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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. I guess it wouldn't be right for me not to post pictures. Here some from yesterday. Careful coming North to South on this bridge. The road slopes up to the bridge and you can catch air very easily. If you don't know where this is explore and find it. During the afternoon the Sv turned- The sun and clouds looked cool so I tried to capture it. One from the other day.
  2. Honestly the best bet is to pm me for my #. I rarely post up these 100-150 mile rides. They happen every day or two at unknown times and locations for undisclosed periods of time. So having my # works best because when people are out riding they can txt me and I'll meet up somewhere along the way. I just lurk here at work and home and don't look at the site on my bb while out riding.
  3. I don't mind riding alone. Most of the time that's how I roll. Would've been nice to have some company after Chevellefan broke off at 7:30. Then I meet up with Scottb and his friend down in Chagrin. We just hung out and had a coffee then split our separate ways.
  4. I'll try. I ride kind of spontaneous every day or two and don't post most of them. Pm me if you want my #.
  5. btw I might want to stop and get a Tag for ADVrider. Maybe, maybe not It really doesn't matter either way. It's in Middlefield.
  6. Hey all, I'm going to do a loop, get a coffee and break in my new tire some more. I'm thinking leaving home around 5 and getting back home around 9-10. Typical stop in Chagrin for a coffee then out towards Burton and up to the Leroy area. If anyone wants to come along speak up.
  7. You might want to get a Pilot Road 2 (heard ppl getting 10k, out of stock just about everywhere right now), Road Smart ( Heard the same put one on Friday), Road Attack (Just took one off with just under 10k). I've never had a PP because of them wearing out around 5k and can't compare grip.
  8. I won't be able to make it. Having dinner with my brother and his family.
  9. Lost1888

    7/14 qs&l

    It's your bike do as you please. I'm just screwing with you. I've had a set of street glow leds strips and bulbs for about two years now sitting in a box. Also given to me. I think they'll just stay right where there at. I guess I could give them to somebody. But the world is ghey enough as is.
  10. Lost1888

    7/14 qs&l

    Lights? What do I expect this is a bike night thread.
  11. Lost1888

    7/14 qs&l

    Don't forget they just repaved the Metro Parks thru Bedford Res.. Smooth as a babies bottom!
  12. I need to finish off my tire and am planning on going south this weekend. Might end up in W.V. or possibly the Coshocton area south. If you guys do it soon someone keep me in the loop. If anyone has my # shoot me a text the day of. I try not to come on the forums all that much anymore. If I do it's just lurking.
  13. Hiram has some Ok stuff (for up here) along with Nelson. After that to the North is basically all the stuff I ride on a regular basis. I hate those roads that are fun in a car and are boring on a bike. 86 and rt. 6 coming west out of Chardon are like that.
  14. Only good road I know of in Ravenna is 44 south to get the hell out! I usually take Auburn which turns into Diagonal?. One very short section that can be fun if there weren't so many driveways and traffic. I mean short! It might actually be in Mantua not Ravenna.
  15. Then splits off in a "Y"? Hines Hill and Boston Mills. I've never seen a cop on those roads. Not that I'm there that often. If I did though I would be getting a ticket. It's fun going up and down over there. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=google&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&ll=41.256565,-81.53953&spn=0.003275,0.010396&t=h&z=17
  16. Pavement can be rough. I like that kind of thing though. Gravel, mud, dirt, pot holes, whatever it makes things interesting. If you can learn to ride with shitty roads then riding down south/ nice pavement is a absolute pleasure. I wish I were closer to Canton/ Akron so the ride south wasn't a chore. If I were down there there's no way I would ever come up this direction. But since it takes a solid hour to get to Canton. The Valley is aright for an after work or quick weekend evening ride but I like some of the Geauga/Lake county stuff better.
  17. I was down there for a couple hours Sunday by myself.
  18. Sounds like my wife is working till 3 then wants to go for a ride. Most likely we'll go get a coffee. If Grandma watches the kids overnight then we might have time to ride out. All depends?
  19. Hang in and keep on keeping on. I lost a daughter after a week and it was hard. But with good people around it helped a ton. I feel your pain and will pray for you and your family ChickOna2.
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