. KTMBrian has nailed it in numerous posts as well, and so has Cheech and some others, earnest money is just something showing goodwill, but not required on all transactions. In your case, you aren't happy, therefore, I wouldn't commit to jack. Also from the "text" that your realitor was willing to come pick up that 1,000, this guy is a crook, sorry, I've been in lending my whole life, the last boom, the fall, and now the refi boom. Personally, I'd tell dudeman to peace out.
  23. Loved when he overslept at Mid O last year, classy for sure.
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