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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. It just poured with thunder and lighting here.
  2. Personally I like this one- http://www.wunderground.com/US/OH/Mentor.html. If you're looking for funny don't bother. I fail at humor.
  3. If your statement above is true there's a hell of a lot of things we should never buy. You just like to bust balls.
  4. Makes since. IS an OEM chain a lower quality chain because they don't seem to last a long and stretch more than a x ring chain?
  5. No regrets. If someones going to argue with you on this their advise is poop. Poop I say. If they want to argue the necessity that's another thing. Alot depends on how you ride, maintain and how much you ride. But that's another thing in itself.
  6. Is this the pic you wanted to post? MM if you want these pics shoot me a pm with your email and I send them over. Hand signals whats that?
  7. I would say "doing it right" would be a rivet link properly installed. As Pauly said steel sprockets and DID, RK or EK xring chain are the way to go.
  8. +1 You should get a both sprockets while your at it. I have the tool and am a little closer but work third shift. Finding the time for me is the issue. Working on bikes is what Pauly does for a living so he would be your best bet. I'm just a do it yourself er and know my bike and that's about it but could help if you can't get it out to him. As with everything I say " Do it right the first time and be done with it." Point is get all the parts you will need chain, sprockets, crush washer and I would suggest a manual so you can look at it if you get in a pinch. It will also give you a better idea of when things go bad before you just can't get any more out of it. Like measuring chain stretch.
  9. I would think that's a good thing to some extent. No shipping and you can talk to them face to face about it. Now you know what the date code is so you shouldn't have this happen again.
  10. Had a nice time, refreshed some stuff and got to meet you ladies. Thanks for setting it up! See you around town.
  11. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    It will be a weekend and everyone can plan for a 500-700 mile day/ 12-18 hours. Word is I might be going back to 1st. shift in the next month or so. Plans will be in the works once I find out what's happening. Until then I'll keep riding Friday and Saturday from 11:30pm-5,6,7:00 am.
  12. Well just got home. Here's what I came up with. New Camera and learning how to use it. Give me some time especially trying to figure out the night shooting issues I have always had. Here's the album and a couple shots.
  13. I'm sitting at Sheetz in Mentor. Just got off the bike, drinking a coffee, thinking about where to go next. I have a solid 5 hours to burn. That is unless it rains. Have fun trying to sleep.
  14. At the moment yes. I'll be here for maybe another 1/2 hour. Then over to public square and key bank to get more pictures. Already did the bridges and river.
  15. Watching the Cavs game now but around 12-1 I'm going to head downtown again and try to get some pictures. Anyone else going out late tonight?
  16. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    It's going to be a while. I'm in my busy season at work. Should last for at least the next month if not 2. Than I'll be back on 2nd or possibly 1st. shift and not working 7 days/nights a week. yeah!
  17. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    I will. It's not going to be a big group ride. Since it's far and if anyone gets separated it could be an issue. Also my pace will be not exactly be newb friendly. You know the routine.
  18. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    I plan on doing it once the weather flattens out. I hate getting caught in the rain on a ride like that. The first Pa visit I hope to do is going to be around the Ohio Pyle area, clipping the WV panhandle on the way back home.
  19. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    I'll be at work or getting ready for work.
  20. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    Don't know the day. I would imagine it is the same as any other bike night. There's many bikes around here so I'm sure there is activity. Especially the ones that never leave Mentor.
  21. I still need to make it up to the Finger Lake region.
  22. Have fun. I didn't even wear leather I wore a textile coat, jeans, gloves, helmet, and hiking boots. Bring water to drink on a warm day. I spent much of my time watching everybody else. Some people were very entertaining.
  23. It would be nice to know where you bought it from also.
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