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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    No more Indy MotoGP?

    what do you guys think, austin or NorCal has better strip clubs?
  2. That's cause you haven't been to happy dog
  3. This bike is indestructible, whoever buys this bad boy will have an immortal friend. It will still be racing after we're all dead.
  4. tweeker girl was really the best. highlight of that night other than motor boat girl
  5. Just throw it you sissies
  6. Get her hand measurements and chat up rider's discount or stt. They're good about doing the research for you and will give you some recommendations. If you're nice, they might even offer free returns /exchanges if their suggestions don't fit right.
  7. We were basically at the strip clubs the whole weekend. How were the races?
  8. jbot

    Demo bike

    i wouldn't worry too much about the break in, just if it has any existing issues and if they did the service. that said, use that pricing as leverage against a local dealer, i'm sure someone will play ball. good luck, those are cool bikes!
  9. Haha crisis abated, got another set of tickets for today Much shaming of trm8tr diverted
  10. Sooooo, is anyone from Cleveland not leaving til later? Mr trmn8tr left our tickets at home
  11. Btw, just got here, who else is in town? We're at the candlewood suites
  12. dont be such a negative nancy, i'm sure it's not the worst thing ever ....it's 40 for the weekend, and it's the fucking worst
  13. how can you like the c5 but not the c6? they're basically identical looking other than headlights... well, except the c6 is more awesome. like, in every way.
  14. i commented on your thread. i hope it makes you feel better
  15. some cars are fun, some bikes are lamer than a retarded bowlegged kneecapped duck though, generally, bikes are more fun.
  16. jbot

    Windows 10

    i actually forget if it's 2008 or 2012. i think it's 2008 though because i think we got the system in 2011. fuck if i know
  17. jbot

    Windows 10

    Some black fucking magic. And through domain log in. Mostly. Only like 7 or something computers.
  18. jbot

    Windows 10

    Oh god am I going to have to reconfigure all the computers hooked up to my server (Windows server 2008)?
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