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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i don't know. i initially went into the bathroom to sit and possibly puke cause i was about to black out. and then i was like "well, might as well poop while i'm here". i felt a lot better after that. lolololol
  2. if i go, i won't urgently poop to avoid puking, this time
  3. will there be nudes? of any kind?
  4. Score looks bad for Oregon, but they played well... Simply got outplayed and over run in the end with physical play and brilliant strategy.
  5. Bad, I'm going to jam my foot in your filthy quitter vagina. Keep that shit on Facebook where I can ignore you.
  6. we just need a 1.75 hour long movie starring you, robin williams and him giving you scarlett and grey hugs to bring the family back together. how would you like them apples?
  7. I can see you and earache's (and i'm sure many other people) point of view on it. I also think it's somewhat arguing semantics and taking things a little too literally considering what it is, which is harmless team spirit and pride for something they are a part, even if in the smallest of ways... whether it's because they're alumni, a resident of columbus, or ohio, or even because they have family that live in Ohio, or they live in a Big Ten college area, or whatever remote connection imaginable. I don't think people are claiming any responsibility for the win, I think they're basking in the reflected glory. We do it during Olympics, World Cups, or even something small like a family member graduating or getting married. People get enthusiastic and proud for things that they had little to no impact on all the time, and being proud of your school making it to the finals despite many set backs is no different. Ok, I just wanted to make sure this was harmless trolling around. Now that we know where everyone stands, we can go back to having fun: I don't understand hating a school in some of the same ways you don't understand why anyone would identify with a school. Like i mentioned above, I can concede that it's a fair point that no, the vast majority of proud fans did nothing directly to aid the team in whatever success they had... but on the other hand, what part did OSU play in your life to earn your ire? Did Brutus Buckeye seduce you in a bar and Cosby you in a nearby hotel, buckeyes deep, no lube? Is your name Inigo Montoya, and the OSU marching band killed your father, and they must now prepare to die? In short, I'm trying to understand why it's not total hypocrisy to tout the relative non-involvement of fans being irrelevant to OSU football, and at the same time, toot your bitter sad little horn of hatred of OSU anything for a team that has had zero direct involvement in your life. At least we have the excuse of being merely guilty of silly enthusiasm and petty team/regional loyalties. what excuse do you have for being a dick butt?
  8. Ok before "we" go further, I need to know if you're just trolling for shits and giggles and won't take anything I say personally, or if you're actually some butt hurt old man who hates sports or the buckeyes or people on your lawn or whatever else. So what's the deal? You trolling or you being a pissy old dick butt?
  9. We made the play offs, beat the number one seed, all after dropping 2 heisman candidate qbs. I'd say we are beyond choking and losing... Winning would be just icing on an already excellent cake.
  10. Congrats buddy! It seems like it was just yesterday, but we had our first almost 6 months ago. Enjoy it, even the shitty parts.
  11. handing out baguettes and cheese plates on the front lines.
  12. if you want to sell the bike, you need to have it up on cycletrader or wera classifieds. you'll have some luck with craigslist (but that more hassle than its worth due to the spammers and low ballers), and posting it on triumph forums or other national bike forums (i think sportbikes net is still around and many others). good luck!
  13. they are either juliets or x metal xx. i am going to guess xx though since they look bigger than my juliets. please don't trade those in. ever.
  14. b-b-b-but AK's and AR's are really fun to shoot. why do you have really fun things? why do you hate murrica, brah?
  15. I spend enough time on here without busting out my 14400 modem and logging onto some damn bbs, ok? Gawd
  16. I had a rage boner that entire time. I was THIS close to calling a doctor, but it went down before the 4 hours was up after the game ended.
  17. There is no forum to forum issue other than you going to AFJ the day you got banned here and crying about OR like SUCH a little bitchface. Actually, it's little shits like you that promote the forum problems. Tell us about this business of yours. I can tell you're dying to brag about it to anyone who will listen.
  18. it was a pretty amazing game. i dont care for some of the over excited buckeye fan posts (mine included lol), but some of the bama fans were pretty insufferable too, especially pre and during the game. humble pie, served.
  19. AFJ is mostly full of excellent people, much like OR. I never understood the whole behaving like a complete twat on one forum and then turning around and being a perfectly fine human being on another while wondering aloud why they get treated differently at each place.
  20. i'm getting ready to throw a little pizza party for my dudes here, so i don't have time to go searching for it, but i'm sure you're capable of doing an advanced search with you as the author and "gun rights" and check "show posts". start from the earliest posts and work your way forward and i think the change will be apparent. you've gone as far as responding with a "I can change my mind on these things" when we hashed this out before. that is actually perfectly fine by me since you're at least dropping the false pretenses.
  21. i wish i had more swords so i could buy this... but i only have 2. so sad.
  22. nah, he claimed to be a staunch ron paul libertarian and then flip flopped to liberal, which is a big part of what drew much ire. there were many other things like mocking the death of military heroes, stating that war vets deserve no recognition because they did it for a paycheck and benefits, and many other wonderful things i'm forgetting about. he also used to claim to support gun rights even though he personally didn't like them, but he's given that up too. truly, a man of principles and conviction.
  23. are you here to stay, or are you here to be a little bitch again, and then go crying to AFJ about the big bad meanies at OR?
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