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Everything posted by jbot

  1. everyone observe the precise moment magley gives up and changes subject to draw fire away from his original flawed contention. i'm going to get you back on point. there is a simple answer to this: ask your cousin whether he would kill/shoot/bomb/"eliminate" you because you were armed and his superior ordered him to. you're tight with your cuz, right? cause you're balls deep in his killer robot mind according to your posts. don't worry, we'll wait.
  2. someone just got straight up told, gangsta style
  3. as per usual, will be there for sat. dunno about racing sunday since it looks pretty shitty. i'll still be there for most of the weekend, depending on what brandon wants to do brandy, if you want rains, i'll sell you my set for a mere $100 and maybe a klondike bar. but i get to pick flavor
  4. jbot

    Divorce letter

    some buzzkill assclown is going to come in here and say "this letter is so dumb, he'd still get the money! gosh!"
  5. If civilians are allowed to own flash bangs, why not? That said, I would cease any further discussion in detail on a public forum unless you have absolutely no intention of ever doing this. But since your ass knee deep in malicious intent already, if flash bangs are illegal, go with pepper spray/oc bomb instead. Maybe with scorpions and other horrifying but non lethal animals for that little bonus psychological damage
  6. just keeping this in context since you have a tendency to stray from the point when facing any sort of light resistance to your claims: you are definitely the most... shall we say... "enthusiastic", raving, frothing at the mouth obama supporter on this site. bar none. i rule out the obvious choice, jrmmiii because at least he has from the very beginning, prattled on about his no-homo lust for "i'm fiscally conservative but somehow luuurve me some economy destroying social programs that are insanely easy to exploit". you on the other hand, exclaimed your love of ron paul and being libertarian leaning... and then go on to shout your support of the Ba-rock "the peoples' elbow" Obama, who has introduced to this nation, some of the most constitution defiling shit history has ever seen. i wont get into a lengthy discussion about your issues with personal protection and personal property rights. so yes. ahh ha ha. ha ha ha. ahh hahahahahahahaa aaahhhhhh hahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha bwaaaahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahhaaaahhahaha looooolmfgwtfroflcopterbbq
  7. i'm pretty sure you'll have more gooder time reading/listening to tom clancy audiobooks
  8. you have noble intentions, and showing admirable restraint, but after he gives up on wiki-ing philosophy 101, he'll just change the subject to why obama's weiner tastes so fresh and so clean clean.
  9. ahhh hahahaahahahahahaahaahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahaaaahahahahahahaahahahaha... wait wait wait... gotta catch my breath... bwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahaahhaahahahaahahahaahahahhaaaahahahaha
  10. i wish you and your wife the best, and glad to hear it was caught early. often, i remind my wife of the importance of examination and breast cancer awareness by groping the shit out of her boobies.
  11. omg, i thought that schwinn copy-paste story was a fucking joke, but it's for real.
  12. you guys should stop being mean to gunner. just leave britney alone!!!11!!1!
  13. a simple "fuck you, that's why" would have sufficed.
  14. i just talk on the internet. i don't actually ride. who can trust any of these homoerotic nutbars? i mean, shit, have you seen the track day threads? they ALL turn into male on male multiple penetration fests, and it is just plain scary.
  15. i have stolen your video, it's too fucking funny. i dont even like wrestling.
  16. i'm supposed to go car shopping anyway. also, it's 4 fucking AM. damn you Civilization V.
  17. aww man, come on... spraying canned air on a concentrated spot on a non-flammable surface for a few seconds and then lighting it on fire is good for some giggles.
  18. instead of paragraphs of buzzkill proper limey english, we got paragraphs of semi-functioning-tard dago-stached bro-speak. today, nobody wins.
  19. when given the opportunity, i sleep 10-13 hours when i dont have to wake up the next day. i'm also apparently incapable of falling asleep before 1-2am no matter what, so that also does not help. finally, i am just not pleasant in the morning. most of all, it's just sooooooooooo earlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy but i'll still try to make it if the wife won't murder me
  20. isn't that akin to trying to murder your wife by getting her a boob job and rigging it to explode after you're done having your way with... ohhhhhhh yeah, so it probably wasn't your wife.
  21. looks like someone tried to cut your front brake lines and kill you but cut the wrong wire like a noob. you should probably flee to mexico. it's the only way to be sure.
  22. you dont understand, it's sooooo earlyyyyyy
  23. i'll try to make this if it's on saturday and not raining. and assuming i wake up early enough
  24. welcome! i will warn you ahead of time that we are basically what comprises 90.7% of your nightmares involving how your children behave on the internet.
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