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Everything posted by Lost1888

  1. Is Kenny as weird in person as he seems on TV?
  2. I'm back to working days so I'm interested. Also if there is enough interest we would run two groups if need be since I know the area rather well. Keep me updated on what you all want to do and when.
  3. Lost1888

    Mentor QSL

    Looks like the weather is crap for today but one of these days I might make it over there. I'm now on days and it's about 5 minutes from home so I guess I might make a ride through once and a while. I could also setup some local rides around the area if anyone is interested.
  4. Saw it the day it aired. Would have been nice for them to discuss riding and motorcycles rather than Idol but whatever. You ladies did good!
  5. Well here's what it looks like for those who may wonder.
  6. No pictures of the memorial? What's up with that?
  7. Sounds like you had a good time Likwid.
  8. Lost1888

    May 28th Ride

    Speaking from experience?
  9. Lost1888

    May 28th Ride

    I hear them Coshocton boys rip it up pretty good. I would imagine somethings going on this weekend.
  10. Good. Just like anything else I'll most likely only stop long enough to walk around look at cars, drink a cup of coffee and get back on the road.
  11. Lost1888

    May 28th Ride

    Doubt I'll make it to this ride. I'm really hoping to get a big ride in Saturday. Don't want to piss off the wife and be gone all weekend. Have fun and take some pictures so I can see what I missed.
  12. I've been tryig to get my oldest boy to go ride with me. He is into exotic cars and this thread got him interested. One of these Saturdays I'll have to make the ride down Lakeshore with him.
  13. Hey all . Mine the same as it was last time. Here's a pic from yesterday on my way home from work. Lately I've been riding nights since that's when I work. Other than that just around home for the most part. Found a better picture. From two weeks ago. I decided to ride back roads south with no certain destination in mind. If I remember right the stop was in Canton. I need gas, rode past and had to turn around. Taken at a weird angle to keep the car out of the picture.
  14. Well you guys missed it. I had a nice ride yesterday. Can be seen here- http://rideohio.org/showthread.php?t=10010
  15. Just tell them chicks to share time on the peg(s). Doesn't really seem like you have much a problem.
  16. Kentucky is to far for me, Wv is where I'd be if I had the funds and I don't want to be famous or infamous, which ever you prefer. Now get off of here and go ride. That's what I'll be doing after I eat.
  17. I also plan on going out this early afternoon. Pondering heading down towards Canton or maybe just sticking around here. No matter what I'll be out after 11 for the entire day and most of the night. Weather permitting.
  18. Usually I don't try to go a certain way. That map was just moving things around making squiggly lines. I guess it could be transferred to gps. Nah, to much work. Every way I've gone to Columbus has been boring. The way home, that's another story. Home by sun up and I'm good.
  19. Never ridden this route down but have been on some of the roads. Some day when I go back to Columbus this maybe the way I go. Or not. Who knows. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=41.578471,-81.205444&daddr=OH-44+S%2FRavenna+Ave+NE+to:OH-43+S%2FWaynesburg+Dr+SE+to:Magnolia+Rd+SW%2FOH-542+S+to:OH-258+W%2FState+Rd+to:Birmingham+Rd%2FCounty+Rd+71+to:Friendship+Dr%2FOH-83+N%2FOH-83+Scenic+N+to:Narrows+Rd+to:OH-16+W+to:Co+Hwy+539A+to:Pig+Iron+Columbus,+Oh.&geocode=%3BFYBybwId8hco-w%3BFfCvbAIdLg4o-w%3BFUr4agIdpB8o-w%3BFd31ZgIdzwkn-w%3BFcTzYwId8qsl-w%3BFR16YwIdt30g-w%3BFb4NZAIdVE8b-w%3BFeRRYwIdciYX-w%3BFWd4YwId4tcT-w%3BFUttYwIdrzkN-yFlleRDXyDGsilvDKnT7Yw4iDHVgXh7-x8TkA&hl=en&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=9&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9&dirflg=h&sll=41.401536,-81.499329&sspn=1.093941,2.046204&ie=UTF8&ll=40.693134,-82.216187&spn=2.211502,4.092407&t=h&z=8
  20. Great in the Sv. I use a K&N filter just for the hex, helps with the chin fairing.
  21. Lost1888

    2003 superhawk

    Good luck with the sale. Nice looking bike.
  22. Lost1888

    two day ride

    I've been wanting to do a 2 day trip either into upstate N.y. to visit family or down into W.V. I wouldn't make a route plan or anything. Just ride and at the end of the day tell the GPS to find me somewhere to sleep. I would use this site http://www.roadsideamerica.com/ to find some places to head towards but otherwise go where I want, when I want, how I want.
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